Then these patterns began to emerge like a slide show, showing the life of the corpse.

Born in a poor family when he was young, he ran away from home when he was a teenager.

After suffering a lot in the city, he joined a gang. He was brave and fierce in order to fight for territory, and cheated and deceived in order to drink and have fun. In the end, he learned the ape-demon stick technique by giving his younger sister to the elders of the gang as a concubine.

But when he reached middle age, his strength declined and he was no longer able to fight. In the end, he was assassinated by the younger generation in his own gang.

"Growing corpses does not ask about the past, and raising ghosts does not solve thousands of difficulties"

"Fighting fiercely in youth, dying in middle age, this is an inferior corpse"

"If you ask how much this corpse is worth, only the magic ape stick technique can be used"

"The corpse has been grown, and I have gained some inspiration"

Lin Feng had just finished reading the life of this corpse when a ball of light appeared on the page, and then the ball of light turned into starlight and dissipated and was absorbed by his body.

"Is this the Ape Demon Stick Technique?"

Lin Feng's hand holding the hoe suddenly waved, and at this moment the hoe in his hand seemed to grow on his body, allowing him to swing it at will.

Lin Feng stopped and looked at his hands in disbelief.

Not long ago, his impression of the hoe was only digging the ground.

And now how to use the stick is like his instinct, and every move of the Ape Demon Stick Technique has been integrated into his body, and he can do it at will.

"System? Plugin?"

Lin Feng's eyes lit up, and his heart surged instantly. In this way, he finally had the confidence to survive in this world!

But in his mind, the pages of the book were still turning, and the content of the corpse planting chapter was over, followed by the raising ghost chapter.

"The body died but the soul is not extinguished, all because of anger, stupidity, resentment, and hatred, buried in the Feng Shui treasure cave, the pivot of heaven and earth, planting human bodies, raising evil ghosts..."

It mainly talks about how to raise ghosts, and you can raise ghosts by finding suitable corpses to plant.

What Lin Feng felt most incredible was that the ghosts raised in this way could actually be used by him!

But the things mentioned above, such as the Feng Shui treasure cave, dragon vein grave soil, century-old Shenyin wood, soul-nourishing incense, and rice for offering to gods, which can accelerate the growth of the ghost, suddenly made his eyes dark.

Because he had never even heard of it, let alone get it.

However, there is another way, which is to catch the ready-made ghost, restrict and decompose it through various methods, and finally become the nutrients of the ghost in his hand, and strengthen the strength of the ghost!


After reading these contents, Lin Feng instantly felt that his waist and legs were no longer sore, and it seemed that he could continue to do the job of the gravekeeper!

Of course, the most important thing is that this world is too dangerous. The entire Great Xia Dynasty is in turmoil, and natural disasters and ghost disasters are constantly everywhere. The people are displaced and the bones are exposed in the wilderness.

At present, he has no good place to go, so he might as well stay here and be his gravekeeper!

With such a plug-in, he should be able to save his life as long as he is careful.

After figuring this out, Lin Feng picked up the hoe and walked towards the wooden house.

The work of the gravekeeper is different every day, sometimes more, sometimes less, all depending on how many nameless bodies there are to be buried in and outside the city.

The old cripple was already lying on a chair in the gravekeeper's yard.

This old guy is a smart guy. His predecessor, Goudan, worked hard every day to get enough food, and he was willing to save some food from his own rations for Goudan to eat.

The two formed a wonderful relationship. The old cripple was responsible for dealing with those difficult officials, and Goudan was responsible for doing the work.

"You're back"

The old cripple asked him without opening his eyes when he heard the noise.


Lin Feng responded, then went to the water tank to wash his face and hands, and then took out a cake and ate it with cold water.

After eating and drinking, he said hello to the old cripple and left with the hatchet.

There is also a cemetery behind the gravekeeper's wooden house, but because it is close to the mountain, there are many trees around.

Lin Feng found a relatively straight cypress tree here, and then chopped it down directly with a knife.


The cypress tree was cut down with a few cuts, and the extra branches were removed, the bark was torn off, and the burrs were cleaned.

A wooden stick as thick as a wrist was quickly formed. Lin Feng tried it and found that the weight and length were quite good.

So he swung it directly. The Ape Demon Stick Method emphasizes a strong force and a forward movement, like a madman.


Although the quality of the wooden stick in his hand is not very good, at this time Lin Feng only feels that the stick seems to be a part of his body.

The six basic skills of the stick, the stick, the stick, the stick, the stick, the stick, and the stick are used in a thousand different ways in his hands.

After playing a whole set of the Ape Demon Stick Method, Lin Feng felt that he was sweating all over, and at the same time, he had an indescribable sense of pleasure.


"I'm afraid this stick method has been perfected. Seven or eight ordinary people can't get close to it at all."

"But facing the ghost, this method has no effect at all..."

Stop the action, wipe the hot sweat on his forehead, and Lin Feng's excitement gradually subsided.

Although this stick method is already quite good in his opinion. But it was not ranked in the "Growing Corpses and Raising Weird Scriptures".

The corpse of the warrior was actually directly rated as inferior, so the things grown from it were naturally not very good.

"Forget it, let's go back first"

Lin Feng knew that some things could not be rushed, and now he was still the dull and honest Goudan.

He should continue to be his gravekeeper, slowly growing corpses and accumulating strength.

If you show too much, it might cause trouble. It's better to hide until your strength is low.

Lin Feng returned to the wooden house with a stick and a machete, and sat on a chair to rest.

In the afternoon, when the sun was setting, the two officers came with a donkey cart again.

"This unlucky guy stole into the Wang family. Hey, he was obsessed with money. After being caught, his legs were broken on the spot. In the end, he died of pain before he could be interrogated."

The black cloth covering the body was lifted, and a body with bloody legs appeared in front of Lin Feng.

The officer next to him seemed to know the ins and outs of the matter, and he talked about it while chatting with the old cripple.

Lin Feng felt relieved when he heard this. Now he really didn't dare to touch those bodies who died inexplicably.

He also dragged the body to the open space in the cemetery. He had already done the job of digging a pit to bury people quite skillfully.

Lin Feng waved the hoe and kept dropping it, and soon a pit was dug out.

Throw the body into the pit and bury it hastily. The corpse planting is complete.

The "Corpse Planting and Trickster Sutra" in his mind was opened again, and then the life of this gentleman on the beam was presented in front of Lin Feng like a slide show.

He was born in an ordinary family when he was young, but later he became an orphan in a fire.

So he wandered among beggars and gangs, and by chance he learned a light skill, so he became a thief.

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