Incense Temple Ancient Town, Xiangzhu Hall.


The bronze bell rang, and a large number of Xiang Temple disciples and masters came to the hall one after another.

At this time, the whole hall was filled with burning incense and candles, and the thick smoke covered the top of the entire Xiangzhu Hall.

The most conspicuous thing in the whole hall was a statue standing on the altar. I don’t know what material the whole statue is made of, but it looks like a historical vicissitude.

"Disciples of Xiang Temple, listen to the order!"

"The world is in chaos, and strange disasters are everywhere. Xiang Temple was born to collect incense."

The head of Xiang Temple, Song Zhong, stood in front and announced loudly to everyone in a hoarse voice.

"Disciples obey the order!"

Immediately, all the disciples below bowed and kowtowed, which meant that they would no longer have to live in this isolated ancient town as before.

"The troubled times have come, the saint has appeared, the Xiangzhu has come, and saved all living beings!"

Then Song Zhong turned around and bowed to the statue of the Xiangzhu, and began to shout at the same time.

"Welcome the ancestor!"

"Welcome the ancestor!"


A disciple of the incense temple behind him also shouted.


Suddenly, the candles in the whole hall flickered, and then a huge shadow appeared above the incense master's hall.

"It's the Tenth Ancestor! The Tenth Ancestor has appeared!"

When the disciples saw this shadow, they immediately began to kowtow. Seeing the legendary ancestor appear in the world made them feel extremely excited.

Then more huge figures appeared one after another, nine huge figures, like nine exaggerated giant statues.

Their existence suppressed the aura of the entire incense temple to the extreme. Even if they did not release their own weirdness, so many ancestors gathered together and still made the surrounding environment begin to change.

"Welcome the incense master!"

"Welcome the incense master!"


But then Song Zhong shouted that everyone's voice became this sentence.

Suddenly everything around began to solidify, and even the burning incense candles seemed to be suspended.

But whether it was the disciples of the incense temple or the high-ranking ancestors, their thoughts remained the same. They could see everything around them and sense everything.

But he could not move, speak, or breathe. An unknown strangeness descended amidst the calls of everyone.


Then a wooden house that looked black and extremely old appeared in the air, and then the door of the wooden house slowly opened.

As the door opened, a dim and ancient light poured out from the crack of the door, and then an old man in his sixties wearing a long gown walked out of the door slowly with a book in his hand.

"It's that time again..."

The old man seemed to be sighing and reminiscing as he looked at the scene in front of him.

However, as his voice fell, the entire incense master's hall came alive again, and then the nine huge figures saluted him one after another.

"Greetings to the incense master!"

The disciples of the incense temple who were already kneeling on the ground shouted "Greetings to the incense master" loudly.


Lin Feng, who was stewing venison outside Luohe City, suddenly shuddered for some reason.

"This damn weather, it doesn't feel cold during the day, but it starts to get cold at night!"

The old cripple next to him was drooling as he smelled the gurgling mountain delicacies stewed with venison in the pot.

"It smells so good! So good!"

"My boy, this venison is worth your life!"

Lin Feng didn't know where he got so many sighs from. This guy has been like this since he brought the venison back.

"How dare you say that? There is no venison in the livestock market!"

Lin Feng was a little dissatisfied with the old cripple. Today, he searched for a long time in the market but didn't see anyone selling venison.

After asking others, he found out that the hunters who sold venison didn't come here at all, but to another place that specializes in selling furs and game in the mountains.

"Hehe, I've bought it before, old man! I heard it from others! I heard it from others!"

The old cripple was thick-skinned and was not afraid of what Lin Feng said.

"Forget it, it should be stewed! Get ready to eat!"

Lin Feng opened the lid of the pot and took a look, then tasted the taste and prepared to eat directly.

After eating and drinking, Lin Feng still felt quite satisfied with the venison in autumn.

"Huh~ Let's continue working tonight!"

Shadows floated and Lin Feng appeared again on another mountain in the cemetery. He didn't want to go to the back mountain because he cut trees too hard yesterday, causing the entire mountaintop to be bald.

"Dong Dong Dong"

Not long after, the mountain also heard the sound of tree cutting. The mulberry paper bought during the day turned into paper figures in the hands of the Thousand Faces Paper Trickster and put them on the wooden figures.

"So much paper can probably make more than 10,000 heavily armored paper figures, but there is no need for so many for the time being. Just fill the gap of the 3,000 paper figures."

The paper army formed by 10,000 heavily armored paper figures, 10 paper lieutenants and a paper general is already quite good.

Add some paper horses, siege equipment and so on to form a large army.

Of course, if there is enough time, these tents, arrow towers, walls and so on can also make the army look more presentable.

But these things are secondary and can't add any power.

It took two hours to complete the missing heavy-armored paper figures and paper horses, and then Lin Feng began to continue offering sacrifices to the few ghosts in his hand.

The old woman ghost was dismembered and offered to Xigui, and several small ghosts were eaten by the gluttonous ghost again. The rest of the ghosts could only harvest one stick of nurturing ghost incense.

However, the embroidery ghost was excluded. Lin Feng performed the sacrifice ceremony again and sacrificed the part of the shadow ghost obtained during the day to the embroidery ghost.

Since the embroidery ghost had merged with part of the shadow ghost before, this fusion would only enhance its ability to control shadows.

Soon the sacrifice ceremony was completed, and a shadow appeared under the feet of the embroidery ghost.

This shadow would exist regardless of whether there was light around it, but other ghosts were not like this, because they did not have such a thing as a shadow.

"Huh? It's about to be promoted?"

However, the changes of the embroidery ghost were far more than that. After it absorbed the nurturing ghost incense in the underworld pottery bowl, it also began to change.

The words "Xiangui" were clearly written on the page belonging to the embroidery ghost!

"Good! Haha, I didn't expect that after merging the part of the shadow ghost, it could be directly promoted!"

Summoning the embroidery ghost, Lin Feng stared at it carefully and found that the evil ghost originally printed on its red shroud had disappeared.

Xiugui held a bamboo basket in her hand, which contained some scarlet needles and threads, and stepped on a slender shadow.

It gave people the feeling of a girl doing needlework, but only Lin Feng knew that Xiugui had become more and more terrifying.

The four-armed and three-eyed evil ghost on it had now merged with the ghost shadow, and could turn into a terrifying shadow evil ghost at any time.

At the same time, her bamboo basket and thread ball were a weapon to bind the enemy and close the door to beat the dog.

"But the most important thing is that the suturing ability has become stronger!"

Lin Feng tried it simply and immediately understood that now Xiugui can really sew different weirdnesses together as long as he makes a move.

Although it could be done before, it was still a step behind, but now it is different!

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