At a fork in the road, Hagrid stopped.

After hesitating for a while, Hagrid made up his mind.

“we act separately”

“We have to follow these bloodstains to find the trace of the unicorn.”

Seeing the same bloodstains on the two different roads, Hagrid was confused for a moment.

“There was blood everywhere, and it had obviously been stumbling around ever since it was injured.”

Hagrid turned around and stared at Little Doudin in front of him. He was always kind, but his tone now sounded a bit threatening.

“I will ask Yaya to follow you, and you’d better not make any small moves.”

Besides, a huge black Neapolitan Mastiff barked at Bucky twice in unison.

“If you find the injured unicorn, shoot green sparks”

“If there is danger, a red spark warning will be emitted, do you understand?”

The expressionless Bucky just twitched the corner of his mouth. He was not a wizard, so how could he use a wizard’s wand to launch flares?

He didn’t carry a rarely used gadget like a flare launcher in his pocket..Forget it, at worst, I can just take out a rocket launcher and shoot it into the sky later.

Watching the big man’s figure gradually disappearing on the narrow path of the Forbidden Forest, Bucky shook his head, and finally gave up and left the other person directly. He planned to go back to Hogwarts Castle.

He glanced at the watch in his hand and saw that the time he and Noah agreed to meet was almost here. The meeting place of the two happened to be in the Forbidden Forest.

Ba decided to move on. Ji looked coldly at the squatting black hound beside him. This big dog named”Ya” had its tail tucked up after its owner walked away.

Now it was filled with murderous intent by Bucky. With a glare in its eyes, it whimpered in fear, and then with a shy dog face, it came up to lick Bucky’s hand… ahem, Bucky’s hand.

This complete dog-licking look fully embodies the idiom of a dog relying on human strength.

“roll. Yaya shook his head and ran away.

Bucky took out a night vision device from the space expansion bag that Noah gave him and put it on his head.

A semi-automatic sniper rifle designed by a Soviet firearms designer also appeared. In his hand, this is the famous SVD sniper rifle.

This time, the core used by Bucky is not the conventional Muggle-made 7.62×54mm flange bullet, but Noah’s special magic bullet.

According to different combat situations And there are a variety of styles engraved with different inscriptions to choose from – when facing a tough battle, you can fill the gun with bullets engraved with explosive runes.

But the situation Bucky faced this time did not require him to act as a gun. A blasting maniac needs to face an enemy in a soul state.

Of course, the opponent may have already found an entity to attach to.

So after filling the SVD sniper rifle with magic bullets aimed at the soul , Bucky carried two Remington M870 shotguns behind his back.

Noah’s body benefited from years of practicing Kama Taj’s secret skills, and his physical fitness was comparable to that of a group of soldiers. He can be called a soldier-level being.

Bucky is still confident that he can dual-wield Remingtons.

Even if it is an M870 shotgun that he and Noah jointly modified.

He loaded a shotgun into a Loaded with an 18.4mm diameter bullet, a whole tungsten alloy bullet is mixed with a small amount of vibranium, and is engraved with a series of magic patterns such as sharpness and solidity. It is specially used to target powerful creatures with tough skin, such as fire dragons. , Basilisk… even a tank can penetrate with one blow.

Once fired, the power is enough to destroy the sky.

The other Remington M870 is filled with anti-personnel shotguns that carry various elemental damage.

The same is true. An 18.4mm caliber anti-personnel shotgun is filled with 14 tungsten alloy projectiles with a diameter of 5.3mm and a mass of 1.4g. A large number of bullets are scattered with elemental magic patterns and explosive magic engraved on them.

If you fire a shot towards the ground, The ground within a radius of ten meters with the bullet impact point as the center must be plowed deeply.

The power is enough to destroy the ground!

When these two shotguns that have undergone various magical modifications are combined, they can Destroy the world.

These three guns alone are not enough.

After loading bullets into the guns, Bucky took out a short and powerful submachine gun from his pocket and inserted it into his waist. After checking his body Bucky, who was armed to the teeth, took steps towards the depths of the dark Forbidden Forest. The dark forest at night was dark and terrifying, and the branches stretching across the sky were like claws extended by the devil. The little bits of fluorescence emitted by the insects are like the eyes of monsters.

At a glance, they look like twisted tree spirits guarding this forbidden forest where only a few wizards dare to set foot.

Those eyes stare sharply. It looked at every outsider who dared to break in here, flashing with malicious light, as if to tear it into pieces.

From time to time in the lonely night, there were several terrifying roars, coming from those dangerous and deadly creatures.

The intertwining of low bushes and branches in mid-air, as well as the roots of the beard trees lingering on the ground, made this dark forest path extremely difficult to walk.

But that didn’t bother Bucky.

Even though he was carrying four firearms at the same time, it didn’t have much impact on Bucky’s movement speed.

After walking forward for about a few hundred meters, Yaya, who had been leading the way, suddenly stopped.

After turning around and barking lowly at Bucky, he stopped beside a tree in front and started spinning around wildly.

The fallen leaves that were trampled underfoot made a rustling sound.

Bucky took a few steps forward and saw dots of silver light scattered around the roots of the tree, the same ones Hagrid had pointed out to him before.

It’s unicorn blood.

Yaya played to its strengths as a canine, using its keen sense of smell to lead Bucky forward through the dense and dark woods.

However, being a coward, Yaya didn’t dare to go too far away from Bucky. It only dared to explore the path three meters in front of Bucky. This distance was no different for Bucky who was wearing night vision goggles.

Soon, he and Yaya walked forward again at least one kilometer away.

The rugged terrain in the Forbidden Forest meant that he could only walk through a complicated and twisted curve. In this case, it was difficult to accurately judge the distance he had walked.

The surrounding leaves rustled in the gentle night breeze.

Looking at the darkness around him, Bucky always felt a little irritable.

For some reason, ever since he and Hagrid separated, he had a vague feeling of uneasiness in his heart. This was a super sixth sense brought to him by thousands of battles.

He could sense that the enemy was close at hand.

Through the tangled branches of an old oak tree, Bucky could see a clearing ahead.

He abandoned Hagrid’s hound without hesitation, ran straight to the open space ahead, took off the SVD sniper rifle from his back, and looked ready.

Fighting against unknown enemies lurking in the dark in complex unfamiliar terrain is undoubtedly a very stupid thing, almost like committing suicide.

There are no obstacles around the open space that can be used to hide. If the enemy wants to attack him, he can only emerge from his hiding place.

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