
The melodious death knell sounded in the early morning, and there were faint sounds of crying from further away.

Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes from his sleep. He only slept for more than an hour last night, but he felt quite energetic now.

"The biggest change in the internal power of more than sixty years is the continuous emergence of power in the body. These internal powers circulate automatically in the body. No wonder the master heroes in martial arts stories are always described as being very different from ordinary people!"

Lin Feng stood up from the short couch and moved his body a little, feeling full of strength.


When I opened the wooden door, it was still dark outside, but the old lame man had already gotten up.

"A lot of people died last night. I heard that several cemeteries were also in bad luck. I'm afraid some of them will be busy today..."

He walked up to Lin Feng with difficulty on crutches and spoke slowly, with a blank look in his eyes.

"Well, I heard some noise last night, and I don't know if it was the refugees who were causing the trouble."

Lin Feng casually replied that the number of refugees who died last night was in the thousands at least, and the surrounding villages and villages were also greatly affected.

Although he spent some time walking around to clean up the slaves later, the range that one person could inspect was still too small.

"Alas~ I don't know when the end of these days will come!"

The old cripple shook his head and then started to make breakfast. Lin Feng also started to wash up.

Not long after, Zhang Dazhuang and Li Erniu came over with a donkey cart outside the tombkeeper's courtyard. When they saw Lin Feng, their faces were filled with sighs.

"It's so tragic. We brothers have never seen such a tragic situation since we were on duty. The gravekeepers of Bingzi, Wu, Geng, Xin and Ren are all dead."

"In addition, there are few living people left in several villages and villages outside the city. There are corpses everywhere..."

They were used to dealing with corpses, but now they all looked horrified, which was enough to show how terrifying this scene was.

"Brother Lin, this is not because we are deliberately making things difficult for you. Basically, the people in other cemeteries are gone, so most of the corpses can only be brought here to you..."

Finally, Li Erniu pointed to the corpses piled on the donkey cart and said to Lin Feng.

"It's okay, I can't blame you, I just need to be busy for a while longer today!"

Of course, Lin Feng didn't mind that there were too many corpses, so he agreed directly, and then started working with a hoe.

Li Erniu and the others unloaded the body and left. Both Lin Feng and the others had to be busy today.

Otherwise, if these bodies are left exposed, God knows what will happen tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?

On the other side, Luohe City's government soldiers were dispatched towards the east of Luohe City. This morning, Zhonglang of the Luohe City government soldiers will receive orders from the city lord to go to Changshou Town to suppress the mob.

The unlucky Captain Zhang Xuan is also among them, but most of his men and horses were lost before, and now there is no one around except a few guards.

"Sir, those refugees don't care about life and death after seeing blood. It can be said that they are very difficult to deal with. In my humble opinion, it is better to prepare more arrows!"

Zhang Xuan came to Qin Anyian, the commander-in-chief, bowed and said to him.

"Hmph, look at your potential!"

It's a pity that his proposal, in Qin Anian's opinion, is undoubtedly a method that only a frightened person can come up with.

Although they were not experienced frontier troops, they still had thousands of infantry and hundreds of cavalry under their command. They fled when faced with some refugees who could be killed with a single charge.

How could Qin Anian choose to use a large number of bows and arrows in the face of such a huge advantage? Do arrows really cost money?

"My lord, this subordinate..."

"That's enough! This time I invited an expert to suppress the scheming. No matter how fierce the other party is, it can't change the world!"

Seeing that Zhang Xuan still wanted to talk, Qin Anyian's face suddenly became unhappy.

"Back off!"


In the end, Zhang Xuan had no choice but to retreat obediently, but he had already made up his mind that he would not rush ahead this time.

"Master Qin, what the captain said actually makes some sense. There must be other forces behind this refugee disaster."

"Although our company successfully solved the problem of starving to death last night, our vitality was also severely damaged. If there are any changes in Changshou Town, I am afraid the situation will still be wrong..."

In the camp, Bai Yuanlong was also here, but he had not fully recovered at this time.

At this time, talking about this matter to Qin Anyian seemed a bit weak.

"Haha, don't worry, Baishenzai. This time I didn't set off without preparation. Before leaving, the city lord specifically told us to bring ten iron sniper armors with us!"

"With these Iron Walkers, even if some force intervenes behind the scenes, they can break a few of their bones!"

Qin Anian's expression changed slightly, and then he directly talked about this matter to Bai Yuanlong with a smile.

"Iron Walker Armor?!"

Bai Yuanlong's expression suddenly became exciting when he heard the other party's words. Only then did he understand why Su Xiao arranged for him to be involved in this task.

"That's right, it's this killer weapon. Usually, if you have one of these weapons, you can defeat a thousand enemies, and if you have ten of them, it's equivalent to an army of ten thousand people!"

Naturally, Qin Anian did not put all his hopes on suppressing the Guisi. The army also had its own inheritance, and the Tieguibu Renjia was one of them!

"Okay, then I'll feel relieved."

Bai Yuanlong's complexion gradually returned to normal, and then he squeezed out a smile and answered.

Last night, when Luohe City was about to be breached, the soldiers did not use these iron sniper armors, causing them to lose many of their agents. Even one of the divine agents fell into a deep sleep.

And now, to suppress some refugees, not only three thousand troops were deployed, but ten iron sniper armors were also prepared. If there was no conspiracy behind this, he would not believe it even if he was killed!


Lin Feng didn't know much about the situation in other places, but he was undoubtedly extremely happy now.

Just like a hard-working old farmer, fruits will grow if he keeps planting seeds. All kinds of martial arts, craftsmanship, knowledge, knowledge and inner strength are digested and absorbed by him along with the corpses he buried.

In addition to Zhang Dazhuang and Li Erniu, other officers would also bring the found bodies to him.

At first, they were worried that Lin Feng would be too busy, but they didn't expect that the speed at which they could pull the body was far less fast than Lin Feng could bury it.

From morning to dusk, Lin Feng roughly calculated that he had buried more than fifty corpses. An ordinary person would be exhausted just digging holes, but Lin Feng became more and more energetic!

"Brother Lin, you are really a strange person!"

The last corpse was buried by Lin Feng. Zhang Dazhuang and Li Erniu watched Lin Feng slowly walk out of the cemetery with a hoe, and for a moment they didn't even know what to say.

They had never seen someone who could dig holes and bury people to such an extent. Seeing the sky was an eye-opener.

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