There was nothing special about the corpse on the donkey cart. Lin Feng buried it quickly and gained a stonemasonry skill.

According to Lin Feng's experience these days, the things grown from different corpses can be roughly divided into the following categories.

The first category, the most common is various third-rate martial arts, which are the common stuff that is widely circulated in the world.

If you master one of these martial arts and practice it to a proficient level, you can become a third-rate master in the world.

Most of the martial arts that Lin Feng obtained by growing corpses are of this type. Now he not only masters various swords, guns and sticks, but also a lot of fists, feet and body movements.

These martial arts cannot be said to be very brilliant, but they emphasize practicality!

The second category is more advanced, such as hunger-enduring kung fu and pine-crane health-preserving kung fu that can practice internal strength.

However, this kind of kung fu is not only small in number, but also slow in effect, and requires continuous accumulation of internal strength to gradually become stronger.

Fortunately, Lin Feng can sometimes directly obtain internal strength by burying corpses, which makes his internal strength practice progress quite quickly.

Otherwise, if he only relied on himself to cultivate his internal strength through eating, drinking or training, who knows how long it would take.

The third category is various craftsmanship, such as the carpentry skills he has mastered, and now he has acquired a stonemasonry skill.

Lin Feng will never despise these skills, and even cares more about them than acquiring a third-rate kung fu.

Compared with third-rate kung fu that can only fight and kill, these skills are the foundation of life that can change life!

The last type is to grow various ghosts, but unfortunately there are not many corpses that can directly grow ghosts.

After dealing with the corpse, Li Erniu and Zhang Dazhuang did not rush to leave, but chatted with Lin Feng on the side.

"Brother Lin, we heard that a large number of refugees from the east are about to arrive. Luohe City will probably cause a lot of trouble at that time."

"So I'm afraid that we won't be able to do work in other places during this period. Brother, don't run around. If there is trouble, we will have to clean up the mess..."

As the city's police, the two of them have good information channels. They probably heard some rumors when they told Lin Feng like this.

"Okay, I know!"

Lin Feng nodded. Combining what he heard and saw, the things the two brothers said are probably going to happen.

"That's good. It's not easy to live a stable life these days. I don't know how many days Luohe City can live in peace?"

Zhang Dazhuang turned around and left with the donkey cart, and Li Erniu followed behind with a thin body like a bamboo pole.

Lin Feng listened to their words and sighed in his heart. This matter has become known to everyone. If there is no one behind the scenes to add fuel to the fire, Lin Feng will never believe it.

But as I said, he shouldn't worry about the world's major events. He is just an ordinary gravekeeper.

Lin Feng picked up the hoe and returned to the gravekeeper's yard, then started to work with the hatchet.

He had cut some dead trees from the mountain in the past two days, and planned to use the wood to make some simple furniture, after all, the room he lived in was too simple.

There was nothing else in the room except a short couch, a chair and a bench.

Lin Feng planned to make a table and other furniture, and also wanted to make a more comfortable bed.

"Dong Dong"

The dull sound of chopping wood sounded in the yard, and spread far to the cemetery farther away.


Two days later, outside Changshou Town, which was not too far from Luohe City, a large number of refugees who came here had a violent conflict with the officers and soldiers guarding here.

"Run! Squeeze in! Only by squeezing in can you survive!"

"These dog officials want to force us all to death!"

"Fight them!"

"Dad! I want revenge! Ah!"



The soldiers and townspeople here guarded the gate and wall of Changshou Town to prevent the refugees from entering. After all, the number of refugees was really terrifying.

Standing on the wall, it was a large black mass. If they were put in the town, it would be all over!

But the refugees who were driven crazy by hunger, illness, and despair would not do it.

At this time, they climbed up the wall with red eyes and hit the gate of Changshou Town.

The soldiers and young men guarding the town also took up weapons to stop them, but blood was immediately seen on both sides.

This would definitely scare a group of people at ordinary times, but now the blood not only did not have a deterrent effect, but made the refugees even crazier.

Refugees climbed up the wall and squeezed into the gate without caring about their lives. They were even so crazy that they bit anyone they saw and stuffed food into their mouths.

Soon the gate of Changshou Town was smashed, and groups of refugees poured in. The whole town was in chaos, with cries everywhere, and the whole Changshou Town quickly fell.

The ordinary refugees turned into mobs after being baptized by blood, and burning, killing and looting became their instincts.

"Dad! Mom!"

"Boom~ crackle~"

As a house in Changshou Town was set on fire, the fire soon started, and the whole town began to be shrouded in thick smoke.

"Hahaha, food! There is really food here!"

"Move away quickly! Move away!"

Someone had told them that as long as they entered the territory of Luohe City, they would have food and shelter. Now the food looted from Changshou Town immediately made all the refugees extremely excited.

However, it was obviously impossible for such a town to satisfy everyone's hungry stomachs. More refugees chased the escaping officers and soldiers towards Luohe City.

The officers and soldiers who were originally responsible for defending here had already fled in all directions after the town was broken. They would not fight to the death with these crazy refugees.

"The dog officer on horseback is going to run away!"

"Stop him! We must not let this dog officer escape!"

"Drive! Drive! Tread!"

Zhang Xuan, the captain of Luohe City's military force, felt that he had suffered eight lifetimes of bloodshed.

He never thought that just guarding a town could be attacked by refugees, and each of these refugees looked like monsters.

The arrows and swords originally in the hands of the soldiers were of little use now. After seeing the blood, the refugees looked more like some kind of humanoid ferocious beasts, able to rush towards them without fear of death.

He, a young captain, had never seen such a battle before, and he immediately chose to run away after the town gate was breached.

If he were slower, he might be eaten clean by those hungry refugees. Who knows if these hungry refugees would dislike his meat?

"Drive! Drive!"

"Run! Run!"

Zhang Xuan spanked the horse's butt desperately. Horses were extremely important strategic materials these days. Among the entire army of soldiers he brought, he was the only one who had a horse to ride.

Now he used his horse power to throw away the mob behind him, and then he quickly returned to Luohe City at a gallop.

Then the news spread that a mob rebellion was about to attack Luohe City. At first, it was reported that the mob numbered only ten thousand, but as the news spread more and more, the number became more and more exaggerated.

Fifty thousand, one hundred thousand, and even some great kings among the mob. It is said that each king likes to eat children or women and children the most.

Zhang Xuan, who failed to suppress the refugees, cried bitterly to the city lord directly, deliberately exaggerating the size of the refugees several times.

On the same day, all the soldiers in Luohe City were mobilized, and the four city gates were immediately closed. It was filled with the feeling of a storm coming.

Armored soldiers filled the city wall, and people outside the city also rushed towards the city gate. For a while, everything inside and outside the city was in chaos.

In the evening, a large, dark mass of refugees arrived outside Luohe City. Facing the high and thick walls of Luohe City, these hungry refugees had no choice but to start seizing the houses and food of ordinary people outside the city.

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