"Sure enough!"

This small piece of crushed ice was quietly suspended in the bottle until it slowly melted, without any moths appearing.

Xiao Yang shook it a few times, but the liquid still couldn't touch the barrier of the bottle. Sure enough, the only thing that could deal with the space magic weapon was the space magic weapon.

Then when the harvest season came, he put all the ice cubes into the bottle, and more than half of the bottle was filled.

"Another life-saving thing! It's a pity that I don't have water powers, but I can let Jessica try first to see if she can control these water flows."

Xiao Yang was very satisfied. If you pour this bottle of water, is it not more powerful than sulfuric acid? I'm afraid it will turn into ashes.

"The next time you advance, you can arrange the water-based superpowers first. By the way, there seems to be nine-turn Xuanyin water in these ices. I wonder if it can be extracted. The power awakened with the nine-turn Xuanyin water should be quite powerful. Bar?"

If you drink the Tears of the Void, you’ll probably get a tear in your intestines and a bad butt. You might as well try the Nine Turns of Mysterious Yin Water...

When Xiao Yang was having sex, more than ten kilometers away from Kerr Town, four or five large buses and vans lined up in a long queue, walking through the garbage plain, alarming the surrounding small animals.

Old Hawk stood on the roof of a bus and kept observing the surrounding garbage piles, judging the direction of progress through the marks they left in the past.

It's easy to get lost when running long distances in the desert. Garbage falling from the sky will change the original terrain. Even things like compasses are actually inaccurate. Some garbage often interferes with the direction of the compass.

Excellent caravans often have their own way of seeing the road.

"Come on, we'll be arriving in Kerr Town soon."

Old Hawk put down the telescope in his hand and said to the driver below.

"Tony, don't save on feed. Let these beasts run faster and try to reach Kerr Town today. I hope it's still intact."

Kerr Town.

Recently, Mary has a little temper and avoids Xiao Yang. But Xiao Yang didn't panic at all, because he believed that after he took out the big treasure, this woman would completely fall in love with him.

"Boss, I've already prepared what you want! Take a look!"

The speaker was a short, thick man wrapped in a sweat towel. He was a craftsman from Kerr Town named Ham. Some of the simple tools in Kerr Town were produced by him.

"Yes! It's not bad, it's not strenuous, and it's very flexible to use. Mary should like it very much."

Xiao Yang played with it and commented.

At this time, Mary also happened to come from a distance. Xiao Yang quickly stopped her.

"Hey, Mary, come here quickly and see what I have prepared for you!"

Mary looked at this strange dagger, with its iron handle and the blade that seemed to be the teeth of some monster. She stretched out her hand to touch some material, but Xiao Yang stopped her immediately.

"Don't touch it, it's poisonous!"

This dagger is made from the basilisk fangs from the Harry Potter world. The basilisk's teeth are highly venomous and can easily kill a wizard. The dagger was obviously specially made for Mary. The fangs were embedded in the steel handle, allowing Mary to control it flexibly.

Mary used her supernatural powers to make it float in the air, and the dagger flew around her body as flexibly as a dragonfly, which made Xiao Yang tremble with fear.

She is a metal type long-range attack power user. Although the ordinary dagger she used before is flexible, its attack power is not high unless she uses her ultimate move.

Now, combined with the basilisk fang dagger, every attack by Mary only needs to pierce the enemy's skin, basically declaring the opponent's death.

Maybe I should call her Bloody Mary from now on.

"Is this made just for me?"

"Of course."

"Xiao Yang, thank you."

Mary clenched the corners of her clothes with both hands, lowered her head and whispered softly. This bunny girl was not very good at saying compliments, but her twitching ears showed her happy mood at the moment.

"It's a small matter. Thank you for saving my life before. By the way, there is also a dagger here. I didn't forget that you use double daggers."

As he said that, Xiao Yang took out another fang dagger from behind, thinking that these scraps would finally have a place, and they could also deceive girls. This time it won't be a loss!

However, before Xiao Yang could try out the flirting words he learned online, he suddenly saw a commotion outside the small foreign building.

“Boss, here we come, the caravan is here!

Old Hawk's caravan is here! "

After being confused for a while, Xiao Yang finally realized that the legendary caravan that so many people had always remembered was finally here...

After arriving at the gate of Kerr Town with his men, Xiao Yang saw the deceptive old Hawke caravan.

In the distance, several buses and vans swayed closer, stirring up a cloud of dust and giving Xiao Yang a sense of having returned to modern society.

"I didn't expect there was a car?"

Xiao Yang saw a vehicle driving for the first time in this world, which surprised him. However, when the caravan approached, Xiao Yang was disappointed.

"I'll go and be happy for nothing!"

What kind of car is this?

It was clear that large mutated yak-like creatures were pulling the carriages in twos and twos, and they were traveling on this animal power method that combined earth and ocean.

Maybe it should be called a bullock cart.

These cattle are two meters tall and look a bit like American longhorn cattle, but most of them are thin and malnourished. But looking at how it can pull the carriage, it seems to be quite powerful.

There were about thirty or forty people in the entire caravan. Everyone had knives and guns and was fully armed. Many of them were evolutionaries. There were also a few of them holding an AK47 and lying on the roof of the car, looking alert. look.

In a garbage world lacking hot weapons, the opponent's strength cannot be underestimated.

In the eyes of the crowd, the convoy finally drove to the town entrance.

In the cockpit of the leading truck, an old black man whose age could not be determined jumped out of the cab with agility, revealing his identity as a second-level superpower without any disguise.

This should be Old Hawke.

His dress was obviously unusual, a pair of washed-out jeans, a half-old long-sleeved plaid shirt, and a pair of Nike sneakers on his feet.

Such a dress may be common in the modern plane, but it is definitely not decent enough for ordinary people in the wasteland world.

Apart from other things, just having water to wash pants frequently is a luxury that many people cannot imagine.

Old Hawke looked at the people in Kerr Town in front of him and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he got ahead of Kra City, and the other party had not been occupied yet. This transaction is expected to have a lot of gains.

Recently, he received news that a very high-quality garbage eruption occurred in Keer Town, and even the bigwigs in Kra City were alarmed.

It is estimated that the team from Kra City is already on the way, and it should be possible to grab a handful before the other party is harvested.

But what surprised him was that these country bumpkins did not rush to greet him. Although he could see their happiness, it seemed that the atmosphere was always a little lacking.

What? No more salt? No more fragrant meat? No more vegetables?

Moreover, why do these scavengers seem to be full of energy? No, they seem to be much cleaner than me!

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