To the east of Luohe City, a large group of ragged disaster victims were slowly moving towards this century-old city.

These disaster victims were pale and thin, their hair was sticky, and they smelled bad. Their eyes were dull and they just moved their feet mechanically and numbly.

If they encountered suitable wild vegetables and tree barks along the way, someone would immediately rush over and pull them out and stuff them into their mouths.

Hunger, disease, despair and pain completely turned people into irrational beasts.

And now Luohe City has become the last hope in their eyes.

This year's drought is more serious than in previous years. It is no longer limited to a certain state. More than a dozen states in the east and south have been greatly affected.

Among this group of disaster victims, several men and women dressed like disaster victims are also mixed in.

However, their purpose is completely different from that of ordinary disaster victims who are only concerned about survival. Instead, they repeat the most simple words.

"Everyone is working harder! We are about to reach the border of Luohe City!"

"There is a river over there! There is food!"

"I heard that the crops there are good, even ordinary farmers have food and drink, and there are surplus grains to sell!"


As these words reached the ears of the victims, their originally numb eyes finally had a little light.


"I heard that a large number of victims from Jinzhou in the east have come again."

"That's right. The last time the victims made trouble for several months before they were driven away. This time, it may take even longer!"

"We must hurry to buy some food and take it back. The city may be in chaos again with the arrival of the victims."

In a simple tavern in Luohe City, Lin Feng, who had just finished a job of digging a pit to bury people, was drinking here.

Listening to the conversation of the drinkers at the next table, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel some complicated emotions in his heart.

The predecessor was the last batch of victims in their mouths. The difficult road to make a living left a deep impression on the predecessor.

This era is far inferior to the previous life. Human power is so small. In the face of natural disasters, the only choice is to escape except passively bearing them.

However, people who leave their hometowns often have a very difficult time surviving in the strange world outside. It is normal to die in a stinky ditch or be eaten by wild dogs one day.

"I should also buy some food to go back. It is best to be prepared."

Thinking of this, Lin Feng drank the coarse wine in the cup in one gulp, then paid the bill, and then walked towards the shop selling rice.

It has been four days since he went into the city to rescue people last time. The murder of the third young master of the Wang family has caused a big fuss, and it has not stopped until now.

If he hadn't been very clear about the way the Zhengui Division handled the case and cleared the traces he left, he might have been caught by the Zhengui Division's divine arrest.

Of course, Lin Feng is not particularly afraid of this now. According to what he knows, the strongest Zhengui Division in Luohe City is only a master-level master.

As for the Wang family, it seems to be related to a certain Yugui family, but Lin Feng is not particularly clear.

He had found time to secretly bury the body fragments of the third young master of the Wang family that he had taken away that day.

But the other party was actually a real idiot in the Wang family, and didn't know much secret information at all.

"Today's grain has been sold out!"

"Go, go, don't push! Don't push! It's closed, it's closed!"

But what made Lin Feng speechless was that he just came to the rice shop and saw a group of people crowding in front of the shop, and the waiter impatiently sent those who came to buy grain out.

"What's sold out? You're lying with your eyes open!"

"That's right, there's plenty of grain in the shop!"

"Swindler, not only did you raise the price, you're not selling it now!"


The people surrounding the shop kept cursing, and it was obvious that they couldn't get away with a few words.

But just as they were making a fuss, several strong men quickly ran out of the shop. Each of them wore a coarse cloth shorts and held a jujube wood stick as thick as a wrist, just like a gangster.

"Hey, this bunch of unruly people, do you still dare to force buying and selling?"

"I'm going to say this today, whoever dares to step over this door, I promise to beat out all his overnight rice!"

The leading man with a leopard head and round eyes spitted and said loudly.

Seeing this scene, the timid people retreated directly and prepared to go to other rice and grain shops to buy grain.

Lin Feng was also bored. He never liked to get involved in such things, so he followed others to other shops.

"How can people live in this day and age!"

"Fuck, yesterday a pound of grain cost five copper coins, today it costs eight, and it's not for sale!"

"This fucking world, is it trying to force us to death?"


Amidst the complaints, Lin Feng came to another shop, which was also crowded with a lot of people, but at least it was still selling grain normally.

So Lin Feng squeezed in from the outside. With his body skills, others couldn't squeeze him at all, and soon he came out with a small bag of brown rice.

This half bag of brown rice only weighed 30 jin, but it cost him half a tael of silver.

And even so, it was not that he didn't want to buy more, but that the grain was unwilling to sell more. In addition, there were other people around him who were scrambling to buy grain, so Lin Feng let it go.

Carrying a sack of sackcloth out of the city, Lin Feng looked at the yellow-brown scene outside the city and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

There are canals around Luohe City for irrigation, and it's still this scene. You can imagine how miserable other places are.

"Forget it, this is not something I should care about..."

Lin Feng shook his head and walked towards the cemetery. He was just an ordinary gravekeeper. It was better to leave these matters of concern for the country and the people to those in high positions.

On the other side, in the courtyard of the wealthy Wang family in Luohe City.

Li Chengsong, the silver medal detective in charge of this case, looked extremely ugly at this time.

The Wang family, who were originally extremely polite to him, became more and more unreasonable as he had not gained much in the past two days.

Especially the mother of the third young master of the Wang family looked at him as if she was seeing an enemy.

Coming out of the Wang Family Courtyard, Li Songcheng greeted his subordinates with an ominous face: "Let's go have a drink, who cares about this damn thing!"

"Boss, if we do this, we might annoy the Wang family?"

A close agent beside him reminded him cautiously.

"I'm afraid of the ball. No matter how powerful the Wang family is, can they still intervene in our efforts to suppress the traitors?"

Li Songcheng's face darkened and then he glared at him.

"Yes, yes, but, boss, we'd better report it to Mr. Xia. The person who did this can take away all the traces and corpses. I'm afraid it's not ordinary people."

"Even if we want to let it go, we still have to prepare a good excuse. If that doesn't work, we have to find a scapegoat. Anyway, there are quite a few wanted criminals on the loose in the yamen..."

The agent's quick thinking quickly persuaded Li Songcheng.

Li Songcheng also understood that what he just said was just angry words. As long as they were still making a living in Luohe City, they could not avoid dealing with the Wang family.

Because the power of the Wang family in this city is not much weaker than that of Zhenguisi!

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