A second later, the potion in Noah’s hand turned into a strange blue color, like a burning gas stove, exuding a fiery burnt smell.

“It can make the user look like another person, as long as you add some hair of the person you want to become into the potion.”

Noah handed the medicine bottle to Bucky, then tied up the remaining strand of hair in his hand with a few hair strands, and handed it over as well.

“I need you to live in Hogwarts for me for two days over the weekend, and I want to go out.”

Because he was exercising, Bucky didn’t put on his mask, and his paralyzed face looked a bit dull at this time.

What do you mean?

You let me, a novice with no magic at all, go to a magic school. Will you live in your place for a while?

Noah read his facial expression and patted his shoulder to tell him to relax.

“Oops, it’s just you helping me with some special training for the two little devils.”

“This doesn’t require you to perform any magic.” He handed Frostmourne forward in his hand,”I basically don’t use magic in school.”

Based on the magic level of those students, if he wanted to engage in school bullying, beating them would be like beating a three-year-old child. There is no need to use magic.

With the physical skills he learned from Karma Taj, as long as he If a certain bat master arranges the battlefield in advance and then arranges a fight, these students may not even be able to see the hem of his clothes when he dies. Even if he doesn’t mention setting up the battlefield, his physical skills are enough to support him in waving his sword in the crowd. Kai Wushuang, do you understand the value of senior Berserker Creed players?

Bucky reluctantly took the sword over,”You really don’t need to use magic?”

He remained highly suspicious of Noah’s words

“You just need to maintain my cold persona. If the polyjuice potion is not enough, you can ask that old bat for more.”

Bucky knew who the old bat was. After all, the ability to collect intelligence is a basic skill that a top killer must master proficiently. He simply explained some things to pay attention to when pretending to be him, such as when he was in Huo After their relationship with Gwarts, Noah tricked Bucky into drinking Polyjuice Potion to try its effects.

Bucky’s facial features began to squirm and deform like hot wax, and his huge frame was gradually shrinking. Until it was finally as tall as Noah.

The most surprising thing was that Bucky’s broken arm also gradually grew out.

The pair of mechanical arms were squeezed off by the regrown arms, and they hit the ground with a loud sound. There was a dull sound.

Looking at his regrown broken arm, Bucky’s heart was not as calm as his expression.

Noah, who belongs to Pixiu, silently picked up Bucky’s robotic arm and began to think about when he would Do you want to give this thing back to Bucky?

Watching Bucky put on his spare clothes, he silently turned around and walked to the corner, and began to try to pack his loose wizard robe into a handy weapon. Noah, as his own heart, felt There was an inexplicable weird feeling.

Although his face could be seen in the mirror every morning when he got up and washed up, but now such an imposter”self” was standing in front of him so alive.

It still felt too much like that. That’s too weird.

And what is Bucky doing?

Do you think he could fit a carbine under those loose wizard robes?

Oh, sorry, that works.

But you just put a frag grenade in your pocket. Isn’t it a bit too much?

Do you want to insert a rocket launcher into your pants again?

Damn, considering the looseness of the wizard’s robe, apart from having an RPG inserted into his pants, which will affect his movement a little, there really isn’t much difference from the appearance alone.

Although many weapons can be packed under the loose wizard robes, Bucky is still not satisfied with the clothes.

Too loose clothes will bring great hindrance in close combat, and this weapon has been transformed by Polyjuice Potion. His body is not as strong as his previous body.

Can this thing also inhibit the effect of the Super Soldier Serum?

No, it is not inhibiting to be precise.

The polyjuice potion changes the flesh and bones that make up the body, let alone the Super Soldier Serum, even if Even the spider serum will not be able to exert its original effectiveness due to changes in the body.

For example, the tendon meat on Bucky’s body originally allowed him to punch with a ton of power.

But now he has completely transformed into The shape of Noah, then the upper limit of the strength of Noah’s muscles also represents the upper limit of Bucky’s strength at this moment.

Because he just took a small sip of the potion, in less than five minutes, Bucky recovered in front of Noah He became the original perverted and dark killer.

Looking at the mechanical arm in his hand and Bucky’s empty shoulders, Noah scratched his head in embarrassment.

Uh, how can I put this thing back?

Is there any original reason ? Hydra’s engineers came out to answer the question. It’s a long time to wait online.

Fortunately, the magic in this world is quite idealistic.

The Restoration Spell may not look like much, but it’s actually a rather buggy spell.

Noah doesn’t need to know this. How the metal arm was originally connected to Bucky’s body, and allowed it to be extremely flexible in accepting instructions from Bucky’s brain and respond accordingly.

He didn’t even need to know what function this metal arm could originally achieve.

Knowing how this metal arm looked spliced to Bucky’s shoulder, all he needed to do was give his thoughts to the Restoration Spell and it would be spliced back together.

As the light of magic lit up, time and space seemed to go back in time, and the detached mechanical arm automatically returned to Bucky’s shoulder and was installed.

Bucky, with a slightly surprised expression, waved his arms.

Listening to the sound of metal transmission coming from the robotic arm, Bucky used his good arm to pat the red five-pointed star on the shoulder of the robotic arm.

He still didn’t quite believe it. The magician in front of him just waved his hand and the thing was fixed?

It only took the Winter Soldier with a big heart three seconds to accept this fact.

Then, he began to collect the weapons and ammunition that had just been scattered on the ground.

“Otherwise, would you use this?”

Noah, who couldn’t stand it anymore, dug through his pockets and handed Bucky a bag that he got from Snape and cast a traceless stretching spell on.


Looking at the small cloth bag in front of him, which was no bigger than a woman’s satchel, Bucky had a suspicious look on his face, but he still took it honestly.

A full ammunition box disappeared into the In the pocket, the doubt in Bucky’s eyes disappeared.

Watching the inventory of weapons belonging to the Winter Soldier in the Screaming Shack disappear into the pocket bit by bit, Noah wiped the sweat from his forehead.

What is this?

Physics magician Bucky?

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