In Xinyang Town outside Luohe City, Li Yanbing and several silver medal detectives around her were waiting anxiously.

Since she received the news yesterday that people from several villages around her had disappeared inexplicably, she hurried here.

After careful investigation, she did find some strange power remnants, but Guixiao could not find where those strange things had gone.

The only explanation is that the existence that left the strange remnants is far superior to Guixiao, so that Guixiao can't find it or dare not find it.

Facing this situation, there are really not many ways she can think of, and it is even more impossible to invite that senior because of this kind of thing.

However, just when she felt helpless, an old Taoist priest from the Su family appeared in front of her.

But now the Taoist priest has left for most of the night and has not returned yet.

"My lord, according to the Taoist priest's instructions, if he hasn't come back at dawn, we have to evacuate everyone around..."

Li He, who was beside Li Yanbing, saw that the situation was not good, so he began to remind her.

"Wait a little longer!"

Li Yanbing took a deep breath, but her eyes were still firm.


Hearing her say this, Li He could only give up, but he had already signaled the other silver-medal divine detectives around him to be ready.

In case of any changes, they can always lead people to evacuate, after all, the animal-making thief mentioned by Su Dao is not an easy character to deal with.

"Ahem, who of you can help the old Taoist? I've been busy all night and my old bones are almost broken!"

Suddenly, an old figure quietly appeared in the distance, and the old Taoist's slightly tired voice soon reached the ears of the people around.

"I'm back!"

"Master, are you okay?"

The people of Zhenguisi breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the newcomer, so they immediately stepped forward to support him.

"Ahem, you're not going to die yet!"

The old Taoist Su Fangzhi was pale at this time, and the whole person was covered with a layer of deathly gray, looking extremely haggard.

This was the result of him forcibly summoning the Taoist Master to take action. That level of weirdness is not something that can be summoned easily.

"Master, how are those villagers?"

"Yes, Master!"

It seemed that seeing that he was not in serious trouble, someone immediately couldn't help asking him.

"Alas, the old Taoist priest is incompetent. Those villagers have been marked by the pawnshop in advance by the animal-making thief. They can't leave the pawnshop until they die!"

Hearing this question, the old Taoist priest shook his head and sighed. No one in the world can steal things from that pawnshop.

Even if he barely defeated the pawnshop with the help of the Taoist priest, he couldn't erase the marks on the villagers who turned into cattle and sheep.

Those marks are weird, and they are also a curse, and they are the most terrifying robbery curse.

"Okay! Take the Taoist priest back to rest first!"

"Li He, prepare to move the people away!"

Seeing the old Taoist priest's sad face, Li Yanbing directly stopped the others from asking further. It was not easy for the other party to take risks to deal with weirdness, so how could he let people down at this time?

"Ahem, girl, there is no need to move people. The animal-making thief has been captured by someone under my watch!"

Hearing Li Yanbing's order, the old Taoist priest coughed again, but this time he said good news.


Everyone was shocked when they heard this. They had heard clearly before that the animal thief was a master!

"Thanks to a madman who came out of nowhere. If it weren't for him, I would have died in the strange city~"

The old Taoist priest was in a good mood when he thought of what happened in the strange city, and he couldn't help but make a joke.

"Master Su, who is that man? Have you asked his name?"

Hearing the old Taoist priest say this, Li Yanbing's eyes lit up instantly. She was the most interested in meeting a master.

"No, when I saw that man, I just thought he was a dangerous madman in the strange city. He dared to dig a grave on the yellow mud road outside the strange city"

"By the way, that man had a monkey mask on his face. I thought he was a big opera singer in the east, but he said he was practicing in Xinglongling now."

The old Taoist priest had a good memory. After thinking about it, he said what he knew.

If these juniors can find each other, it will be a chance.

"Could it be the Great Sage Equal to Heaven?!"

After hearing his description, the faces of the people in the Guishi Suppression Division instantly became strange.

"It should be that senior, but I didn't expect that senior to enter Guishi. Maybe he took action after hearing about what happened here!"

"That senior is indeed a great master and a role model for us!"


A series of rainbow farts were immediately slapped by everyone, and the old Taoist priest was stunned.

Why didn't he think that the other party was a master at the beginning? To let the other party help, you have to give benefits?

Of course, Lin Feng didn't know about what happened here. At this time, he had returned to the gravekeeper's courtyard.

"Bang! Bang!"


While it was still early, Lin Feng buried the body of the livestock thief and shepherd.

This thing gave him a very bad feeling. He didn't know whether it was a human or a ghost.

It was a human, but there was no fatal flaw. No matter how Lin Feng destroyed the other party's body, he could still struggle and resist.

It's not a human, but it has a clear living body. It bleeds, feels pain, speaks, and is afraid. These reactions are not possessed by Gui.

"Hua La La~"

However, as Lin Feng forcibly buried the corpse, the corpse-raising strange book in front of him was opened, and the secrets of the shepherd were presented to Lin Feng without reservation.

The first thing Lin Feng saw was a very poor thatched house of a farmer.

The shepherd was born here when he was a child. The house was leaking everywhere, and there was only a little thatch to keep out the rain.

As he grew older, the shepherd began to herd cattle and sheep and work for the landlord like other slaves' children.

He grew up in a daze until he was a teenager, and he became a dirty and smelly shepherd in everyone's eyes.

Once, two of his cows were lost for no reason, and he ran through several mountains in the dark but couldn't find them.

Finally, he was found by the landlord and dragged back and hung on the beam for a good beating.

The screams could be heard throughout the village. His blind mother couldn't bear her son's suffering, so she came to the door with some copper coins she had saved over the years to plead for mercy.

Unfortunately, her few dollars were not enough to compensate the landlord's cows. She could only be forcibly pulled aside and listen to her son screaming and crying all night long.

This time, the shepherd lost half his life due to the beating. He would have to work harder every day to pay back the remaining half of his life.

In order to make the shepherd recover as soon as possible, the blind mother worked from dawn to dusk, and she was reluctant to eat any food she got.

By the time the shepherd could move, his blind mother had starved herself to death.

After this incident, the shepherd went crazy, crying and howling in the middle of the night, running around during the day, cursing at everyone he saw, and claiming that the cows and sheep he saw were his.

Finally, he walked on a yellow mud road in the middle of the night and followed it into the strange market. There, he not only did not die, but accidentally entered the "Youjian Pawn Shop".

The living pawned when they died, and the dead pawned when they lived.

The crazy shepherd was sentenced to death, but only half of his life was pawned, and the remaining half of his life was still his.

The half of his life that was pawned brought him a kind of weirdness. From then on, there was one more animal thief in the world who could turn living people into animals.

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