The battle in the Forbidden Forest didn’t cause any ripples at Hogwarts.

The battle took place too deep into the Forbidden Forest. Even from the highest point of Hogwarts, the Astronomy Tower, it was difficult to see what was happening in the Forbidden Forest over there.

Even the weather spell that used up almost all of Noah’s magic power was only a slightly thicker lightning from the Hogwarts Castle a few kilometers away.

Thunder in winter is a very rare thing, but it is not unusual at all.

Back in the familiar auditorium of Hogwarts Castle, Noah’s arrival did not attract many people’s attention.

Only the little beaver rushed to the Slytherin table with a pile of thick notes, and then placed it heavily in front of Noah with a bang.

Regardless of being surrounded by Slytherin students, this Ravenclaw eagle pulled away Draco who was sitting next to Noah.

Then he took Draco’s place and sat next to Noah

“Noah, where have you been this weekend? I can’t find you!”

Before he could answer, the little beaver’s honey-smeared mouth was like a barrage of questions, and he spewed out a series of questions quickly.

“As for what you said, we can sense the magic everywhere around us when we are highly concentrated. I have already done this.”

“But by using our own magic power to resonate with these free magic powers, we can mobilize these free magic powers and make them enhance the power of our magic. How do you do this?”

“Do we need to let our own magic reach a certain frequency and waveform to attract each other with the magic from the outside world?”

Originally, Noah was still worryingly thinking about the threat posed by Voldemort. When he heard these questions asked by the top student, Little Beaver, he felt that his head was getting bigger.

“Hermione, please speak slowly.……”

Putting aside the threat of Voldemort, it was something beyond his control.

But this does not mean that there is nothing he can do. The enemy’s strength is beyond his control, but his own strength is obviously something he can control and improve.

After listening to Hermione repeat the entire question, Noah thought for a while, sorted out his words, and tried his best to answer the little beaver’s question in a language that Hermione could understand.

“With your own strength, it is obviously impossible to compete with the world.”


“If you want to draw on the power of nature, you need to learn to take advantage of it, as if the magic floating around you comes from yourself.”

Hearing Noah’s words, Hermione’s delicate little face looked a little sad,”Follow the trend? But how can I control those magic powers like a finger?”

Noah smiled and shook his head,”It’s still too early for you to explore this issue now.”

“You can’t even fully control your own magic power, and you still want to use the power of nature to increase the power of your magic. You are putting the cart before the horse.”

After thinking sadly for a while, Hermione no longer dwelled on the power of her spells, but opened the thick stack of notebooks stacked in front of Noah.

The height of the stack was up to 20. Centimeter’s notebook records her study notes during this period of time when she studied the Kama Taj spell, as well as the problems she encountered.

“and this!”

Noah glanced at the contents of the notes on Little Beaver’s finger. It was about the magical principles of the portal.

“Space is an indivisible whole. How do we use our magic power to cut the space and open up a portal connected to another space?”

“Isn’t this kind of passage that connects two spaces together the Einstein Rosen Bridge?”

“According to the concept of quantum theory, if you want to maintain a traversable wormhole, there must be some mechanism to collect the weak negative energy matter generated by quantum effects to a sufficient amount.……”

“How exactly does magic replace the role of negative energy in this area?”

As expected of you, Little Beaver, the academic master!

Basically, the problems she studies are beyond the reach of wizards of this age.

Some of the questions asked are very tricky, and have even reached the point where even Noah, the Kama Taj The Wizard Supreme in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter found it difficult to give an answer right away.

While the little wizard of the same age was still studying the five gestures of waving a wand, she was already beginning to wonder about quantum mechanics.

Fortunately , Noah is not that kind of poor magician who is ignorant and has no skills, and his magic relies entirely on idealism.

Faced with some difficult academic questions thrown by Little Beaver, after some careful consideration, he can also give a fairly high-quality answer. answer to answer Little Beaver’s doubts.

A dry smile appeared on his face,”When building the portal, you only need to concentrate your attention highly, and then imagine in your mind that you are going to The place is ok”

“You have to make the portal concrete, and your vision cannot be limited to the world in front of you.”

The questions Hermione asked are something that the inventor of the portal magic needs to consider.

As for their users, they only need to learn how to use the power of the hanging ring.

Even if Noah knows how to make the hanging ring, But if he was asked to use scientific language to explain the scientific principles of the portal to Little Beaver… then he really couldn’t do it.

If he had this ability, he wouldn’t just be a super soldier in the final battle.

After all, the one who can build a space teleportation device must be Mr. Fantastic, or Iron Man, or someone with an IQ ceiling like Doctor Doom.

Little Beaver was obviously very dissatisfied with Noah’s specious and vague answer.

But She couldn’t ask more questions from Noah, so she had no choice but to jump through the portal and move on to the next question. A good lunch made the two of them become Kama Taj Secret technology exchange meeting.

When the little Beaver was satisfied and put away the small notebook that she filled with dense notes, the surrounding Slytherin students had turned into circle-eyed looks.

The two of them were talking about What the hell is this?

Why can I understand every word they say, but when they are connected together, I can’t understand it?

After answering many questions from Little Beaver, Noah wiped the sweat from his forehead. , finally remembered a figure who was always inseparable from Hermione.

“Where’s Shirley? Why didn’t she come with you?”

When he said this, he turned his head and glanced at the figure who was at the Ravenclaw table, immersed in pudding seriously.

Hermione scratched her head in embarrassment. My own messy lion hair,”Shirley, she said she couldn’t learn your so-called Kama Taj secret technique, and she didn’t want to come here and ask for trouble.””

“All right.”Noah spread his hands helplessly.

There is a fundamental difference between Kamathaj’s magic and the magic in this world. The difference between the two determines that it is difficult for these bloodline warlocks who rely solely on spiritual power to learn Kamathai. Ji’s magic.

Only Muggle-born wizards like Hermione who have established a scientific understanding of the world can not be constrained by the narrow cognition of pure-blood wizards. Only then can they truly master the card. Martaj’s spell.

Rather than learning it like Neville, who can only simply and crudely use magic to materialize weapons such as swords, and then rush forward with rage and sprint, he is a Demacia.

Since he was a child , The same goes for Shirley who grew up in the magical world.

“She has been hiding and sulking alone because of this incident. Now I don’t dare to practice the magic of Kama Taj in front of her.

Noah touched his nose. Is this the competitive spirit among girls?

Scared. Scared.

At this time, the desserts for lunch have already started for a long time, and in a short while those delicious snacks that are beautifully made and have a charming taste will disappear on the dinner plate.

Even though there were still many questions that he wanted to continue discussing, the little beaver chose to shut his mouth and focus on the dessert.

And Draco, who had been waiting for a long time, finally had the opportunity to say a word in the conversation between the two,”Well, Noah……”

“What’s wrong?”Noah didn’t even look up.

“Is that what you are talking about, Karma Taj is stationed at Hogwarts?”

This awkward name made Draco almost turn a corner.

“Is it time to think about inviting members?”

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