The day before the Dragon Boat Festival, the Gu family was preparing for the festival.

The Gu family hung mugwort on all the doors and windows of the house, big and small, early in the morning, so that every clean and white Gu family was filled with the fragrance of mugwort.

The Dragon Boat Festival is the best time for mugwort. Every household will plant some mugwort in front of and behind the house, and in the corners of the fields. After harvesting, in addition to hanging it up, the remaining mugwort will be dried for use.

When people are born, married, cold, or have a cold, they will bathe in mugwort water, which is both a custom and a cure.

As the saying goes, ten years of mugwort is worth a thousand gold. The Gu family went to cut a bunch of them early in the morning and dried them under the eaves.

Since tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival, the Gu family's food has become better today. Although breakfast is still brown rice porridge with green vegetables and pickles, everyone is given a salted duck egg.

Mrs. Gu pickled dozens of duck eggs a month in advance, just for the Dragon Boat Festival. Wash the fresh duck eggs, wrap them with mud mixed with salt water and wood ash, and then dip them in a layer of bran. Put them in a jar and wait for a month before taking them out to make salted duck eggs.

As soon as Gu Liang came to the table, he saw the salted duck eggs on the table and immediately took one in his hand. After so long, he didn't even blanch eggs, let alone this fragrant salted duck egg.

Crack the tip of the duck egg shell, peel a small hole, and the white egg white is exposed inside. Take a small bite, and the soft, glutinous, salty and fragrant taste instantly fills the mouth. But the essence of salted duck eggs is not the egg white, the real essence is the egg yolk. Gu Liang took out a chopstick and inserted it into the egg shell. With a little force, an orange-red oily liquid broke out of the shell and flowed out, hanging on the eggshell and even on his hands.

The oil that flowed out was the red oil of the salted duck egg. If the salted duck egg can flow out, it means that the duck egg is of excellent quality and is pickled just right, unlike ordinary duck eggs that are dry, powdery, and taste like chewing wax.

In the past, most of the salted duck eggs that Gu Liang bought in the supermarket were yellow and did not flow out of oil. This was the first time he ate this kind of oily one. He was not careful and the red oil flowed all over his hand, making him very embarrassed. Gu Liang hurriedly licked it with his mouth. After traveling through time for so long, Gu Liang wore food that was considered to be a level of eating bran and vegetables in the 21st century every day. He also understood how hard it was to get food. How could he bear to waste such good red oil.

Chen saw Gu Liang's appearance at this time and hurriedly asked him to pay attention. If outsiders saw this, he would make a fool of himself.

Gu Liang didn't care. He hadn't eaten anything good since he came here. Why should he care so much? Maybe he wouldn't even be able to eat tree bark in three years. Oh, no, it's two and a half years later.

After dinner, Gu Laohan and others discussed going to the town to attend the big market. Tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival. According to custom, there is a big market in the town every day these days.

Because it is a big market and a festival, most people will put down their work and go to the town to join in the fun. Even Chen, who has been staying at home for a long time, can't stay and prepare to go to the street together.

However, when it was time to leave, Gu Laotai was unwilling to go. She said that the pigs at home had to be fed by someone, and the chickens and ducks were easy to be stolen without anyone at home. She was unwilling to go with them no matter what.

Although there is little flow of outsiders in the countryside, it is relatively safe, but there are still people in the village who are not clean, so generally someone has to stay at home to look after the house. However, Mrs. Gu had been talking about going to town to buy some needlework and cloth two days ago. Everyone felt embarrassed to not go at this time. After all, it was because everyone left that Mrs. Gu could not stay.

Just when everyone was struggling, Li came out and said that she wanted to stay at home to look after the house.

When Li said this, everyone reacted in a surprisingly consistent manner, and they all opened their mouths wide, wondering if they had heard it wrong.

Everyone in the family knew that for Li, wherever there was delicious food, there was her. If it weren't for Mrs. Gu to control her intake, she could eat the meals of two men by herself. This time, she went to town for the festival, and there was so much food, but she actually took the initiative to say that she would not go.

So when Li said that she would not go, everyone was stunned, and no one said anything.

Chen, who was always quiet and gentle, asked first this time: "Sister-in-law, there is a big market in this town, are you really not going? Aren't the fried cakes at the market your favorite?"

Li's husband Gu Changan was also shocked at this time. He touched Li's forehead and asked: "Wife, you don't have a fever. Mother always says that you are a hungry ghost, and you always say that you are not full. Is it possible that the hungry ghost in your body has starved to death?"


I am just a hungry ghost. I am worried about my mother. It has been a long time since I went to town. As a daughter-in-law, I can't care about my mother. Besides, what's wrong with me staying at home. "Li pinched her husband and said loudly beside him.

Old lady Gu stared at Li, always feeling that the second daughter-in-law was weird today. Usually there must be food. Not to mention that her daughter-in-law never remembers her mother-in-law, I guess her mother doesn't even remember her. Today, she remembered her mother-in-law. Old lady Gu stared at Li again and asked Li if she really wanted to stay at home?

Li was a little scared when being stared at by Old Lady Gu, for fear that Old Lady Gu would think she had ulterior motives. She didn't dare to look at her eyes and smiled a little panicked and said, "Mom, just go, I'm at home. "

Old Lady Gu didn't think much about it, thinking that Li had changed her personality today, so she didn't want to go. You have to go to the market early, and since you have decided to go, you have to set off quickly, otherwise you will miss the good goods.

In a short while, the whole Gu family packed up and prepared to go out. Before leaving, her husband Gu Changan turned back again and again to ask Li if she really didn't go. Li said three times that she really didn't go, and everyone really went out.

Before they went far, Gu Liang's father Gu Changping joked to his younger brother that it seemed that his sister-in-law had really changed. But before he finished speaking, he heard Li shouting in her loud voice: "Sister-in-law, remember to bring me some fried cakes with more green onions. "

Li is quite good at finding someone to take the food. It's hard to say whether it's Old Lady Gu or Old Man Gu. Her husband is easy to forget, but this sister-in-law is considerate and kind-hearted. If she is asked to bring the food, she will definitely bring it back to eat.

After the voice came, everyone laughed and said that this was the real Li. It seems that she stayed at home just because she felt that the town was too far away and she was too lazy to walk. Gu Changping hurriedly said jokingly: "My sister-in-law used to be greedy, but now she is better. Laziness is greater than greed."

Just after Gu Liang and the others walked away, Li looked at the door again and again. After confirming that the group had walked away, she quickly bolted the door and went into the house.

As soon as she entered the house, Li took out a piece of cloth and hurried into the kitchen to open a jar. It was filled with salted duck eggs that were still being pickled.

At this time, Li thought to herself: "Hehe, my mother-in-law is not at home, and no one will find out if I secretly take a few salted duck eggs back to my mother's house."

"A few for my father, a few for my mother, a few for me, a few for my brother and sister-in-law, and a few for my nephews and nieces. "

Li said as she took the eggs out of the jar. After taking them out, she found that half of the eggs were missing. Her mother-in-law would definitely notice it, so Li prepared to change the way of taking them: "One for dad, one for me; one for mom, one for me; one for brother, one for me; one for sister-in-law, one for me; one for nephew and niece, one for me..."

"This is much more reasonable!" Li thought proudly: "This way, my mother-in-law shouldn't be able to see that there are some missing. "

Li peeled off the layer of mud and rice bran that covered the salted duck eggs, and then refilled the jar so that the jar was almost full.

After finishing, Li put the salted duck eggs into a bamboo basket, which she prepared to take back to her parents' home tomorrow. In the morning, she saw that the duck eggs that Gu Liang ate were sizzling with oil, and she had the idea to take some of these good things back to her parents' home. It happened that the whole family of Gu's family was going to the town to attend the market, so it just gave her the opportunity to stay at home and secretly take them out and hide them.

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