Although many people died, life still has to go on.

In the past few days, the ghost vine in Kerr Town has ushered in a planting boom, and too many caterpillars have died.

Tang Chuan organized scavengers to open up a vast ghost vine cultivation nursery and mushroom cultivation plant on the edge of the town.

The meat of the insects was used to grow ghost vines, and the other parts of the insects were not wasted.

The iron thorns on the caterpillars are an advantageous metal raw material, which was handed over to Ham and others to make various weapons.

After being squeezed dry by the ghost vine, the iron-clad caterpillars pulled off the thorns on their backs and got a good piece of skin.

There are a lot of metals like capillaries hidden in the subcutaneous layer of these skins, which are very tough and have strong defense.

Through the tanning method of Professor Fingel, the tool man, a lot of leather was obtained, and it was being sewn into leather armor by the women in Kerr Town.

The silk thread used was the silk spit out by the insect king when he fought with Xiao Yang. It was very flexible, so that Xiao Yang couldn't bear to kill it.

What a good social animal.

Tang Chuan also has an idea about this. He wants to try to raise some ironclad caterpillars.

After all, the economic benefits of these insects are really good.

Ironclad caterpillars do not eat chemical products such as plastics, but basically eat everything else. They eat wood, leaves, and the meat of mutants, but they must be fed some metal regularly.

Raw materials can be found everywhere in the garbage world.

Xiao Yang expressed his support for Tang Chuan's idea. Special breeding may be the first step for Kerr Town to recycle garbage.

The world is becoming more and more dangerous, which is the consensus of more and more scavengers.

On this day, many wandering scavengers came to Kerr Town, all of whom escaped from surrounding towns.

It is not just Kerr Town that has encountered an insect tide. Most of the other towns in this area have similar situations.

It is not insects or other things. It seems that some powerful mutant creatures have driven these populations out from the depths of the wilderness. Many towns along the way have been destroyed, and a large number of scavengers are migrating towards the direction of Kerr City.

For a time, the scavengers in Kerr Town were in a panic, and some of them wanted to flee to Kra City. Several scavengers who thought they were smart had already sneaked away.

In response, Xiao Yang did not stop them.

"Humph, these people are really ungrateful. If it weren't for Brother Xiao, they would have died in the pile of insects long ago."

Jim said bluntly.

"That can't be said. After all, Kra City has a strong wall and a large number of evolvers. Xiao Yang, what should we do? Should we migrate there too?"

Mary thought more. Kerr Town had no defenses. This time the insect tide fully exposed the fragility of Kerr Town. If it weren't for Xiao Yang's efforts to turn the tide, it would probably no longer exist.

There were many people who thought like Mary, and everyone looked at their boss.

Xiao Yang looked at the map and fell into deep thought. It had to be said that Mary was right.

The foundation of this broken place, Kerr Town, was really too poor. Information and materials were quite closed, and the population and resources were also limited. It was very unfavorable for collecting rags, nor for his extravagant life.

The most important thing is that now his strength has grown, and he is not afraid of others causing trouble.

"We will go here in the future."

Several captains watched Xiao Yang draw a circle on the map.

"Kela City?"

"No, on the other side of the river."

"Dafen City?"

Zhang Daqiang swallowed dryly, unable to believe it. There are zombies and mutants everywhere.

"Boss, are we taking a big step?"

"Of course, we can't get it all in one go. Let's go to Kela City first..."


While Xiao Yang and the others were still discussing, the housing prices in Kela City had already risen.

Butler Abel was walking on the way to the City Lord's Mansion, looking at the increasing number of people, with joy and worry.

Because of the changes in the Great Wasteland, many scavengers who fled came to Kela City, and even the population that was not affected by the disaster gradually moved to Kela City.

In the dangerous wasteland, only solid walls and high-level evolvers can make them feel at ease.

This made some aboriginal scavengers who invested in real estate make a fortune.

Of course, the biggest beneficiary is the city lord, because every transaction requires half of the income to be handed over.

The high housing prices are the result of the city lord's deliberate actions.

Taking advantage of the rising housing prices, not only can a wave of resources be harvested, but also powerful evolvers can be selected to settle in Kra City, eliminating those old, weak, sick and disabled garbage, which is simply killing two birds with one stone.

It is said that this method comes from the city government in the old times.

Every time the housekeeper Abel settles the accounts, he sighs that this is really the greatest management art in the old times.

The riots in the wasteland caused many people to lose their lives, but also brought a huge amount of resources, and many lucky people became evolvers.

Those who have already become evolvers also have the opportunity to improve their strength, and even the city lord has seen the hope of breaking through the fifth level.

Of course, the influx of a large population has also brought many restless factors.

First of all, food is a problem, but fortunately, those who are hungry are all low-level scavengers, so it is not a big problem.

These people are like cockroaches, and they can always pick up something to eat to keep themselves alive.

It should be noted that many forces from other forces have come to the city, all of whom want to grab resources during the big cycle.

Human forces are not harmonious. In this garbage world with scarce resources, the fight between humans is even more intense.

These people are a mixed bag, and the composition of the Chamber of Commerce, hunting teams, and intelligence organizations is complex, so the old housekeeper needs to be vigilant at all times.

While thinking, Abel has arrived at the city lord's office.

City lord Houman is looking out the window. Is he thinking the same thing?

"My lord, the areas around Kerr Town and Moore Town have been attacked by insect tides. Similar situations have occurred in other towns. It seems that powerful creatures have driven the insect swarms and birds and beasts here."

"Where did the insect tide go?"

"It went to the east and will not pass through Kra City."

"Well. How is the situation in Kerr Town?"

The housekeeper knew that the city lord was concerned about Mr. Xiao in Kerr Town.

"Although Kerr Town was severely damaged, it did not collapse. There are even rumors among scavengers that Mr. Xiao in Kerr Town killed an insect king."

Houman turned around.

"It's amazing. That's a fourth-level mutant creature. Even I have to spend a lot of effort. It seems that we still underestimated the other party's strength."

"Maybe it's through some powerful strange objects. Should we..."

The housekeeper's meaning is naturally to kill people and rob treasures.

They have done a lot of such things.

Hou Man was silent for a while.

This boss Xiao is very mysterious, and he is a little unsure, after all, the garbage world is always full of surprises.

"Don't move for now, he will come to Kra City sooner or later. When I become a fifth-level evolver, he can't make a big difference."

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