However, as this cold and dry voice came, Lin Feng did not see any figure in the shop.

The interior of the shop was dark, and the outlines of some pots and stoves could be vaguely seen, but the specific person who was speaking could not be seen.

"What if there is no ghost money?"

Lin Feng thought of the words of the old Taoist priest, and immediately thought that this shop might not be opened by people, but by ghosts.


As Lin Feng's words came out, the candle shop suddenly became dead silent, and after a while, the voice sounded again.

"If there is no ghost money, use your life to pay the debt. Your flesh and blood can be exchanged for three white candles!"

When these words came out, the whole shop became more and more gloomy and weird. The thick darkness in the shop was like a dam about to burst, and it seemed that it would surge out and sweep away everything in the next moment.

"Hehe, do you want my life?"

Lin Feng was stunned when he heard this, and then he remembered the role of the ghost market mentioned by the old Taoist priest.

Sell life, buy ghosts.

Selling life obviously means selling your own life, and buying ghosts is not to buy these ghosts?

"Qi and blood are like a furnace, and top-quality skin and flesh can be used to make corpse oil..."

As this voice sounded again, the tears from the red candle on the counter began to flow towards Lin Feng.

The green strange fire on the white candle also surged instantly and rushed towards Lin Feng, with the intention of burning him directly to make oil.

As for the black candle, it was still motionless, and it was obvious that the other party had no intention of using this kind of candle.

Watching the hot tears spread to his feet, a large amount of green strange fire enveloped him.

"Dare to fight with me, Old Sun! Hehe!"

Seeing that the other party was about to burn to death if he didn't agree with him, Lin Feng laughed strangely and opened his mouth suddenly to suck, and a large amount of green strange fire was instantly sucked into his stomach.

He took a step forward and stretched out his hand towards the counter, and the world in his palm opened directly, and several candles immediately fell into his hands.

"Looking for death!"

Seeing that Lin Feng dared to snatch directly, the cold and dry voice became manic.

"Bang~ Bang~"

The various pots and pans in the candle shop made a collision-like sound, and then the thick darkness in the shop instantly swept towards Lin Feng like a flood.

In just a moment, Lin Feng was pulled into an unknown area. Looking around, there was deep darkness all around, but his feet were like falling into scorching hot lava.

The air was filled with a strong smell of rottenness and grease, and the whole person seemed to be in a high-temperature, rotten, and greasy hell.


The strange fire mixed with green and red was released by Lin Feng, and it instantly illuminated the surroundings. Lin Feng looked down and saw that there was black, sticky grease rolling under his feet.

These greases seemed extremely violent under the high temperature burning, and any random splashing out was wrapped with terrible high temperature and terrifying weird breath.


At the same time, there were blurry figures struggling on the surface of the grease. They stretched out their arms, opened their mouths and kept wailing and screaming.

If it weren't for the strong Xigui and Lin Feng's own extraordinary physique, he might have completely turned into a part of the black grease in just a moment!

"Humph! How dare you plot against me, Old Sun!"

Lin Feng was really angry at the opponent's targeting, and the terrifying green-red strange fire on his body spread wildly around him.

The fierce strange fire and the black grease collided, and the two terrible strange forces began to fight fiercely.

At the same time, Lin Feng waved his hand and the greedy ghost appeared quietly behind him, and then split into ink clones one after another, and kept shouting "Eat! Eat! Eat!"

The rolling and surging black grease around began to be swallowed by them in large quantities, and immediately lost in the confrontation with the strange fire.

The strange fire itself was also undergoing crazy changes due to burning these black greases, becoming more violent and violent.

Even the color of the flames, which were originally mixed with green and red, was gradually approaching golden yellow. This was the trend of the two strange fires controlled by Lin Feng merging.


Lin Feng also attacked with the Ruyi Jingu Bang, and a huge pillar shot straight into the sky.

But soon the Ruyi Jingu Bang hit the top, and with a loud bang, the Ruyi Jingu Bang directly collided with the top.

"Big! Big! Big!"

Seeing this, Lin Feng immediately continued to inject more strange power into the Ruyi Jingu Bang, and the Ruyi Jingu Bang also surged wildly.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

The terrible collision sound continued to sound, and it seemed that it was about to pierce the sky.

"Clang~Clang~Bang! Bang!"

As Lin Feng continued to attack with the Ruyi Jingu Bang, coupled with the increasingly violent strange fire impact, a gap gradually opened above his head.

At this time, Lin Feng could see clearly where he was. It turned out to be a big black pot for refining corpse oil, and the sky above his head was just a pot cover!

"Want to turn me into corpse oil?"

"Hehe, even if Taishang Laojun's Bagua furnace comes, it won't work!"


The black oil in the whole big black pot is visibly decreasing. On the one hand, the gluttonous ghost splits into more and more clones to continuously devour, and on the other hand, these oils become nutrients for the fusion and growth of Lin Feng's ghost fire.

"There are actually two fierce ghosts!?"

"You are wasting my corpse oil! Get out of here!"

Suddenly, the cold and dry voice sounded again, and then Lin Feng felt that the surrounding environment had changed and he was outside the candle shop when he appeared again.

The candle shop that was supposed to be in front of him had disappeared, and there was only a small wooden building with no lanterns lit around it.

Seeing this situation, Lin Feng frowned. It was obvious that he made too much noise in the big black pot and was finally thrown out.

"Hmph! Don't let me, Old Sun, encounter it again!"

Having said that, Lin Feng actually got some benefits this time.

Now the strange fire on his body has become more terrifying, and even he himself feels that it is hot.

Just release a ball of strange fire, and the golden flames will instantly illuminate a large area around, which feels like holding a torch in the dark.

With the help of this ball of fire, he can see farther and see the scenes on both sides of the street more clearly.

The wooden buildings on both sides of the street now completely show their original appearance, dilapidated, old, and full of decay.


However, this ball of strange fire illuminated the surroundings and also revealed the original appearance of the pedestrians on the street.

The pedestrians who were originally in front and behind Lin Feng stopped directly under the illumination of the golden strange fire, and turned around stiffly to look at Lin Feng.

These so-called pedestrians were actually ghosts, each of which died in different ways and was filled with death.

At this time, under the influence of the golden strange fire, these ghosts seemed to be stimulated and immediately launched their own killing rules towards Lin Feng's position.

"Hehe, die! Die! Die!"

However, at this time, green-skinned greedy ghosts emerged from the surroundings, and then spit out this word at the same time with a mixed voice of various tones.

The terrible curse spread around with these greedy ghosts as the center. All the ghosts who heard the word "death" were immediately stiff in place. Obviously, the greedy ghosts were much stronger in the strange collision just now.

Lin Feng was not polite to these ghosts. He flew out pieces of red paper money to wrap these ghosts.

Then the blood-colored thread and shadow spread out at the same time, quickly bound them and pulled them into the shadow world to imprison them.

After doing all this, Lin Feng finally felt satisfied.

He just roughly counted about ten ghosts. Although most of them were big ghosts, it was more than what he had harvested in the past two days.

At the same time, Lin Feng also noticed that the black ink on the greedy ghost became more viscous, even giving people a greasy feeling. Obviously, the greedy ghost had also harvested a lot in the big black pot before.

In this way, he should thank the generosity of the candle shop. Without the other party locking them in the big black pot, how could the ghost fire and the greedy ghost become stronger?

By the way, he snatched a few candles from the other party. Lin Feng took them out and found that there were exactly three.

Among them, there were two red candles and one white candle. As for the black candle, I don’t know why he didn’t take it away.

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