Spider End Alley.

This cozy house located in the middle of a dilapidated neighborhood lit up the lights signifying that it was inhabited for the first time in a long time.

As soon as the genius was revealed, Snape’s door was opened by an unlocking spell with full proficiency.

“Dad, daddy, don’t sleep!”

Standing beside Snape’s bed, Shirley shook her father’s arm.

“Get up and build a snowman with me!”

Thanks to the fact that the old bat is not good at killing people in his dreams, although he is as good a wife as the thief.

After all, Lily is James Potter’s wife, and Snape’s thief will never die. There seems to be no big problem with this statement..

Even he is already practicing the concept of”I will support you as your wife”.

Although he was disturbed from his dream, there was no sullen look on Snape’s face at all. The smile on his face revealed It is endless pampering for my daughter

“I haven’t washed up yet”

“Oops, hurry up! I went downstairs first!”

Looking at his daughter’s back disappearing outside the door, the loving father Snape reminded loudly,”Put on more clothes before going out! Be careful to catch a cold!”

“knew!”Shirley’s voice came from far outside the door.


Although it only took Snape a short time to wash up and prepare breakfast for himself and his daughter.

But when he walked outside the house, the prototypes of snowmen, one large, three small and four, had already been piled up in the garden covered with a thick layer of snow.

Standing among the flying snowflakes, Snape looked with interest at his daughter, who was wrapped up like a little polar bear. He was clumsily piling up the loose snowflakes on the ground and shaping them into shapes.

“Why are there four snowmen this year? Shirley

, who was squatting on the ground, turned around and said,”In addition to you and me, there are also Noah and Hermione!””

Looking at the three slightly smaller snowmen, Snape tried to distinguish from their faces which one represented Shirley, which one represented Hermione, and which one…

Oh, don’t think about this.

The far left The biggest snowman must represent himself. After all, he is the only adult among the four people.

Then the snowman standing next to him must be Shirley.

As for Noah’s bastard, that must be She was thrown to the right farthest away from Shirley. Hermione is Shirley’s best friend, so she must stand by Shirley’s side.

Snape was very satisfied with his speculation.

At the same time, he also felt sorry for his daughter. He was very satisfied with the positioning arrangement.

Shirley’s words confirmed his guess,”This is your……”

But the next moment, he heard a sound that broke his heart.

Shirley excitedly pointed to the one in the middle of the three little snowmen,”This is me, Noah is on the left, and Hermione is on the right!”

Why! why is that!

Snape felt like his sky was about to fall.

Why is the distance between him and Shirley the longest! That bastard Noah actually stood further forward than him!

“that……”Snape also tried to make a desperate struggle.

He pointed to the snowman on the far right,”This snowman is obviously taller than the two next to him, right? That one is Noah, he is taller than both of you.””

“Uh, that makes sense!”

Shirley thought about it seriously, then took a few steps forward, picked up a large ball of snow from the ground, and put it on the head of the snowman she originally said represented Noah.

“In this way, it is the second tallest among the four snowmen!”

Snape only felt that his whole old face was twitching. He almost couldn’t suppress his ancient strength and kicked the snowman away.

Fortunately, he held it back. There was a sudden sound on the street outside the garden. A very unpleasant sound

“Good morning, Professor Snape, and Shirley.”

Hearing Noah’s voice, Shirley immediately ran over in joy,”Come on, come on! You haven’t participated in our Snape family Christmas tradition yet!”

The happy girl was stunned before she ran to the door.

She stared blankly at the blond girl standing next to Noah, and asked a question from her soul.

“Noah! who is she? Before Noah could answer, Gwen took the initiative to take a step forward and stretched out her hand towards Shirley,”Hello, my name is Gwen Stacey.””

The neurotic, or selectively neurotic Noah chose to ignore the uncomfortable atmosphere between the two.

“Professor Snape, could you please go out with me?”

Because of the presence of Shirley, Noah couldn’t speak too clearly. He could only speak vaguely, and at the same time used gestures to hope that Snape would understand what he meant. The index finger and thumb of his left hand came together to form a A ring, and then raised his right middle finger to Snape.

But just when he was about to put the ring representing the resurrection stone ring on his left hand on his finger, indicating to Snape that this matter was related to Voldemort’s Horcrux.

Noah’s movements suddenly paused.

Wait, this gesture doesn’t seem right?

He quickly changed his strategy and used his mouth to express the pronunciation of”horcrux”, signaling Snape to find a quiet place to talk..

When he saw Noah giving him the middle finger, Snape’s face quickly changed from the amiable expression he used to treat his daughter to a perverted murderous expression that could kill people.

Fortunately, he can read lips..As a face-changing monster, he quickly adjusted his expression to the paralyzed face he usually maintained when teaching at Hogwarts.

“Come on, Shirley, let’s go back and have breakfast first.”

“You can build the snowman later, as it won’t taste good if it gets cold later.”

Although she didn’t quite understand what was going on, Shirley obviously had enough knowledge of her father’s”working status”.

She was very aware of the situation and no longer allowed her little temper to act up and walked obediently. At least he returned to the house and went straight to the restaurant.

Seeing Shirley’s back disappearing behind the door, Snape turned his head.

Without taking the initiative to speak, the old bat just stared at Noah coldly.

Noah Yaya didn’t bother to whet Snape’s appetite, and went straight to the point and explained why he came back to Spider-End Alley to find him.

“We all know that You-Know-Who has more than just one Horcrux”

“I have a clue about the next Horcrux. I need you to take me to Malfoy Manor. Just ask Lucius then.”

“However, before that……”

Noah tilted his head and looked in the direction of the door,”I heard you prepared breakfast? Do you mind cooking for twenty more people? Otherwise, this lady may not be full.”

God damn twenty Human status!

Snape clenched his fists.

Noah naturally doesn’t care about the tool man’s feelings.

He just passed Snape and walked straight to the house. He did not regard himself as an outsider at all, as if he was the owner of the house.

Looking at Noah’s retreating back, Snape gritted his teeth so hard.

The next moment, a divine blade shot out from the front of the wand, cutting off the snowman’s head on the ground that Shirley originally said represented Noah.

Even though this was a snowman built by Shirley, Snape, who was on the verge of bursting out, couldn’t control that much now.

Ah, I feel comfortable.

No, it’s not enough.

Snape, who was walking towards the house, suddenly stopped, turned back and kicked the snowman representing Noah to pieces.

As if that wasn’t enough, he added a few more feet to the snowdrift that no longer had any shape.

A beam of flame radiated from the front of the wand, melting the snow into a puddle of water.

Ah, I feel really comfortable this time.

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