Xiao Yang, chop it a few times.

"...Look, especially this brain. Even though it's small, it contains the essence of the entire zombie's body. It's a pity that it's all scattered on the ground."

Anna's face turned green, and she touched her hair. She felt that she was no longer pure.

"If you want to take it away, you can take it and plant some vegetables to poison you! Humph. Mina, let's go."

"Huh? Oh."

Mina was actually in a daze again, wondering which man she was thinking about. When she came back to her senses, Miss Anna was already on the tram.

The engine rumbled.

"Hey! Mysterious little man."

Anna put one hand on the steering wheel and suddenly called Xiao Yang before driving.

"Don't stay in the wasteland for too long. The big cycle is coming soon! If you have no place to go then, come to Kra City and tell me your name as Anna!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he stepped on the accelerator and the terrain vehicle sped away.

"What's the point of saying your name? I might as well consider hugging your thigh."

Xiao Yang watched the two girls leave, shook his head, and continued to deal with his zombies.

About half of these zombies were wiped out, and there were stick-like corpses all over the ground.

Xiao Yang cut open the heart of the green-haired zombie and took out a green corpse pill, about the size of a pigeon egg.

"Sure enough, there are. I just don't know what these Corpse Pills do. Whether they can be eaten, I have to find someone to try them."

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yang threw away some black corpse pills the size of marbles from the heart of the black-haired zombie. Then plant all the zombies with ghost vines.

After being nourished by the corpses on the ground, Xiao Yang's ghost vine grew stronger.

"This must be at least more than 5,000 years old, right?"

After collecting the ghost vines, he continued towards the zombie dog's lair, hoping to gain something.

After walking for more than 30 kilometers, Xiao Yang finally found the small town Anna mentioned.

This is a small town that looks like an American western, full of dilapidated wooden huts, and the streets are filled with garbage.

The garbage spot Anna mentioned was in the town square, so he had to go deep.

The town has a certain size.

From the bars and shop windows on both sides, you can vaguely see the bustle of the past, but now it is empty and has become a decaying fragment under the influence of time.

"I don't know what happened here in the first place. It looks like it must have been visited by many people."

He searched several houses and found basically nothing of value. Most likely it has been visited by scavengers before.

He picked up a piece of faded newspaper at his feet. The handwriting on it was already illegible. He read a few vague words on it through the trash talk translation collection recently compiled by Fingel.

"Black holes... all technologies, resources... all human beings..."

"We must not...prevent the evil Thester...disaster..."

"War...last resort...victory..."

They are all words that do not form sentences, and the meaning can only be guessed.

"Strange, what about a group of zombie dogs?"

According to Anna's information, this place should be occupied by the group of zombie dogs, but now there is not even a ghost, which makes him very confused.

"Nothing is better. One thing more is worse than one thing less."

Soon, Xiao Yang found the pile of garbage in the central square of the town, which he named "Robot Garbage Spot No. 1."

There was a lot of garbage in this pile, probably more than ten meters high, and it was filled with scrap iron blocks and other solid objects.

"It seems that these garbage should come from the earth, not from the spacecraft."

He was a little disappointed. The garbage on the spaceship was the most valuable garbage in the world of Wall-E. It contained human technology seven hundred years later.

The garbage on the earth is the items abandoned by humans before they left the earth. There are not many good things.

The campus uses Ghost Vine to dig quickly and his target is these garbage cleaning robots Wall-E.

"Wall-E" is a series of cleaning robots produced by the giant American company BnL (Buy n Large) in the world of Wall-E. However, by the time the story takes place, all Wall-Es around the world have been scrapped except for the protagonist.

Therefore, Xiao Yang found a lot of these abandoned, boxy robots in this pile of garbage.

It uses solar energy as its energy source, has two hydraulic control arms, and is equipped with a laser for cutting metal between its double "eyes" (digital cameras). It can self-repair to a certain extent using other scrapped similar robots.

However, his goal is not to repair a WALL-E so that it can deal with the garbage world's Lese, but this guy Fingel has been clamoring to pick up a robot body.

Xiao Yang thinks that Wall-E is very good.

He picked out some garbage-cleaning robots and unearthed a number of solar panels.

"Fingel, what do you think of this body?"

"Boss, I want to drive a Gundam."

"No Gundam."

"Boss, I want to fly Unit 1."

"There is no Unit 1 here."

"Boss, I want to..."

"No, you don't."

Under Xiao Yang's power, this artificial intelligence from the dragon world had to accept the fate of becoming a garbage cleaning robot.

"Okay, Wally is actually quite good. Despite its simple shape, it is quite solid inside. You see, there are so many spare parts here, which will last you a long time."

Xiao Yang remembered that in the movie, Wall-E could withstand the high temperature of the tail flame of the spacecraft and the low temperature in space without any malfunction. Its performance was absolutely stable and its quality was quite reliable.

The key is that it can be moved by relying on solar energy charging, and it is simple to assemble and replace parts. It is just right in this garbage world.

The key is that it is very suitable for the occasion.

After collecting these items, Xiao Yang decided to try to assemble them when he returned. After walking around the town and not finding anything valuable, he left.

Just as he left, about ten kilometers away from the town, the zombie dogs were scrambling to eat a yak-like mutant creature.

Suddenly, the leading dog king turned his head and looked at the sky.

I saw a huge black hole slowly unfolding in the sky thousands of meters above the ground, with a diameter of hundreds of meters.

With a "boom".

A huge monster fell from the sky.

It was as if a hill fell from the sky, and in the blink of an eye it occupied the entire field of vision of the dog king from the size of an egg.

It was the corpse of a giant beast as big as a hill.

Its body is very sturdy, a bit like Godzilla, with thick cone-like keratin skin on its body and a long horn on its head.

The two giant claws are shaped like crab claws, and there are two long tentacles in the middle of the claws, but they are broken.

This monster is so huge that it is estimated to be more than 60 meters tall when standing up. With its thick tail, its body is more than 100 meters long.

Such a huge mass fell from the sky, and even the irrational zombie dogs let out a desperate whine.


The monster fell, shaking down countless garbage mountains. At the moment of impact, a hurricane mixed with gravel and garbage formed, overturning the surrounding zombie dogs to the ground.

After the monster fell, the black hole did not disappear.

Immediately afterwards, densely packed boulder-like objects appeared in the sky, falling from the sky, like meteorites falling, bombarding the surface.

It turned out to be pieces of bloody meat.

The small pieces of meat were as big as a table, and the larger ones were bigger than a house.

These pieces of meat were very hard, and every time they fell, they could create a huge pit on the ground.

The zombie dogs that had just climbed up howled and fled, dodging the blood and flesh shells that fell from the sky. Some zombie dogs were directly crushed into meat because they were too close.

This meat rain lasted for more than a minute before it ended.

The dog king luckily escaped this natural disaster, shook his head and looked up, and almost scratched his dog eyes.

Is this true?

In front of him, a towering mountain of delicious meat was piled up on the fragmented surface, emitting strong energy fluctuations.

At this moment, the dog king felt that he was reaching the peak of his dog life.

However, just as it was holding back all its strength and was about to arch its body and howl, a shrunken yellow car fell from the sky, turning its wild ambition into dust.

I saw four big English characters printed on the hood of the car:

"G U T S"

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