The zombies are surging, finally showing their fangs.

A zombie wearing a ragged striped shirt swung its nose and flew towards Xiao Yang, its black nails poking out.

Xiao Yang quickly twisted his waist to avoid it.

"Ghost vine, vine armor."

He didn't want to have any contact with these zombies. You know, in the zombie world, if you are caught or bitten, you will be infected with corpse poison.

The ghost vines in the backpack grew crazily, covering Xiao Yang with a protective shell. With the improvement of control and the evolution of the ghost vine, this vine armor has become more and more stylish.

Several flexible vine tentacles extend from Ghost Vine's back and limbs to assist Xiao Yang in fighting.

Xiao Yang directly kicked the zombie in front of him away, and the feeling under his feet was like kicking on a stone.

Next to him, another zombie had opened its mouth full of fangs and bit him.

Xiao Yang didn't look back, he locked the Hulk's head with four vines on his back, hoisted it up, rotated it left and right, and gave Hulk a hard slam.

"Nima, this is too skinny!"

Seeing that blunt blows had no effect on the zombies, Xiao Yang directly inserted a knife into the eye socket to save it.

I hope it won't run into Uncle Jiu down there.

"Toon, the powerful fireball technique!"

Xiao Yang remembered that zombies seemed to be afraid of fire.

Sure enough, the zombies shrouded in fireballs made a crackling sound like candles lit by fire.

The two zombies "ho ho" turned into a ball of torches in a few clicks.

On the other side, the battle between Anna and Mina was quieter. They had awakened ice powers and water powers respectively, and the combination was quite powerful.

I saw Mina first smashing the water balls one by one, and then Anna raised her hands, and an astonishing cold air swept over.

Xiao Yang instantly realized the power of the third-level ice power user.

A layer of frost spread from her center to all sides, and in the blink of an eye, all the zombies around her were frozen into ice. I don’t know if he is dead or not, but he can’t move anyway.

In fact, these zombies are not difficult to deal with. Their attacks are just like the zombies in Hong Kong movies, jumping, jumping and biting.

Three axes, a constant cycle of ghosts and beasts.

As long as they don't get scratched or bitten, their skin is a bit solid at best, slightly stronger than first-order mutated creatures.

What's annoying is that there are a lot of them. Judging from the flashing screen of the fire ball, there are no less than a hundred.

It's so blind that it's hard to drive away.

However, the three of them did not panic and seemed to have their own trump cards.

Xiao Yang's little ghost cane was so flexible that he poked the sharp cane directly into the zombie's eyes.

Nowadays, Oni Teng's tenacity has enough lethality. Coupled with his keen perception and thinking ability, he can always smash the brains of four or five zombies every time he dodges.

Because Gui Teng is an independent individual and does not consume much of his powers, Xiao Yang fights very easily and comfortably.

In order to make the vision clearer, Xiao Yang also specially made several zombie torches.

Suddenly, a black shadow flew out from the fire, and it turned out to be a zombie with black hair.

This black-haired zombie has a more agile speed than other zombies. Its two fangs almost reach its chin, and its nails are three inches long.

The black-haired zombie flew towards Xiao Yang and jumped five or six meters.

"So fast!"

Xiao Yang quickly teleported half of his body, and the two vines on his left arm suddenly tied its hands, knocking the black-haired zombie to the ground.

Xiao Yang raised his knife and chopped.

When the short blade slashed at the black-haired zombie, it made a sound of refined iron, as if it was hitting a pair of copper-skinned iron bones.

Even with his second-level evolutionary power, he couldn't cut through.


The black-haired zombie jumped up from the ground like a spring, and its hands could move mechanically.

It wriggled its hands away, and Xiao Yang was carried away by it without noticing for a moment.

"What a strength!"

"Pa", the black-haired zombie broke free from the shackles of the ghost vine and stabbed towards Xiao Yang blankly.

Fortunately, Teng Jia blocked the blow and Xiao Yang was knocked back several steps.

"Ghost vine, parasitism!"

A bunch of vines spread from the zombie. It bound its legs, causing the black-haired zombie to lose its balance and fall to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a large fireball with a diameter of three meters enveloped it.


The black-haired zombie struggled wildly in the flames, but it was an evil creature that was most afraid of fire. It was still difficult to escape the fate of being scorched. At best, it was more resistant to burning.

"Huh? What is this?"

While Xiao Yang was beating the zombies, he was paying attention to the status of Heimao's side, and saw a black bead falling from the ashes of Heimao's zombie.

"Is it the legendary Corpse Pill?"

Xiao Yang put it away without having time to think.

Later, more black-haired zombies lurked in the pile of ordinary zombies, and would come out to scratch your claws from time to time.

The strength of a single black-haired zombie has exceeded that of ordinary second-level mutant creatures.

Suddenly, the pressure on the three people increased greatly.

"Who is that? Please help me block it. Mina! Let's have a big one."


Mina is a second-level water user. When he activated his special ability, the water droplets in the air condensed into a trickle and washed forward.

Anna put her hands together and pushed forward, and a violent quick-freezing cold current followed the water and spread forward.

After a while, countless ice spikes rose up from the ground, forming an ice storm that swept past. A fan-shaped area like an iceberg rolled over appeared on the surface. All zombies within a radius of 30 meters were frozen in the ice.

Xiao Yang kicked it casually, and saw that the frozen zombie fell directly to the ground and broke into eight pieces.

"Huh. Are you dumbfounded? Be more polite in the future."

Seeing Xiao Yang's surprised look, Mina felt very comfortable.

"I didn't expect that you, a second-level evolver, can actually be a dual-type superpower. It's amazing. Are you interested in joining Kra City?"

Anna looked at the mysterious black-haired man again. He was killing zombies no slower than the two of them, and he seemed to still have some energy left.

Xiao Yang was speechless for a moment, it turned out to be father and daughter. I won’t give your father any face, so you might as well forget it.

"Let's talk again, the current matter is not over yet."

Xiao Yang looked into the distance.


A shrill roar erupted from the endless darkness, as if it contained infinite resentment.

The zombies around were trembling, as if they were social animals being lectured by their boss.

With a bang, zombies flew all over the sky like bowling pins that were knocked away, and a green shadow shot straight towards them like a cannonball.

"No! Ice shield."

Anna quickly formed an ice wall twenty to thirty centimeters thick in front of her.

The green shadow hit the solid ice wall, causing spider web-like cracks.

At this time, the three of them finally saw the green figure clearly.

It turned out to be a zombie covered in green fur.

This zombie is standing on a huge Mediterranean Sea, with almost all its hair falling out. Its whole body is covered with green hair, as if it is moldy, and it exudes a strong corpse smell. The two fangs almost reached past the chin, and the sharp claws were like hooks.

The green-haired zombie roared, smashed the ice wall with its head, and rushed towards it.

"Hide quickly!"

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