Leaving the cabin, Noah had a look of satisfaction on his face.

He had gotten the answer he wanted from Hagrid.

However, another piece of news he heard from Hagrid made him a little surprised.

Dumbledore actually removed the three-headed dog from the entrance to the restricted area?

Is Old Bee not planning to continue his savior training plan?

In fact, what Noah didn’t know was that Dumbledore’s decision to remove the three-headed dog from the entrance to the restricted area actually had a lot to do with him.

Because of the gently flapping wings of Noah, the time traveler, the world line of this world has changed greatly from the original time and space.

One of the changes that had the biggest impact on Harry was their original salvation triangle, in which the corner representing wisdom was moved to Ravenclaw.

Seamus Finnigan, the demolition maniac, becomes the new member of the trio.

It is impossible for a combination of three reckless men to go far.

If the three-headed dog continued to squat at the entrance to the restricted area, Harry might not be able to find a way to get past the three-headed dog when he graduated from seventh grade.

Not to mention later levels such as Devil’s Net.

Therefore, Dumbledore decided to get the Sorcerer’s Stone back from the restricted area on the fourth floor.

And now they are facing another serious problem – during the previous chaos on the Quidditch pitch, Voldemort successfully used the muddy water stirred up by the basilisk to attract everyone’s attention, and thus obtained Harry’s blood..

This means that he is very likely to realize and crack Lily’s guardian magic.

If Harry is allowed to make the final breakthrough like before, and then faces Voldemort, there is a 99.9% chance that he will be rewarded with an Ava directly. Damn it.

It is unrealistic for the savior classmates to face Voldemort like they did in the original time and space, and then slap Quirrell, who was possessed by Voldemort, to death.

Even if Dumbledore couldn’t predict all of Harry’s actions in the original time and space, he could guess what would happen now that Harry was facing Voldemort alone.

So Dumbledore simply gave up.

There is no hope, just wait to die!


“Hermione, what are they doing?”

Early that morning, Shirley was lying by the window of her dormitory, looking curiously at the figures about the size of peanuts on the edge of the black lake in the distance.

Although she didn’t see much. It was very clear, but she was still able to determine the identities of the four people on the edge of the Black Lake through one of them, who was much larger than the other three.

Rubeus Hagrid, the gamekeeper of Hogwarts.

And that one The relationship is as good as the three brothers wearing the same pants.

The Ravenclaw Tower, located at the second highest point in the castle, gives the eaglets an excellent view, allowing them to overlook the entire Black Lake.

“The three of them… don’t seem to be wearing clothes yet?”

“Bah, it’s not that I’m not wearing any clothes, I’m shirtless.

Hermione:? ? ?

You dare to wander around shirtless in such a cold weather. Are you risking your life?

“Come on, come on, let me be healthy!”

Hearing Shirley’s words, Hermione’s eyes widened and she curiously approached the small window of the dormitory.

Hermione looked at the four figures in the distance, three of whom seemed to be lying on the ground, cocooning.

“Uh…that looks like doing push-ups, right?”

Looking at the three brothers with their hands on the ground in the distance and their bodies rising and falling, Little Beaver had to admire their abilities.

“push-up? what is that?”

The smaller cat girl, who was still in a state of hairiness just after waking up, stroked the bristling hairs on her head,”That’s a way for Muggles to exercise.”

“It is mainly used to exercise the muscles of the upper limbs, waist and abdomen, especially the chest muscles.”

“Chest muscles?”Shirley’s eyes lit up, and she looked down at the little beaver’s plain chest.

Hermione, who was still immersed in smoothing her hair, was very keenly aware of her best friend’s malicious gaze, and her face turned red. She clenched her little pink fist tightly.

She punched the itchy flesh on Shirley’s sides,”What are you thinking!” How could push-ups have that effect!”

“Oops, I was wrong, Hermione! Ah ha ha ha!”

Facing Hermione’s sudden attack, it was obvious that this was not the first time that Shirley, who had been so naughty, was on guard.

She also stretched out her hands to explore the sides of the little witch opposite, and directly launched a wave of damage to both sides.

“Yeah, Shirley! You pervert! Let go!”


While the two little girls were laughing and playing and rolling together on the warm big bed in the dormitory, the three brothers of Kama Taj by the Black Lake were as cold as three dogs in the winter of November.

“Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!”

The sub-zero temperature made the surface of the Black Lake freeze as hard as quenched steel.

But in such a cold weather, Draco and Neville were forced by Noah to take off their coats and just Leaving a pair of pants behind, he was doing push-ups under the cold wind like a bone-cutting knife on the edge of the black lake. His warm palms were firmly stuck to the ice. If he did not complete the prescribed number of sets, only the three of them could do push-ups. Noah, who can cast fire spells without a wand, will not help them thaw.

Seeing that Noah, who is so much stronger than them, is like them, doing push-ups shirtless in the biting cold wind, originally full of resistance Draco didn’t dare to say anything.

He was so cold that he had runny nose and tears, so he could only follow the instructions.

But since it was his first training, his push-up movements were not very standard, and every time his body sank When he was sleeping, little Draco would have close contact with the cold ground.

Although there was a layer of cloth between them, that thin layer of cloth did not have much effect other than preventing sticking.

This also led to Draco’s Every time Ko does a push-up, he howls loudly

“ninety one! ninety two!”

Thanks to his strong physical fitness, a hundred push-ups can only be regarded as a warm-up for Noah, so he ended the challenge of the first event early. He then stood next to the other two to supervise The two of them mainly supervise Draco not to cheat or cheat.


When the number approached one hundred with great difficulty, Draco felt his arms shaking, as if he could no longer support the weight of his body.

But when he thought of the terrible consequences of his belly sticking to the solid ice, he His face was almost turning green from holding back, but he didn’t dare to let a large piece of his fragile abdominal muscles fall down.


Relying on infinite willpower, Draco’s arms burst out with great strength, and finally supported the number to jump forward again.

“one hundred!”

Before Noah announced the end and used the fire spell to help them melt the ice under his hands, Draco subconsciously tilted to the side, trying to turn over and lie on his back on the ground. If he tilted like this, he would be in tragedy.

“Ouch!”A heartbreaking wolf howl echoed far across the black lake.

Under the influence of body gravity, Draco successfully turned over, but a large piece of the skin on his palm was also torn off.

The entire palm of his hand became bloody, and tragically, a larger area of his body was in direct contact with the ice below.

Originally, only two of his palms were stuck to the ice, but now his entire back was frozen. Stopped.

Looking at Draco with tears in his face, Noah opened his lips and uttered a word


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