"Paralysis, so poor!"

This is what Xiao Yang is thinking.

"Hehe, it's great!"

This is Jim's silly smile.

Xiao Yang curled his lips and looked at Jim's face, which looked like he had never seen the world, and was speechless. They were searching for One-Eyed Tom's wealth.

One-Eyed Tom has dominated Kerr Town for so long, so he naturally has a lot of background. This warehouse full of dry goods is the best proof.

There were dried vegetables, dried meat, and buckets of colorful things. For some reason, Jim was very excited when he saw them.

Xiao Yang took a closer look and almost cursed. It turned out to be some dried leftover food particles.

The rest are more normal things, such as expired instant noodles, ham sausages, biscuits, cans, etc., all placed in small boxes, which look very precious.

"Brother Xiao, look, there is something good here!"

Xiao Yang's eyes lit up and he was so excited when he saw Jim moving out a big box. Did Jim really find something good?

"Ouch! Brother Xiao, why are you hitting me! This thing is delicious, really, I won't lie to you, try it yourself!"

Damn it, I shouldn't have expectations for this kid. The words "Children's Pet Store" were clearly written on the cardboard box, but it was actually full of expired dog food.

How dare you ask me to eat it!

After searching for a long time, I didn't find anything valuable. Some extraordinary world wonders or spiritual flesh are Xiao Yang's main goals.

"Tell me, where are One-Eyed Tom's treasures hidden?"

Jim grabbed one of the guards by the collar and said viciously.

"I don't know, I really don't know, that's all I know, please let me go!"

The guard boy was so frightened that the two of them fought all the way in just a few minutes ago and knocked them all down in less than a minute.

After learning that One-Eyed Tom was dead, they led Xiao Yang into the warehouse very wisely. Unfortunately, this did not satisfy them.

Seeing that they really knew nothing, Xiao Yang touched his chin and asked: "Where is Tom's bedroom? Take me there!"

On the third floor, in Tom's bedroom.

"Ahem~ How's it going? Have you found Jim?"

Xiao Yang suppressed the strange smell.

This is a luxurious master bedroom with lots of room. I have to say that this damn Tom’s private life is really terrible. The floor is covered with weird paper balls, old clothes and food scraps, which is no different from a doghouse.

"Brother Xiao, found it!"

On the other side, Jim walked in from the door with a mean smile on his face.

"Why are you waiting so long? Come out quickly!"

Jim turned and shouted, and behind him, a scantily clad woman leaned out of the doorway.

"Brother Xiao, do you think this is a big harvest?"

Jim winked, with an expression that all men understand, with a lewd smile on his face, not noticing Xiao Yang's cloudy expression at all.

"Jim, if I believe in your evil again, I will be a dog."

The woman had curly brown hair, big breasts and buttocks, and was half-clothed. She was very rare in the garbage world where malnutrition is common, but Xiao Yang had no appetite.

Although she looked beautiful, Xiao Yang could smell the rancid smell on her body from a distance, and he thought of the hygiene level in the garbage world...

Xiao Yang shook his head.

No, for the sake of a happy life, Kerr Town must pay close attention to hygiene in the future.

"Ahem~ Who is that? Take me to where Tom hides the treasure."

The woman walked tremblingly in front, her waist and hips twitching, making Jim drool.

Xiao Yang slapped Jim on the back of the head with his backhand, knocking him back to sage mode.

"S-Sir, Lord Tom...the dead ghost's treasure is hidden here."

The woman pointed to a closet and said timidly.

"Open it and take a look."

Looking at the things in the closet, Xiao Yang's face turned black. He felt that he must have eaten too many Eros recently, or Jim was poisonous.

"Sir, what style... do you like? I can do either."

The woman took out a three-point erotic underwear from the closet, compared her body, and said shyly. It seemed that as long as Xiao Yang was willing, she could find 1,000 ways to satisfy him.

In addition to these extremely low-cost clothes, there are also a variety of toys in the wardrobe, which evoke endless reverie...

So this is Tom's big baby?


"Hey, that's not right!"

He wanted Jim to throw away these things, but a mouse suddenly came out of the gap between the closet and the wall, making Xiao Yang aware of something strange.

Somehow, there seemed to be a force urging him to knock down the wardrobe.


The wardrobe overturned, and a narrow secret door appeared in everyone's sight.

Xiao Yang walked into the secret room.

I saw a huge skeleton suddenly placed on the ground. It looked like a snake, with only a short head left.

The snake's upper and lower jaws are filled with rows of sharp teeth, and several ribs are piled together on the other side. Judging from its arc, it is not difficult to infer the astonishing length of the giant snake during its lifetime.

Next to the skeleton is a wooden shelf with bottles of white powder on it, which retains some energy and seems to be ground from snake bones.

"What the hell, this damn Tom deserves to be able to gnaw bones all the way to the second level."

Looking at the appearance of the giant snake skull, Xiao Yang felt inexplicably familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

After eating bitter leaves frequently, Xiao Yang felt that his memory had improved significantly compared to before, and some of the scenes he had seen in movies and TV series gradually became clearer.

"Oh my god, it can't be a basilisk!"

He remembered the scene in the movie "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2)" that he had watched, where Ron and Hermione finally destroyed Voldemort's Horcruxes in the Chamber of Secrets of Lesterlin with the teeth of a basilisk.

The skeleton of the basilisk that was once hacked to death by the protagonist Harry was so similar to this one.

Thinking of One-Eyed Tom's ability, it seems to be to control stones, and the eyes of the basilisk seem to have the ability to petrify people.

It is inevitable that people suspect that Tom is very likely to have picked up the skeleton of the basilisk in the Harry Potter world and awakened his ability by eating snake bone powder for a long time.

The energy of the powder of these bones is very weak. Considering the huge size of the basilisk, God knows how long One-Eyed Tom ate it to reach this point.

"Damn, what a genius! His teeth are so good, right? Fortunately, he started eating from the tail. If he had started from the head, he would have been poisoned to death."

In the world of Harry Potter, the basilisk is a dangerous creature of the XXXXX level. Its teeth are extremely poisonous and can kill a wizard in a few minutes. It can even destroy magic items and make them irreparable.

In the original book, the fangs of the basilisk are one of the few things that can destroy Horcruxes.

In addition to this skeleton, Xiao Yang also found some bullets under the shelf, all of which were packed and taken away.

At the door of the villa, Mary looked at the house nervously. Next to her were the well-known figures in Kerr Town, and they also looked inside anxiously.

"Mary, is Kerr Town really going to let this guy who came out of nowhere be the boss in the future?"

Next to Mary, an old cripple who looked like a bartender asked secretly.

"If he wants to rule Kerr Town, I won't object."

In Mary's heart, Xiao Yang has saved her twice, and she has no reason to go against Xiao Yang.

"If you think you are tougher than One-Eyed Tom, you can also try to challenge him."

Mary said indifferently. These people are timid when they meet tough guys. They have been bullied by One-Eyed Tom for days and dare not even fart.

After One-Eyed Tom died, do you think you are good again? Why didn't you stand up at the gate of the town before?

"I...how dare I? Don't you think you are more suitable than her?"

It is naturally better for a woman who knows everything about power to be in power than a strange man riding on her head. This is the most real thought in their hearts.

"Shh, stop talking, that adult is coming out."

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