This black cave gives Xiao Yang a feeling a bit like the Gate of Gaff. It can be opened and there is another cave inside.

"It won't be the same as Unit 8's small world, right?"

Xiao Yang was moved.

The secret realm of the cave appeared in the outside world, and a colorful black divine ring appeared in front of him.

After all, it was the secret realm of his own human body. Xiao Yang's consciousness penetrated the black hole and found that there was another world inside.

This is a world full of extraordinary energy. The space is not large, with a diameter of only a few kilometers. It is filled with energy factors of heaven and earth of various attributes, like a sea of ​​chaos.

Obviously, the extraordinary energy absorbed by Boss Xiao was stored in the secret realm inside the black hole, forming this mottled ocean of energy, like chaos.

There is also a five-color pocket island in the center, a land made of earth energy, metal minerals protruding, and volcanoes, rivers and vibrant forests in the center.

The five elements coexist with each other and evolve the forms of all things. Everything is completely natural and coincides with the meaning of Tao.

However, Xiao Yang knew that these things were not ordinary substances, but things derived from the energy of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

"A continent transformed by the Five Elements?"

Boss Xiao casually threw some bone garbage into the black hole. All the garbage was swallowed by the black hole and decomposed into basic heaven and earth energy.

"The black hole has the ability to refine extraordinary items and automatically decompose them into basic energy. The small world inside the body will expand as the energy increases."

Xiao Yang came to this conclusion after a series of tests.

This process is somewhat similar to the small world of Unit 8's Gaff's Gate, except that Unit 8 mainly decomposes ordinary matter in the physical world, while Boss Xiao's black cave tends to swallow extraordinary items, inheriting the secret realm of the cave and The double effect of Gaff's Gate.

The Cave Heaven Secret Realm already has certain spatial attributes, and monks in the Perfect World often hide treasures in the Cave Heaven. Coupled with the special effects of the garbage version of the Fruit of Life, the mutation produced is in line with the characteristics of the garbage world.

"No matter how you look at it, it looks like a garbage incineration plant."

Boss Xiao touched his chin.

In addition, since the Black Cave Sky is a secret realm of the human body cultivated by Boss Xiao himself, Xiao Yang has unimaginable control over the Black Cave Sky. For example, he can control the decomposition power of black holes, store items like a perfect monk, and even possess extraordinary weapons. He can also control the energy in black holes.


Xiao Yang stepped into his own black cave and came to the Five Elements Island. The energy of the world gathered towards him, as if cheering for his arrival.

Boss Xiao can feel that he can use the energy in the secret realm to transform the world at will, just like a god.

However, Xiao Yang does not intend to use his secret cave as the base of the recycling company. He does not want to be a security guard who opens the door every day. It is enough for the recycling company to have the small world of Unit 8, with a clear distinction between public and private matters.

"Maybe one day the garbage cave will turn into a real world."

After all, Xiao Yang is a well-informed person. This kind of situation where different spaces are generated in the body is actually not uncommon in some worlds. Some bosses can even evolve a universe inside their bodies.

For example, the Lingbao Tianzun who covers the world turns into a vast divine realm after death. Even the Mangekyou Sharingan can generate a special alien space.

It's just that Boss Xiao's internal space is small in scale, relatively primitive, and needs to grow.

"A small world built on the basis of the Five Elements. In this case, the world in the cave is called the Five Elements Cave."

Xiao Yang scrawled a name for it.

In addition, Boss Xiao also studied the five-color divine ring formed by the Cave Heaven Secret Realm.

The five-color divine ring is formed by the five elements of golden elixir fused with the secret realm of the cave. It can control the opening and closing of the cave, and at the same time, it can also protect itself.

"It's a bit like the Cave God Ring that Emperor Huangtian cultivated."

Boss Xiao touched his chin.

The phenomenon of divine rings derived from the cave sky is not an isolated case. This phenomenon occurred when Emperor Huang Tian was practicing in the secret realm of the cave sky.

The ten caves and heavens merged into one, integrated into the physical body, and turned into a cave-celestial divine ring that could be released. The divine ring added to the body had the power of being invulnerable to all laws.

"I wonder what the Five-Colored Cave God Ring does?"

Boss Xiao touched his chin and decided to find an opportunity to try the effect of the Five Elements Divine Ring in the future.

"Well, today's breakthrough is successful, so we should celebrate."

Wanjie City.

Today the red flag is waving and everyone is full of joy.

The flow of people in the commercial street is much higher than in the past. Just because the recycling company announced for the first time that it would give all employees a day of paid leave, which stimulated a wave of consumption.

Under the Bitterness Tree, Boss Xiao also organized high-level team building at the lakeside villa, tasting all kinds of junk food and feeling the style of a seventh-level strongman.

"Wow! Brother Xiao, you succeeded!"

"Hmph, when have I ever let you down?"

Xiao Yang's tiger body shook, and the terrifying coercion of the seventh-level powerhouse swept over him, suffocating everyone's breath. They felt both stimulated and excited.

A five-color divine ring with a black background appeared behind Boss Xiao. The five-color light flowed and blinded Jim's titanium alloy dog ​​eyes, making Boss Xiao exude a mysterious and mysterious aura.

"Xiao Yang, what is behind you? Is it some new power?"

Mary questioned.

"It seems to be some kind of extraordinary engraving, but the five beads have the smell of spiritual cores, but they seem to have a higher energy density. They should be the golden elixir you trained by compressing your powers."

Tina used her powers to observe Boss Xiao’s five-color golden elixir.

She had participated in the dissection experiment of Jindan monks, so she was not unfamiliar with this thing.

"Yes, this is the five energies of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, formed under the action of the fruit of life, and has a certain protective effect..."

Boss Xiao explained, making everyone envious.

The mysterious halo formed by the five superpowers sounded very powerful, worthy of being the boss.

"Crack, a seventh-level evolver, if that old guy Houman knew about it, he would probably be so angry that he couldn't even eat garbage, right?"

Jim said meanly.

Several old friends were all emotional, recalling the days of picking up garbage in Kerr Town.

The figure shoveling shit under the garbage mountain was their lost youth...

However, in just less than ten years, Xiao Yang has become a powerful person in the garbage world, and Zhang Daqiang and others have also "risen to heaven", just like a dream.

"Actually, this is not difficult. As long as you stand on the garbage vent of a black hole, even a pig can fly."

Xiao Yang silently said that compared with the rapidly rising Internet giants and Internet celebrities on Earth, his is nothing.

Zhutian Garbage Recycling Company just hit the big cycle of garbage eruption and seized a wave of dividends of the times.

In fact, the garbage world is not short of opportunities. Stories of ordinary scavengers becoming evolved strongmen overnight happen almost every day. These "legends" inspire a steady stream of scavengers to rush to the garbage mountain.

As long as you learn to identify garbage and use it reasonably, there are shortcuts everywhere, and Xiao Yang happens to be good at this.

"No one knows garbage better than me."

Boss Xiao said.

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