Lin Feng suddenly felt quite satisfied when he saw the large gap in front of him that was bombarded by the paper man general.

"Sure enough, with the increase of hundreds of pieces of paper money, Gui's strength has reached the level of a real person."

The potential of this paper man was not weak when it was made, but in the end it is quite good to have the strength of a real person.

"With the paper generals, ten paper captains, and the remaining 7,000 heavily armored paper men, an army has basically taken shape."

"But it's best to make up for the missing three thousand paper figures tomorrow. In addition, we can also add some paper horses, chariots, siege equipment and so on."

Take this paper general back to the shadow world. Lin Feng thought about it and had something to add.

He is now in much better condition than the origami master back then, and the paper figures and horses he makes are far more powerful than his opponent.

Then it is natural to give full play to these potentials. With such a large army at hand, if we encounter any large-scale disaster, we will not be helpless.



The golden rooster croaks, the sky gradually becomes brighter, and a new day comes again.

The silver-medal detectives, who had rested all night, felt something was wrong as soon as they arrived at the Zhenguisi Yamen.

At this time, there was a heavy armored soldier who looked like an iron tower guarding the town. The closer they got to these heavy armored soldiers, the more they could feel the strange intensity emanating from these soldiers.

"Hiss~ Is this some big shot coming?"

Li Songcheng carefully took a look inside the Yamen, but he didn't see any carriages, horses, sedans or entourage.

"Why are you standing there in a daze? Why don't you come in? I'm going to take a bite soon!"

Suddenly Li He stood at the gate and shouted at him.

"I'm coming!"

Li Songcheng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him, and then he leaned over and asked him in a low voice.

"Why are there so many people in this Yamen?"

"You think they're human?"

Li He glanced at him and then asked him back.

"Is not it?"

Li Songcheng suddenly felt a thrill in his body when he thought about the feeling those heavy-armored soldiers had given him just now. Apparently, he also realized what they were.

"Of course not, this is a paper man, and he is a paper pawn comparable to a master!"

Li He looked at the change in his face and said this.

Last night's battle left a deep impression on Li He. The strength of the heavily armored paper man was definitely not something that could be made by ordinary means.

But now you have three thousand of these paper soldiers in your hands. Such a terrifying force is a big deal no matter where it is placed.

"Huh~ shut up if I don't let you speak later!"

When he came to the lobby, Li He glanced at Li Songcheng and warned him.

"Don't worry, I know!"

Li Songcheng knew that this was telling him not to speak randomly. He must have important arrangements for today.

After the two of them arrived at the lobby, there were already many silver-medal detectives and ordinary detectives waiting there.

But unlike in the past, everyone today had a tense expression and looked indifferent. The entire lobby was quiet and only the sound of footsteps could be heard.

"Everyone is here?"

"Come back, sir, everyone is here!"

"Okay, I do have important arrangements for you to come here today."

Li Yanbing glanced at the magic hunters gathered in the lobby and then spoke slowly.

"I got this group of paper soldiers from the senior last night. With them, it is not impossible to guard Luohe City, eliminate the surrounding troubles, or even stabilize the entire Jiangzhou!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard Li Yanbing's words. Sure enough, this Shangguan's big move was about to come.

"I don't need to go into details about the rebellion in Liuzhou. I believe you all know what will happen to your relatives in Luohe City if the military disaster sweeps across them!"

There is no need to mention that most of the silver medal detectives and agents present are locals from Luohe City. If something goes wrong, the consequences can be imagined.

"So I have contacted the Zhensi Yamen in other cities in Jiangzhou last night. Next, we will work together to quell the troubles from all parties and jointly deal with the military disaster from Liuzhou!"

After Li Yanbing said this, he stood up directly and ordered to his cronies:

"Le River"

"My subordinate is here!"

"You will lead five divine detectives to investigate the northern parts of Luohe City. If you find any strange traces, report them to me immediately!"

"Yes! Your Majesty's Order!"

"Always prosperous"

"My subordinate is here!"

"You lead the five divine hunters to investigate the southern parts of Luohe City. If you find any strange traces, report them to me!"


Soon, the relevant personnel from all directions in Luohe City were arranged, and the remaining three silver medal magicians also received their respective orders.

"Li Songcheng"

"My subordinate is here!"

"You are responsible for leading the team to inspect the city. If you find any strange traces, report them immediately!"

"Yes! Your Majesty's Order!"

As soon as this order came out, Li Songcheng suddenly felt a little numb, but at this moment he did not dare to have any objection.

Otherwise, I am afraid that this superior officer who controls a large number of troops will use him to sacrifice his troops.

Soon, a famous silver medal magician led ordinary magicians and quickly left from Zhenguisi Yamen towards Luohe City in all directions.

Li Songcheng also started his own search and inspection in the city with his brothers with a grimace.

"Brother, we may offend a lot of people this time!"

A smarter brother came to Li Songcheng and whispered something in his ear.

"Listen carefully, from now on, Luohe City will completely change!"

Li Songcheng's face darkened and he turned around and warned his brothers in a stern voice.

"From today on, you are the people of Zhenguisi in life and the ghosts of Zhenguisi in death!"

"You must not have any second thoughts, otherwise don't blame me for not talking about the past!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the brothers present changed drastically. Even if they were stupid, they understood the meaning of their eldest brother's words.

"Brother is right!"

"Brother is right!"

"What the eldest brother said, we will do it!"


The five constables assured Li Songcheng in unison and secretly suppressed some thoughts in their hearts.

"Okay, if you are brothers, listen to me honestly, otherwise even if I don't take action, someone will!"

Li Songcheng's gloomy expression has not changed. As a silver-medal divine constable who has lived for a long time, he knows too well that the Zhenguisi has been infiltrated by various parties.

But now Li Yanbing asked him to check Luohe City, no doubt preparing to take action against some restless people in the city.

If they perform well this time, Li Yanbing will forgive them for the past. If they still want to pretend to obey but secretly disobey, then the end result will definitely be the destruction of their families!

Strength, strong strength can break any unspoken rules!

In the past, the other party did not have military power, but it will be different from now on.


As the five constables solemnly agreed, Luohe City soon began to become lively.

Li Songcheng went directly to the west pier of the city. This is the territory of the Viper Gang, and the captain of the ship is a folk ghost driver.

Unfortunately, as Li Songcheng spread the message, several soldiers wearing heavy black iron armor and exuding terrifying power appeared quietly.

Then they directly raised their knives to attack the territory of the Viper Gang, and the heavy gate was directly blasted into pieces under the knives of these heavy armored paper men.

The Viper Gang members who heard the noise and rushed over, or the furious Viper Gang boss, were suppressed by the heavy armored paper men a moment later!

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