It's just that Lin Feng didn't expect that this would be related to him.

However, there are bodies to bury and rewards to be received. How can he refuse such a good thing?

"I'll do it, but I don't know when?"

Lin Feng had no reason to refuse, so he nodded and agreed.

"Ha, I told you, this guy is really an honest man!"

"Today, let's go, just go with us."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the two officers were overjoyed and immediately asked him to sit on the donkey cart.


"Hey, you, you have to be careful!"

The old cripple shook his head when he saw this, but he still warned Lin Feng.

"Well, I know."

Lin Feng smiled slightly, and then followed the officers to sit on the donkey cart and rushed towards the distant Chenjiazhuang.

"Originally, the bodies of the wealthy families who died had to be kept for at least seven days, but the bodies yesterday died in such a weird way that they had to be buried earlier."

"It's a pity for the third daughter of the Chen family. I heard that she died of shock during the strange disaster. She was a famous beauty~"

The two officers talked about the whole thing.



The three people driving the donkey cart heard bursts of mourning music coming from the manor before they got close to Chenjiazhuang.

The gate of the manor was also hung with white cloth representing funerals, and people kept gathering around. Obviously, they were all people who came from all over to attend the funeral.

The two officers and Lin Feng couldn't sit in the donkey cart anymore, so they jumped off and walked.

After entering the manor, the atmosphere became much more depressed and solemn. Coffins were parked on the open space in the manor, and a group of people in mourning were crying and burning paper money.

"It's a pity for the third young lady of the Chen family!"

"Yes, I heard that the engagement was made not long ago, and this man is gone just like that."

"Fortunately, a master helped last night, otherwise the end would be miserable!"

"I heard that he is called the Great Sage Equaling Heaven?"

"That's the title."


The farmhands who were handling the funeral and the people who came to pay their respects were talking about it.

Lin Feng felt a little strange among the crowd, but after a while, the two officers took him to meet the people who were handling the funeral.

"Thank you for your trouble, gentlemen!"

The other party was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties. At this time, his face was obviously haggard, but he still cheered up and thanked them.

"No, no, you have to take care of me on weekdays. It's not a big deal for such a small matter."

The officer with a black mole on his face said a few polite words, but even so, he still had to take the red envelope.

"Just follow the funeral procession later. This is the hard work fee."

Then the thin bamboo pole errand boy said to Lin Feng and handed him a small silver ingot.

"No problem!"

Lin Feng smiled as he weighed the silver ingot in his hand. It was five taels, which was five thousand copper coins!

This was definitely a huge sum of money that his predecessor had never seen before!

"The auspicious time has come. Let's start the funeral~"

"Woo woo~clang~"

The funeral music sounded again, and a group of young men carried coffins to the back of the village.

There were quite a few people in the funeral procession, mainly because there were many dead people. A rough calculation showed that there were about seven or eight coffins.

One person scattered paper money in front, and two people held banners in the back.

The funeral music was wailing, and paper money paved the way. At the end of the team, there were people carrying paper people, paper horses, and paper sedan chairs.

Although the funeral was hasty, it seemed that everything that should be there had been prepared long ago.

The funeral procession went all the way back and soon came to a mountain forest, where old graves appeared around.

"Woo woo~ My dear daughter~"

"Mother can't bear to part with you~"

"You are only sixteen, and you have a good marriage, how come you are gone without saying anything!"


The relatives of the deceased were saying their final goodbyes, their eyes were red from crying, and their faces were full of sorrow.

Especially a woman who looked beautiful, she almost fainted from crying.

In front of her was also a white coffin, which must be the third daughter of the Chen family.

"The day is auspicious and the time is good, the heaven and the earth are open, I come to hold a funeral"

"Avoid disasters and avoid calamities, the evil spirits of heaven and earth are gone, the evil spirits of the year and month are out, and the evil spirits of the day and time are eliminated"

"The evil spirits are gone, this funeral is not an ordinary funeral, you will turn into a phoenix, and you will be rich and healthy in the next life!"

At the same time, the master of ceremonies began to sing loudly in the sound of mourning music, which indicated that the funeral was about to end and it was time to prepare for burial.

Lin Feng also stood in front of the grave, waiting for the master of ceremonies to finish speaking and the coffins were directly placed in the grave pit.

"Bang bang!"

However, at this moment, a violent banging sound suddenly sounded in the coffin!

It was obvious that the corpse in the coffin was unwilling to be buried in the ground, and it began to transform and wanted to rush out!

This frightened the young and strong men around and made them pale. They retreated one by one. At this time, there was no need to think about asking them to fill the soil.

At this time, the master of the Chen family immediately came to Lin Feng and said to him: "This young man, please let the deceased rest in peace!"


Lin Feng agreed directly, after all, he took the other party's red envelope!

After that, Lin Feng picked up the hoe and went directly to the grave and knocked on the coffin that was shaking violently!


After a muffled sound, the movement in the coffin was much smaller in a short time.

Afterwards, Lin Feng directly began to fill the surrounding loose soil into the grave. As the grave mound gradually formed, the grave was completely silent.

Then Lin Feng went to other graves one by one. The people around him were surprised to see that he just knocked on the coffin casually and the corpses became quieter. They stared at him.

Even the two guards who followed him showed a surprised expression. They really didn't expect that there was such a capable person among the gravekeepers.

But what they didn't know was that Lin Feng's knocking on the coffin was just a fake move. He sneaked into the coffin in a place where no one could see to make the corpses quieter.

After burying eight graves in a row, even Lin Feng, who had good physical strength, was sweating on his forehead.

The people buried in the first seven graves were ordinary people and Jianghu people, and he gained a lot of martial arts and miscellaneous knowledge.

Only the last grave made Lin Feng feel unusually surprised!

When he buried the last hoe of grave soil to plant corpses, the "Planting Corpses and Raising Weird Scriptures" was opened again.

A lifelike girl holding a needle and thread appeared on the blank page, as well as a series of words.

Then the pattern began to change, showing the girl's life like a slide.

She grew up at home since she was young. She was gifted, talented, and beautiful. She was very proficient in needlework.

But her health was too poor. She was weak and sickly. She lived alone in the backyard all year round and had never seen the outside world.

It seemed that the only people in the world who were connected to her were her family, and she could only understand the world through a few books.

However, not long ago, her marriage was arranged by her parents. When she was in the best years of her life, she was pushed into the water in the backyard.

In the end, she was drowned in the water without struggling. Until the end, she didn't see who pushed her into the water.

"Growing corpses does not ask about the previous life, and raising ghosts does not solve thousands of difficulties"

"The purest and purest, weaving a net, fate is hard to change"

"This is a medium-sized corpse, which can raise Chen Xiu Niang's ghost!"


"She was killed?!"

But what shocked Lin Feng at this time was this corpse, which was the cause of Hong Xiuniang's death.

From her past life, it can be seen that she would never take the initiative to cause trouble. Why would someone want to harm such a person?

Lin Feng felt something was strange. Could it be someone from her family?

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