"Oh, it's over, it's over, Liuzhou is over!"

"I heard that the rebels are now attacking Linzhou. I'm afraid they will attack Jiangzhou soon!"

In the early morning, two brothers, Li Erniu and Zhang Dazhuang, led the donkey cart and carried the body to the cemetery to tell Lin Feng the news they had heard.

"So fast!?"

Lin Feng was a little shocked when he heard what they said. Are those rebels really going to kill gods and Buddhas if they stop them?

"That's not true. Some wealthy families in the city have already started to rent a boat with their families and prepare to run north!"

Li Erniu looked extremely distressed. People like them who were eating from the government could not run away even if they wanted to.

"Hehe, they run pretty fast."

Lin Feng laughed speechlessly. It seemed that it was the same thing in his previous life.

Whenever there is a war somewhere, the rich and powerful will definitely run away first.

"Come on, we can't run away, why are you talking so much?"

Zhang Dazhuang seemed upset and shouted directly at Li Erniu.

"Oh, that's not the case. If we go elsewhere, we will just wait to die. We won't be hungry here in Luohe City..."

Lin Feng grabbed the body and dragged it towards the cemetery. The news of Liuzhou's fall was not that important to him.

The real headache was for Li Yanbing, who had just taken power. She received news of the fall of Liuzhou in the middle of last night.

For this reason, he didn't sleep at all all night, but kept mobilizing personnel and arranging city defense matters.

Because the entire Luohe City was captured in one fell swoop yesterday, the city defense army was also greatly affected, and for a while, they were unable to form combat effectiveness at all.

Of course, Li Yanbing didn't really count on these ordinary soldiers. In the middle of the night, the walls of Luohe City were replaced by soldiers wearing heavy black armor.

Even the gates of the city were guarded by two heavily armored paper men. According to Li Yanbing's orders, these people prevented any weirdos and weirdos from approaching Luohe City.

As for the ordinary servants and subordinate staff, they were not affected at all and continued to work according to their previous habits.

"Sir, the palm prints of the Guisi from the six cities including Jinhua City and Mingyan City have arrived!"

Li He reported this to Li Yanbing, who was busy arranging many matters in the town.


Perhaps because he was a controller, Li Yanbing couldn't tell how tired he was at this time. After hearing the report, he stood up and walked towards the side hall.

"I've met Mr. Li!"

When they saw Li Yanbing coming in, all the secret agents from other towns who came here saluted her.

If they were still disdainful before arriving, their attitude turned into shock and caution when they arrived at the gate of Luohe City.

Because whether it is the heavily armored paper man guarding the city gate or the heavily armored paper man standing on the city wall, they can definitely be killed!

They didn't know the origin of those heavily armored paper figures, but such a large number was enough to show that the strength of the man in front of them was extraordinary.

"I've met you all, I won't say any more nonsense. Liuzhou has fallen and Linzhou is in danger."

"If Linzhou also falls, then it will be our turn in Jiangzhou!"

Li Yanbing didn't even sit down and directly explained his meaning to everyone present.

"Now that the imperial court is weak, the veteran general Wei Zhong who went to Liuzhou to quell the rebellion has died, and the Suppressor has also lost many real people and masters."

"If we can't unite to fight against the war, Liuzhou's present will be Jiangzhou's tomorrow soon!"

After hearing what Li Yanbing said, a secret agent from Jinhua Town said directly: "Master Li, just tell us what we should do. It is no secret that the situation is endangered now, and the Secretary Secretary has also ordered us to cooperate!"

Li Yanbing was stunned when he heard that the other party was on the road like this, and then he realized that these people must have seen the heavy-armored paper figures he had arranged, so they became so honest.

"Okay then, take over the spies in each town and follow my command. I will send people to help you suppress the spooky troubles in the territory and clean up all kinds of restless little people!"

"As soon as this is completed, gather troops to the south and prepare to resist the Liuzhou rebel attack!"

But this was exactly what she wanted, so Li Yanbing gave them the order directly.

No matter what, Jiangzhou cannot continue to be as scattered as before, otherwise it will become a mess before the rebels come over!




Soon these people quickly left Luohe City, leaving with them Li Yanbing's silver medal magician and the heavy-armored paper man.

"Li He, please pay attention to the news coming from everywhere. In addition, all the spies caught during the suppression will be imprisoned in the spies to wait for disposal!"

"Subordinates obey orders!"

In the D-shaped cemetery, Lin Feng noticed the movement of the heavy-armored paper man and couldn't help but laugh.

"Hehe, we really made a big move to suppress the Spies!"

For him, this is a good opportunity to take advantage of troubled waters. It is extremely easy to secretly get some valuable tricks through the heavy-armored paper man!

"But that woman is really resolute and does what she says. Only one thousand of the three thousand heavy-armored paper men are left in Luohe City, and the rest are used to support other cities."

Li Yanbing's phenotype is obviously not just to save the world. From her control of Luohe City, it can be seen that her ambition is not small.

But this is also a good thing for Lin Feng. After all, the stronger the opponent's power and the larger the territory they control, the more various items they can collect.

Now Lin Feng is very much looking forward to harvesting a few more hundred-year-old dark wood coffins and underworld pottery bowls. Without these things, the growth rate of the Xiugui, Puppet, and Thousand-faced Paperguis is really too slow.

"Woof woof~"

Suddenly several dogs barked. Lin Feng raised his head and looked outside, and found that the person coming was the familiar "Yanwei" Bai Yuanlong.

"Brother Lin, you are so happy, you are actually drinking tea here!"

“Just coarse tea”

Lin Feng pointed to the small bench next to him and motioned for him to sit wherever he wanted.

"Haha, this tea tastes good!"

Bai Yuanlong sat down, drank a cup of tea, and then praised him sincerely.

"You're not here to drink tea with me, are you?"

Lin Feng didn't care whether he was telling the truth or a lie. He took a sip of tea and asked him.

"That's not true. There is a notice in the city saying that those who open up wasteland outside the city will be exempted from taxes for three years. There are also those who are recruiting soldiers. If they are soldiers, they will be given money and food to help settle their families."

Bai Yuanlong seemed to say it casually, but Lin Feng felt that he had some knowledge after hearing it.

"You want to be a soldier?"

Lin Feng looked at him with a strange look. Although he didn't know who this guy was, the two of them had been getting along for a while.

"A good man has his ambitions in all directions, so naturally he cannot be trapped in a small space all his life!"

Bai Yuanlong said something rather heroic, looking like a passionate and ambitious young man.

"Oh, then go ahead. I hope you become a general one day and don't forget about me, an ineffective tombkeeper."

Lin Feng nodded seriously and then said to Bai Yuanlong with encouraging eyes.

"...Of course I won't forget this. So brother Lin, let's say goodbye now. See you later in the journey!"

After hearing Lin Feng's unhesitating words, Bai Yuanlong suppressed all his words.

In the end, he could only stand up and salute Lin Feng with his fists clasped, leaving behind such words, and then strode straight out of the cemetery.

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