Continuous explosions resounded in the Forbidden Forest, reaching Hagrid’s ears very clearly even from a distance of several kilometers.

The moment the gunshot rang out, the face of the guardian of the Hogwarts Forbidden Forest changed instantly.

Carrying the huge ax used to open the road behind his back, the hybrid giant narrowed his eyes slightly to protect his eyes from being scratched by the branches in the sky in front of him.

Immediately, this hybrid giant with natural supernatural power threw off his powerful legs and ran.

With his weight of over a ton and the super strength given to him by his giant blood, Hagrid seemed to have transformed into a steamroller, crushing all obstacles along the way.

The straight line between two points is the shortest.

Hagrid rushed to the battlefield along the shortest route between him and the battle site.


On the other side, Bucky’s Destroyer fired continuously.

Despite destroying the sky and destroying the earth, each gun’s magazine can only hold five rounds of bullets.

But as an old popsicle who has been single for more than a hundred and more years and is even as old as Dumbledore, Bucky’s hand speed is incredibly fast.

Even when he was reloading, the other gun in his hand kept suppressing Voldemort’s firepower, and there was not much pause or lag in firing between reloads.

But even if the hand speed and operation are maxed out, such an attack will not have much effect on the changed Voldemort.

After some bizarre magical transformations, Voldemort’s physical fitness has reached an absurd level.

Relying on his super nerve reaction speed, Voldemort can selectively avoid attacks.

Avoid attacks that would cause injuries that would affect movement. As for minor injuries that would not affect movement, you could completely ignore the attacks.

Coupled with his physical resilience comparable to that of Wolverine, even if he encounters some unavoidable attacks or is accidentally hit by a devastating blow, he can recover in just a few breaths.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, the sharp claws drew five rays of cold light in the air like a staff.

Faced with the imminent threat of death, Bucky did not change his expression. He just took a small step back to avoid the claws of death that caught him head-on.

While he dodged the opponent’s attack, the Mie Di in his hand was also pressed against Voldemort’s chest. boom!

However, a cold long columnar object also pressed against his body.

The Cruciatus Curse suddenly burst out from Voldemort’s tail at zero distance. At such a distance, it was completely impossible to dodge.

After being struck by the Cruciatus Curse suddenly, Bucky felt like all the bones in his body were burning.

The Super Soldier Serum also brings super endurance.

Under the painful torture of the Cruciatus Curse, Bucky’s movements showed no lag at all. He pulled the pump handle of Destruction Sky again and pulled the trigger.

The physical wand shimmering with cold light slipped out of his sleeve. Holding the physical wand made of pure vibranium in his hand, Bucky took advantage of the situation and stepped forward.

At this moment, Voldemort was still in a state of stiffness as he was shot in the face, but he did not panic at all when faced with the dagger heading towards his trachea.

The brilliance of magic radiated from the tail, and a spherical transparent barrier enveloped him at 360 degrees without any blind spots.

However, the super armor protection did not play the protective role Voldemort expected.

The runes engraved on the dagger in Bucky’s hand flowed with brilliance, and the invisible blade of Shen Feng covered the entire blade.

Only magic can defeat magic!

The irresistible friction between the sharp edge and the barrier made a harsh and sharp noise.

In Voldemort’s surprised eyes, the dagger in Bucky’s hand just cut open the defensive magic he was proud of, and then slashed towards his neck with great cruelty.


Voldemort, who was no longer human, just snorted coldly.

After all, the obstruction of the barrier caused some inevitable delay in Bucky’s attack.

When he broke through the barrier created by the armor protection spell, Voldemort’s one was regarded by him as The tail of the wand had unknowingly moved in front of him.

Scarlet light bloomed again.

But this time, Voldemort no longer released Crucio, one of the three unforgivable curses, but a A simple and powerful explosion – art is explosion!

A loud bang like thunder exploded in Bucky’s ears.

Such a super powerful blasting spell at such a close range, even Captain America, who has the complete serum enhancement effect, came. It is impossible to take over directly with flesh and blood.

If there is no vibranium shield of Captain America’s body, there is a high probability that his final end will be like a piece of fragile glass that fell to the ground, exploding to the ground no matter how hard you try. Pieces that would never come back.

But the feeling of the body being torn apart did not come as Bucky imagined.

At this critical moment, a figure that was much larger than Voldemort, who was 2.5 meters tall, appeared like a god. The force intercepted him and Voldemort like a force from heaven.


The violent impact caused by the explosion instantly sent Hagrid flying a long distance away. As for Bucky in front of him, he was tightly held in his arms..

Feeling the huge force that almost broke his ribs, Bucky’s face turned green.

Don’t you have any idea of your own weight?

What the hell is this!

Flying out in the air? At a distance of ten meters, countless trees were broken along the way. With the obstacles brought by the trees, Hagrid’s forward flight was finally stopped.

Bucky, who was knocked to the ground by Hagrid, pushed away with difficulty. This giant weighs a ton. The Destruction of Heaven and Earth in his hand had already been released in the explosion, and the SVD sniper rifle behind him had also been crushed. Fortunately, he had been injected with the super soldier serum, even if It’s an incomplete version.

Otherwise, if a road roller weighing a ton came up and pressed down like this, even if he was lucky enough not to die, he would probably have to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. He had to endure the pain of many soft tissues in his body. With contusions and pain caused by multiple fractures caused by heavy pressure, Bucky disassembled the magazine of the sniper rifle without hesitation. In the distance, Voldemort, who thought he had a chance to win, walked at an unhurried pace, as if he was playing. Like a mouse cat, he slowly approached the two prey that he regarded as dead.

Bucky took out the scattered gun accessories from the space bag that had cast the traceless stretching spell, and quickly assembled them It became a weird looking rifle.

“It would be a pity to kill a wizard as talented as you.”

Voldemort’s harsh laughter seemed extremely arrogant and rampant at this moment.

“Why don’t you come and be my servant? If you promise to work for me, maybe I can let you and your stupid friend live.”

The only response he received was a roar that destroyed heaven and earth.

There was also an ice-colored sword that suddenly slashed at his body from behind.

“A dignified man, Anken is your ox and horse!”

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