Perhaps because the school season is still far away, there are currently no other customers in Madam Malkin’s Robe Store.

The owner of the store, a short, fat witch wearing purple clothes and smiling broadly, was sitting on a recliner behind the counter on the left side of the entrance, fishing.

When she saw Noah, Mrs. Malkin’s eyes suddenly lit up, and she immediately put down the cat in her arms and left her fishing lounger.

It’s rare to see such a handsome young man. If he were to put on clothes made by her shop, he would be a walking advertising sign.

It’s just that Mrs. Malkin seems to have overlooked that the uniforms at Hogwarts are all of the same style.

Unless she printed the name of her store on her clothes in special effect fonts with big, bold and light effects, what kind of advertising effect could that black robe have?

“Are you a new student enrolling at Hogwarts this year, dear?”

Without waiting for Noah to answer, Mrs. Malkin enthusiastically invited him to go to the fitting room at the back of the store to try on clothes first.

Mrs. Malkin waved the magic wand in her hand, and several tape measures automatically fit together and began to fit her. Is Kang Nuoya’s development normal?

Ah, it’s to measure the body size to determine the size of clothes.


While Noah was choosing clothes, a father and son were standing outside Madam Malkin’s robe store.

Both father and son also have a special platinum blonde hair color and a slightly pale complexion.

“Professor Dumbledore, nice to meet you.” The man extended his hand to Dumbledore, who was waiting at the door.”What kind of wind brought you here?”

“Good morning, Lucius.”Dumbledore shook hands with the other party and smiled warmly.

“Hello, Professor Dumbledore.”

The gray-blue eyes looking at Dumbledore were a little uneasy, and the blond boy standing next to the man also said hello. Dumbledore was attracted by the voice, and looked down at the man who was obviously a little afraid of strangers but still raised his eyebrows. A little boy who has the courage to imitate everything his father does.

“This must be your son.”

Dumbledore noticed the shopping list in the boy’s hand,”It seems that Hogwarts is about to welcome another outstanding little wizard.”

Although the man standing in front of him was once a member of Voldemort’s notorious Death Eaters, Dumbledore still did not hesitate to use this polite commercial compliment to his descendants. They are children after all.

Likewise, although It was not easy to deal with Dumbledore, but when he heard Dumbledore, who is known as the greatest white wizard in the wizarding world today, commenting so much on his son, Lucius Malfoy would probably have smiles on his face if he didn’t suppress his smile. The grin went to the back of his head.

Because of Draco, the polite conversation between the two was not as stiff as usual.

Lucius smiled,”You are……”

Following Dumbledore’s line of sight, Lucius looked at the clothing store nearby and caught a glimpse of the young figure looking in the mirror in the store.

Bringing a new freshman to Diagon Alley?


This is really rare. This should be the first time since Dumbledore became the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, right?

If Lucius’s memory is correct.

At this time, the young man in the store was standing on a short footstool, and Madam Malkin was using a pin to pin up his black robe, recording the length that suited his figure.

The lights in the store cast a dark luster on the boy’s black hair.

There was a bit of indifference and arrogance in those deep gray-green eyes, which deepened the cold aura around the boy that seemed to repel people thousands of miles away.

Just by looking at him, Lucius could tell that this young man was the same kind of person as him. 2

They all exude the unique aristocratic temperament. 3

He patted Draco’s shoulder calmly,”Professor Dumbledore and I still have something to talk about. You should go in and find Mrs. Malkin to measure the size first.””

“I get it, dad”


As a person who is afraid of trouble, Noah is quite fast in choosing clothing styles.

Of course, it has something to do with the fact that there are not many styles of clothes hanging in the store to choose from.

Maybe it was because the school season was approaching, so I glanced at the clothes racks in the store and saw that they were all Hogwarts uniforms.

Just like Naruto’s wardrobe, when you open it, you’ll find all the same clothes.

If he had to tell the difference between these plain robes of the same style, Noah could only think of one answer: clothing size.

The robes are all the same, allowing consumers to have multiple options to choose from, including matching clothing such as shirts, sweaters, and pants to match the robes.

But there are not many styles.

As the behind-the-scenes controller of Hydra, Noah, a rich man who is afraid of trouble and not short of money, naturally chooses to have one of everything.

Such a generous move made Madam Malkin smile until her eyes were squeezed out by the wrinkles on her face.

Noah laid out nine coins on the counter, cough, nine gold galleons. He was going to pay the bill first and come back later to get the custom-made clothes.

A somewhat arrogant voice sounded behind him

“Hey, are you a new student at Hogwarts too?”

He turned around and glanced behind him, and found that the person who spoke was a”familiar stranger”, so Noah lost interest and turned his head back.

It wasn’t Luna, the little angel, they were scattered, there was nothing interesting to see. 1

Seeing that the other party glanced at him and then turned his head back, with no intention of answering him, Draco Malfoy stood there slightly embarrassed.

A faint blush appeared on his pale cheeks due to anger..

He raised his voice slightly,”Hey, didn’t you hear me talking to you! ?”1

After paying the bill, Noah turned around and looked into the other person’s eyes calmly,”I heard it, what next? Why are you shouting so loudly?”2

Seeing the other party’s completely indifferent expression towards him, the blush on Malfoy’s face became more obvious due to anger.

But the coldness in Noah’s eyes made him completely lack the courage to attack. Under Noah’s gaze, the blush on his face receded little by little.

The small space in Madam Malkin’s robe store made the atmosphere even more rigid.

Draco’s voice lowered unconsciously,”I, I just……”

“Just what?”

There was a hint of aggression in Noah’s tone, but he didn’t intend to embarrass the child who was spoiled by his parents too much. The other person’s nature was not bad.

He stepped forward, not far enough away from Draco. He stopped thirty centimeters away.

Thanks to the unremitting exercise after his rebirth, Noah, who has been practicing the secret art of Kama Taj for many years, is a whole head taller than Draco. 4

This makes De Draco had to tilt his head back to see his face clearly. This kind of angle of looking up at others made Draco very uncomfortable. The last person who forced him to adopt this perspective was his father. In addition

, Draco had to tilt his head back to see his face clearly.

Draco, who felt a little uneasy about Noah’s extremely oppressive aura, quietly took half a step back.

“If you really want to make friends with someone, you might as well try to change your current attitude. It’s impossible to make any true friends with your pretentious and arrogant attitude.”

Hearing Noah’s words, Draco, who expected to hear some ridicule or sarcastic offensive words from Noah, was stunned for a moment.

Because of his superior family background, he had not had many peers around him since he was a child. They can be called his true friends.

They are basically a bunch of losers.

So he has always been praised highly.

This is the first time that someone has spoken to him in such a preaching tone and way.

In an understatement After saying these words, Noah turned around and prepared to leave, but before stepping out of Madam Malkin’s robe store, he stopped again. 1

Remembering that this arrogant rich young man was chatting with him about his future life When he met his enemy Harry Pott, he might have said some stupid words that caused him to lose Pott’s friendship. Noah couldn’t help but remind him one more time:

“Also, let me give you a piece of advice”

“Belittling others behind their backs will not improve your own status. Instead, it will only reflect your low moral standards, like a villain who speaks ill of others behind their backs.”4

Looking at Noah’s leaving figure, Draco wanted to call out to him, but in the end he gave up. There was a thoughtful look in his eyes as he froze on the spot.

Unexpectedly, for the third time, he Once I came out to join the society, I hit a wall with Noah.

Very good, man, you have aroused my interest. 2

“”My dear,” Madam Malkin’s kind voice interrupted Draco’s reverie,”do you want to go to the shop first and try on some clothes?””

Just a few minutes after Draco stepped into the fitting room, Madam Malkin’s Robe Shop welcomed its third customer today – a thin boy with a lightning scar on his forehead. 1



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