Under a garbage mountain, a longhorn cow lay on the ground with its four hooves tied together. It looked at the devil-like man in front of it in horror and kept moving towards the wall behind it in an attempt to gain a pitiful sense of security.

"Good cow, open your mouth."

"Moo~" (Go away, don't come over.)

Xiao Yang was testing the effect of the monster Silbagon meat, and the subject of the experiment was naturally this longhorn cow. He cut off a piece of Silbagon's flesh and blood, and stuffed it in despite the longhorn cow's resistance.

"Moo~" (It smells so good.)

"It seems there is no reaction. Is it too little?"

Xiao Yang cut off a few more pieces of meat and fed them to the longhorn cow, and then the effect came out.

The longhorn cow's body was gradually swelling, its muscles bulged, and its skin was as shiny as if it was smeared with oil.


The longhorn cow roared like a beast, its eyes were bloodshot, and it seemed to be losing its mind.

It kicked its limbs, as if trying to break free from the bondage of the ghost vine.

Bang, a huge fist hit the longhorn bull's forehead and knocked it unconscious.

"It seems that the effect of this monster meat is really good, but it's a pity that it does have great side effects. What can I do?"

Xiao Yang was distressed.

A beast is still a beast when it loses its mind, but is a person still a person when he loses his mind? He doesn't need a bunch of lunatics.

Not long after, the longhorn bull woke up again, and the bloodshot in his eyes seemed to fade a little, but he still kept roaring.

Xiao Yang punched him again and knocked him unconscious.

Then he woke up again and beat him again.

This cycle repeated, and the longhorn bull still roared and wanted to bite his throat.

"No way, is this loss of reason permanent?"

Xiao Yang was panting, and he was a little tired after beating for so long.

He took out a bottle of tea made from bitter leaves. He drank it in one gulp and felt refreshed.

Well, refreshed.

Wait, refreshed.

Xiao Yang suddenly had an inspiration. He opened the mouth of the longhorn bull and poured the bitter love tree tea directly into it. The blood color in the longhorn bull's eyes faded a lot.

"It works!"

Then he poured another bottle of bitter love tree tea, and the blood color in the longhorn bull's eyes disappeared.

"Moo? Moo!"

The bull regained consciousness and looked at the demon in front of him in horror. Although he had lost his mind before, the beating really landed on his head.

Its fear of Xiao Yang has been engraved into its soul.

"Oh? Since you're awake, let's do it again."



One man and one bull, shuttled through the wasteland.

Xiao Yang was holding a leather ball and taking a nap on a rattan chair woven by ghost vines.

Under the rattan chair, the longhorn bull walked carefully and slowly, fearing that the demon on its back would be disturbed by the large amplitude of walking.

By the way, this bull already has a name, Xiao Yang calls him Amu.

At this time, Amu has changed a lot, far from the original form.

Under the bronze skin, muscles bulge, full of explosive power, two hooves grow claws like beasts, mouth full of fangs, two long horns slightly curved, like goat horns.

It is obviously a cow, but it has a little dragon image.

Unfortunately, it is a little timid.

After a series of experiments, Xiao Yang fed it a lot of Silbagon meat. Now, Amu is already a second-level mutant creature.

With brute force, even the ghost vine can't hold it, and its defense is quite strong. It's not so easy to knock it out again.

In addition, because a lot of bitter leaves are used. This guy's intelligence seems to have improved a lot, and he is very spiritual.

And through experiments on Amu, Xiao Yang finally determined the way to solve the side effects of Silbagon meat.

This monster meat seems to have a violent factor that affects people's reason.

It seems that the monster Silbagon in the Tiga world also has a bad temper and looks unintelligent, which may be due to this aspect.

If a creature with insufficient mental power is easily affected by it and loses its mind.

The temporary solution is to take bitter leaves when eating monster meat.

The fundamental solution is to permanently increase the strength of mental power like Xiao Yang until it is enough to resist the influence of this violent factor.

This means that Silbagon's meat can only be used to cultivate a few elites, after all, his bitter leaves are limited.

The good news is that Gadi's meat does not seem to have this violent factor that easily makes people lose their minds.

But in addition to increasing the evolution level, there are no other characteristics in Amu, perhaps because there are not enough experimental samples.

In short, Gadi's meat can be used on a large scale without worry.

The entrance of Kerr Town is very lively, and the scavengers are queuing in a long line. At the end of the line, there is a desk. Mary is sitting at the desk with a huge pressure on her chest, recording something.

Behind her, various items are placed in different categories. There are abandoned cars, computers, tires and other items, and even some things that look sci-fi.

"Two pounds of dog food, next."

Mary rubbed her temples. The things that the scavengers have picked up recently are really varied. It is quite energy-consuming to correctly value them.

Damn! Xiao Yang, that bastard, actually abandoned me and went out to the wilderness alone.

Ah! So annoying! Why are there so many garbage to collect!

"Sir... Sir."

The scavenger in front of him looked at Mary's uncertain expression and asked cautiously.

"Hmm? What do you want to exchange?"

Mary came back to her senses and saw that the other party had nothing in his hand, and her face became worse.

"Well, I have news to report."

"What news?"

"It's a new garbage point. I found a new garbage point with a lot of mechanical garbage."

When the scavenger wanted to say more. Suddenly, the alarm sounded, interrupting his speech.

"Beware, there are powerful monsters coming!"

"Quick, organize defense!"

Everyone rushed to the gate of the town, only to see a long-horned bull like bronze approaching slowly in the distance.

There seemed to be a figure on the back of the strange bull.

"The man and the bull in front, stop. This is the territory of Kerr Town. Who are you?"


Xiao Yang sat up from the chair, rubbed his eyes, and saw Mark and his men facing a powerful enemy.

"Oh? Are we there yet?"


"It's the boss. The boss is back!"

When everyone saw Xiao Yang on the back of the cow, they cheered.

"Not bad, not bad. The defense team of Kerr Town finally looks good."

I don't know where Mark got a bunch of high school uniforms from. The defense team wore blue and white uniforms and carried a variety of guns on their backs.

Although it was a bit funny, it was much better than the plastic bags of rags before. It looked more presentable and much better than the lazy posture before.

"It's also thanks to the training method provided by the boss."

Mark respected Xiao Yang more and more, and worked harder, especially when the boss said that if he did a good job, his broken arm might be repaired.

As for the so-called training method, it was naturally provided by Finkel. It was said to be a simplified version of the training method of the US amphibious combat forces.

"Let's not talk about this for now. You guys get out of the way."

Xiao Yang turned over and the ball in his hand suddenly exploded, and a light blue ball of light suddenly appeared.

The sphere was flowing with myriad rays of light, as if countless violent energies were trapped inside the sphere, emitting astonishing energy fluctuations.

After spending so much effort, Xiao Yang finally succeeded in refining the Rasengan!

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