Taking one step forward, Lin Feng found himself inside Changshou Town in the next moment.

But the scene in front of him was completely different from what he saw from the outside. There were no pedestrians coming and going, and there were no brightly lit streets.

There is only an old shop with a dim butter lamp in front of me and a dark and damp street.

What's even weirder is that Su Xiao and several other spies beside him have disappeared, and now only one person is left here.

Lin Feng moved his eyes and looked around, but he didn't find anything special.

It's like an ancient street, showing signs of dilapidation and decay everywhere, with walls made of bamboo strips and mud, moss-covered tiles and protruding eaves.

The door of the old shop in front of him was ajar, and the firelight of an oil lamp inside was dancing slightly. Through the flame of the oil lamp, one could see that there were bright wreaths placed inside the shop.

"When things go wrong, there must be a monster. You want me to go in, but I won't!"

Lin Feng tried to recall the three scattered ghosts. There is a kind of Corpse Raising Ghost Book in which those ghosts can return to the pages anytime and anywhere.

Soon the first embroidered ghost quietly appeared on the zombie raising ghost sutra, and then the puppet ghost and the gluttonous ghost returned one after another.

Upon seeing this, Lin Feng suddenly felt confident. Obviously, the weirdness here could not suppress the effect of the Corpse Raising Sutra.

"I just don't know what happened to that boy. It would be an injustice if he didn't die in vain here."

Then Lin Feng raised his head again, and the green fire quickly burned under his feet, directly illuminating the dark street.

But what surprised Lin Feng was that the strange fire under his feet suddenly went out before it expanded very far.

"Strange suppression, or is this area actually just a separate strange realm?"

Lin Feng turned around and once again focused his attention on the old shop in front of him. Now it seems that the key to the problem still lies in this aspect.

"Still you want me to come in?"

A smile appeared on Lin Feng's lips, and then the child-like glutton appeared again.

"Go and eat what's inside!"

As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking, Greedy Gui immediately got into the shop, and then a sudden change occurred.

I saw that the originally quiet and dim shop suddenly became agitated. The flame of the oil lamp burned directly with a bang, and at the same time, the wreaths in the shop also turned into twisted grimaces.

It was obvious that the gluttonous monster that entered inside broke the strange balance inside and triggered the unknown murderous pattern in the store.

It's a pity that the person who entered inside this time was not a living person but a real monster, and he still had the gluttonous monster to devour other monsters!

Faced with the overlapping ghost-faced wreaths surrounding them, the Gluttonous Ghost instantly opened its black mouth, its mouth full of sharp teeth and terrifying devouring ability, and bit directly on these ghost-faced wreaths.

The wreath that was bitten instantly began to twist and scream like a living creature, but it was eaten by the gluttonous monster within a few seconds.

Immediately afterwards, the entire store began to change crazily, with vague figures of corpses appearing on the mud walls, and the old wooden boards began to squirm.

The gluttonous monster in the shop grabbed everything around him and bit it. At this moment, he was even more ferocious than the starving monster before.

Outside the store, Lin Feng, who clearly saw the strangeness of the store, also took action directly. Xiugui and puppet guis appeared one after another around him.

Then something strange erupted at the same time and started to attack the shop. Lin Feng himself transformed into a three-headed and six-armed man who raised the Ruyi Golden Cudgel and smashed it towards the shop.

"Bang! Bang~"

Being attacked by Lin Feng from both inside and outside, the entire wreath shop was immediately overturned, and the strong smell of corpses came out from the broken walls and tiles.

The original mud wall was actually made of corpses, and even the eaves tiles were made of a large number of stacked skulls. God knows how many lives were spent on the large number of wreaths inside.

Just after Lin Feng overturned the shop, the originally dark and damp street disappeared instantly and was replaced by a brightly lit street.

The surrounding area was originally extremely lively, with people coming and going, various shops and stores open wide, and stalls and vendors actually shouting and selling.

However, after Lin Feng overturned the wreath shop, the scene suddenly became extremely silent.

Pedestrians on the street stopped one after another and turned their heads stiffly to look at Lin Feng.

Vendors on the street pushed carts and carried burdens, and began to approach Lin Feng.

Strange figures began to emerge from the surrounding shops, and the entire street instantly changed from lively to eerie.

"An evil guest is coming to our door today!"

"Please protect me from ghosts and gods!"

Suddenly, an old and hoarse shout came from the depths of the town, and then thick incense smoke emerged from the depths of the town.

The smoke rolled into the street and became blurry for an instant, and then Lin Feng saw blurry figures approaching him.

sly! They are all deceitful and manipulated slaves!

There is no need to explain or explain, the unique and eerie and biting atmosphere is enough to explain the true identity of these things on the street.

What kind of street is this? It's clearly a strange street!


Without any hesitation, Lin Feng directly exploded his power, and a large number of strange fires raged around him with him as the center.

The weak trick was instantly drawn into the trick fire and burned. Unfortunately, the trick fire did not really have the ability to kill the trick and could only suppress the weak trick.

The powerful ghosts don't care about the ghost fire, their own ghosts can suppress the burning of the ghost fire.

"Humph, demons and monsters!"

At the same time, Lin Feng also took action. The embroidered ghosts beside him released a large amount of blood-colored silk threads to trap the weak ghosts first, and the puppet ghosts resisted the sneak attacks of other ghosts from behind.

The greedy ghost was still madly eating the ghost face wreaths in the wreath shop. The original large number of wreaths have now been eaten.

In front, Lin Feng waved the Ruyi Golden Cudgel and knocked down the ghosts who dared to come forward. Hundreds of tattooed evil ghosts of all sizes jumped down from the cloak behind him to fight together!

If Lin Feng encountered such a scene before, he would definitely choose to run away directly, but now he really wants to try what kind of ghost he can deal with.


He casually pulled a ghost away, and at this time a ghost with a brazier in front of him and burning paper money in the brazier appeared in front of Lin Feng.

There was no ghost around this ghost, which was enough to show its specialness.

As Lin Feng approached, the ghost slowly raised its head. It was seen that the eye sockets of the ghost were completely empty, and there was faint blood flowing out of the eye sockets.

But the next moment, Lin Feng seemed to have fallen into a hell of fire, and there were red flames all around him.


Corpse water immediately oozed out of Lin Feng's body to prevent this strange flame from burning his body.

At the same time, he also found where he was at this time. The circular range of the flames and the huge yellow paper that kept falling from the sky all indicated that he was in that brazier at this time.

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