The next morning, just after daybreak, Li Erniu and Zhang Dazhuang pulled a donkey cart of corpses to the outside of the Dingzi Cemetery.

Lin Feng slept very late last night, so he didn't get up from his sleepy bed until the old cripple came and knocked on the door.

"It seems that something big happened in the city last night. You have to be careful today!"

Seeing that Lin Feng looked like he hadn't woken up yet, the old cripple immediately reminded him.

"Okay, I know."

Lin Feng certainly knew what happened, but he didn't care much about it.

After washing his face, Lin Feng went outside to chat with Li Erniu and the others.

"The city was in chaos yesterday. Many people died inexplicably. I heard that many places were in trouble. Later, a big hole was burned in the sky by fire..."

I don't know if it was too shocking. At this time, Zhang Dazhuang changed his usual steady appearance and kept describing what he saw and heard last night to Lin Feng.

"How can we live in this world? God is blind and there are droughts everywhere. I heard that many places have no harvest this year, and many victims have started to eat each other because of hunger!"

Li Erniu is even more pessimistic about the future. When they left the city this morning, they saw people fleeing on the road.

"There are more victims. Where did they come from? How many are there?"

Lin Feng's hands froze when he heard him say that, and then he turned his head and asked him in detail.

"This time it's in the west, but there are not many people, and I haven't heard much news."

Li Erniu thought for a while and then said to Lin Feng.


Lin Feng continued to drag the corpses off the donkey cart and then nodded slowly.

Previously it was several states in the east, and now it's in the west, so the scope of this drought is definitely terrible.

Droughts of this scale will sooner or later cause problems with food, crops, and drinking water.

If this situation continues, even Lin Feng, an outsider, knows that when natural disasters occur year after year, the world will be in chaos!

There will definitely be greater chaos in the Great Xia Dynasty. Just thinking about it is a headache.

Lin Feng suddenly remembered a sentence "The world is like a furnace, and all living beings are firewood in the furnace."

Dragging a corpse, Lin Feng slowly walked into the cemetery, but even if he knew that, what would it matter?

He could not change the status quo, nor did he have the ability to change it, and Gui could not do everything.


Waving the hoe to dig out the grave, Lin Feng threw the dead body into the pit and then buried it directly.

The moment it was buried, the corpse wanted to struggle, but Lin Feng knocked it back with a hoe. The corpse that had not even turned into a small ghost could not make any waves under his hands.

As the grave took shape, the corpse-raising ghost scripture was opened in front of him, and the life story of this person appeared in front of Lin Feng.

The owner of the corpse was of low status, and he was a night incense worker who was hated by people in Luohe City.

The so-called night incense worker is a person who has to go through the streets and alleys every morning before dawn to clean toilets and collect things from the reincarnation of grains for each household in the city.

This profession is a job that is despised by people, but even so, he still broke his head to get this job.

Not only do you have to do it yourself, but you also have to pay a share of money to the boss.

Such people naturally have a hard time surviving, but what Lin Feng values ​​about his memory is what happened before his death.

Last night, he went to work early, and before he started working, he saw a paper man walking out of the shop.

At that time, he thought he was dazzled, but then he found that his face was covered by a piece of paper, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pull it off, and he was finally suffocated to death in the alley.

"Paper man?"

"It seems that this should be the method of the origami master, but the people of the Zhengui Division didn't notice this shop at all..."

Lin Feng frowned and pondered slowly. He had buried two corpses of the Zhengui Division before and didn't know the information of the shop.

If it weren't for this night incense worker, I'm afraid he wouldn't have known about the existence of such a paper man shop.

"Paper man, origami, one of the inheritances of Tiangong Baijiang. Some special paper money, paper man, and paper horse are made from this inheritance."

"Why did they come to Luohe City? To do business? To grab territory?"

Lin Feng was still very interested in the inheritance of Tiangong Baijiang. After all, these skills were precious skills accumulated by the people of this world and the ghosts for thousands of years.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Feng walked out of the cemetery slowly with the newly gained five years of internal strength. After all, there were still a few bodies outside that needed to be buried.

"Brother Lin, let's go first. There's a lot of work in the government office today, so we have to go back first."

Li Erniu immediately said to Lin Feng when he saw him coming.

"Okay, leave it to me!"

Lin Feng naturally didn't care. He nodded and started to work again.

The other three bodies died in a similar way. They were all killed by ghosts last night, but later those small ghosts were suppressed by the Gui Zhensi and these bodies were sent to the cemetery outside the city.

"Blacksmithing skills, oh, I didn't expect that I could gain such a serious skill from an apprentice's corpse."

This time, Lin Feng's harvest was pretty good, nearly ten years of internal strength, plus a blacksmithing skill.

However, this skill is not very useful to him at this stage, just like the stone-breaking skill, there is currently no room for development.

"Now my internal strength is almost 120 years of skill, and I always feel that if it continues like this, something special will happen..."

Carrying the hoe back to the small courtyard, the old cripple had already prepared breakfast.

It was still porridge with pickled vegetables, and Lin Feng didn't pick a few bites and ate it all.

"I heard what you said just now, the west is also in chaos."

The old cripple seemed a little uncertain while eating, and then said to Lin Feng.

"That's right, there are droughts everywhere these years, and if it continues like this, Luohe City will start to lack food."

Lin Feng knew what he was worried about, after all, the last time the disaster victims fled here, it caused a lot of turmoil.

"What a sin, this God really doesn't give people a way to live!"

The old cripple sighed, and then began to clean up the dishes. He had seen so many people like him that he was a little numb.

"Woof woof~"

Wangcai on the other side came over immediately after seeing Lin Feng finish his meal. This guy was used to how Lin Feng would feed him medicine next.

"You're still open-minded. It's okay to have a stutter."

Lin Feng saw it shaking its tail like a windmill, and immediately laughed and scolded.

However, he also began to boil the medicine, using his internal force to catalyze the medicinal power of Wangcai and strengthen its muscles, bones and skin!

After doing all this, Lin Feng walked towards Luohe City. Today he was going to buy some things in the city, and he would go to the paper man shop to take a look.

This skill is much more advanced and practical than the blacksmithing skill he had acquired. If he could get his hands on it, it would be of great help to his subsequent experiments and strength improvement.

There was no donkey cart to ride this time, and Lin Feng didn't want to run too fast to attract other people's attention, so he walked leisurely on the road.

At the same time, he was also carefully observing the situation on the road. There were not many pedestrians on the main road, and he didn't see anyone like the victims of the disaster.

However, when he arrived outside the gate of Luohe City, he immediately saw the victims of the disaster gathered together by the officers and soldiers.

The number of these people was not large, probably only a few dozen people, and everyone looked disheveled and dirty.

At this time, they gathered together to pick up some waste materials around to build shacks, and it seemed that they wanted to live outside the city.

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