A scarlet exploding curse tore through the darkness. Although Bucky dodged immediately, his speed was still not as fast as the flying speed of the curse.

The blasting spell landed at his feet, and although it didn’t hit directly, the terrifying wave of air caused him to fly a dozen meters away.

Yan didn’t glance in Bucky’s direction. Voldemort, who knew who was the biggest threat, took a few steps forward, stepped on Hagrid who was about to get up, and stepped the giant back onto the stone behind him.

Then, he punched Hagrid hard in the face.

Even though the hybrid giant had rough skin and thick flesh, his face was covered in blood under these repeated heavy blows.

Hagrid held a small pink umbrella in his left hand and pointed it with difficulty at the ax that fell in the open space in the distance.

“The ax is coming!”

The sound of breaking the air came from behind. Voldemort seemed to have eyes on his back. Without turning his head, he stretched out his hand behind him and took the flying ax into his hand.

Holding the ax handle, Voldemort’s With a ferocious smile on his face, he pointed the ax blade at Hagrid’s chest and pressed it down with both arms.

Looking at the ax blade so close at hand, Hagrid could only hold on painfully. But he couldn’t stop the sharp ax blade from breaking through his flesh bit by bit and sinking into his chest. The will to survive made Hagrid burst out with amazing strength, but he just didn’t let the ax blade advance half a minute.

Two At this moment, people were actually in a stalemate.

The sound of something burning at an extremely fast speed suddenly sounded in the air, and the scream showed a pulse Doppler-like change in pitch. Scorching flames spurted out from the tail of the rocket, and the rocket was in the wake. Driven by the force, he left a long white trail behind him and rushed towards Voldemort with extremely ferocious momentum.

Voldemort did not dare to neglect the strange alchemy weapons launched by Bucky.

After all, the opponent fired a bullet. The scene in which half of his body was almost blown to pieces was still deeply imprinted in his memory.

The broken arm was still lying somewhere in the open space, telling his blood and tears.

He turned his head slightly to avoid the incoming rockets, with a smile that seemed mocking and disdainful at the corner of his mouth, as if he was laughing at Bucky’s overestimation.

When he was dragging a long and hot wake When the rocket passed in front of him, Voldemort took action as he watched the rocket in front of him as if playing in slow motion.

He stretched out his hand to grab it, and then raised his hand to throw it back to Ba, who was still holding the rocket launcher high in the distance. Ki.

Click, click!

The rocket warhead in his hand suddenly began to deform.

With a sound of mechanical transmission, the warhead separated from the booster deformed into a metal glove, which connected Voldemort’s palm together. Small sections of forearms were imprisoned in it.

The booster that fell weakly to the ground was also deforming, ejecting several fixing devices to pin itself firmly to the ground.

Dazzling and powerful current The two separated devices lit up at the same time.

A strong magnetic force suddenly burst out, pulling Voldemort’s arm that was firmly imprisoned.

Unexpectedly, Voldemort’s figure was pulled suddenly. Tilted, he fell to the ground and was forcibly pulled away from Hagrid by the sudden drag force, sliding towards the other magnetic pole.

He took away the ax from his chest that almost disembowelled him. Hagrid’s arms trembled slightly.

But that was not because of the fear of facing death, but because the aggressiveness belonging to the giant in his blood was completely ignited. With a fierce expression, he spat out a mouthful of blood-foaming liquid to the side. Saliva, Hagrid’s eyes burned with blazing fighting spirit, and he raised the battle ax in his hand again.

Noah in the distance still maintained the posture of casting magic.

A weather spell with such a large range, even for a person like Noah Ladu couldn’t bear the consumption, and his face became extremely pale, as if his body had been hollowed out. The blue current wrapped around Frostmourne in Noah’s hand, echoing the thunder in the clouds.

For a moment , the thunder is magnificent and the light is dazzling.

Even Noah’s gray eyes were stained with a layer of thunder and lightning, completely covering the original gray-green color in his pupils.

“Hagrid!”Noah roared angrily.

With the help of the loud amplification, his voice reached Hagrid’s ears amidst the extremely noisy thunder.

Attracted by the sound, Hagrid looked up in the direction of Noah.

“Cut off his head!”Noah roared and slashed the long sword in his hand, but it was not pointed at Voldemort, but in the direction of Hagrid.

To be precise, it was pointed at the storm ax in Hagrid’s hand.

Accumulation in the clouds Under the traction of Noah, the huge electric charge condensed into a thick thunder with a diameter of two meters, connecting the clouds and the earth below like an Optimus Pillar.

And its landing point was…

Hagrid’s hand The axe!

Use thunder!

Crush the darkness!!!

The azure thunder has no power at all. The ax in Hagrid’s hand is like a black hole that can swallow everything, absorbing all the thunder and lightning.

Dazzling The lightning wrapped around the axe, making this huge battle ax made of ordinary metal make a hard sound, and fine cracks covered the entire axe body in an instant.

But under the constraints of magical power, it was very Miraculously, it did not shatter into pieces.

The ax blade drew a blue arc in the air. With the blessing of thunder, Hagrid’s speed was so fast that even Voldemort, who had super dynamic vision, could hardly see clearly..

The ax blade wrapped in dazzling thunder slashed into the right side of Voldemort’s neck, passed out from the left side, then circled in the air and sank into his left chest. The blue lightning left a trail in the air.”S”curved trajectory.

When the Storm Ax separated Voldemort’s legs from his body like chopping melons and vegetables.

This ancient battle ax that carried unimaginable power could no longer withstand any small force. It was shattered into irregular metal residues just under the influence of its own gravity.

The wooden ax handle was completely charred, turning into a pile of ashes whose previous appearance was completely unrecognizable, and sparsely slipped from the palm of the hybrid giant. boom!

There was a gunshot, and a bullet that specifically targeted the soul shot out from the barrel of the gun and went straight into Voldemort’s head that fell to the ground.


With a shrill scream, Voldemort’s entire body exploded into a ball of erratic black mist, and he fled into the distance.

This escape speed was so fast that even Noah in his heyday could not match it. Not to mention that the magic power in Noah’s body is now very low.

He can only watch the remnant soul of Voldemort disappear into the dense forest of bushes. There is a sound of apparating through space in the open space next to a few people. There was a slight explosion.

At this moment, the battle in the Forbidden Forest had come to an end, and Dumbledore arrived belatedly.

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