“Shirley not only inherited the excellent magical talents of the Potters, but also far surpassed them in this aspect, which made her total magic power infinitely stronger than that of young wizards of the same age.”

Speaking of this, Dumbledore looked at Noah with a strange look.

He just remembered that the little monster in front of him was also the kind of existence whose total magic power far exceeded those of his age who don’t know how many times.

They were the first When they first met, Noah had a magical riot due to some unpleasantness between the two. The kind of power that Noah unleashed at that time was a bit difficult for even him to handle. Of course, that was mainly because he was caught off guard at the time. After Dumbledore pointed out Shirley’s life experience, Noah quickly figured out the connection,”On the night when the Potters were killed by Voldemort, Shirley was actually present?”

Dumbledore sighed

“It is precisely this way that Voldemort’s behavior left extremely serious psychological trauma to both of them. However, out of self-protection, the two of them���The brain selectively forces itself to forget this matter”

“Moreover, the protective magic that Lily built with love at the cost of her life also built a solid line of defense for both of them physically and mentally.”

“This prevented Shirley from transforming into the Obscurial to a certain extent, but now Shirley has unearthed the powerful magic that was firmly sealed deep in her bloodline by her mother’s magic.……”

Noah, who was standing at the door, looked back at Shirley, who was lying on the hospital bed, still in a coma.

Seemingly aware of Noah’s gaze, Hermione, who was waiting by the bedside to accompany Shirley, raised her head and looked in the direction of the two of them at the door. After realizing it was Noah, she silently turned her head back to stare at her best friend.

Looking back from Shirley, Noah looked at Dumbledore,”Is there any way?”

Dumbledore smiled, he raised his hand and patted Noah’s shoulder,”Don’t worry, this time Things turned out to be a good thing for Shirley”

“Good thing?”Noah shook his head,”I don’t understand.”

“Lily’s protective magic is time-sensitive. When Harry and Shirley reach the age of seventeen, the magic will be automatically lifted.”

“And at that time, the magic power that had been blocked for seventeen years suddenly broke out, and it was very likely that Shirley’s life would be taken away in an instant.”

Standing in the corridor, a look of thinking appeared on Noah’s face with his head slightly lowered.

He held his chin up with his clenched right hand,”You mean, this power is still under control now. In the range?”

“Shirley is lucky, she has a twin brother who can share the pressure of Obscurus for her”

“Newt should have a way to separate the powerful magical power in her body that has not yet been transformed into Obscurus, and transfer half of it to Harry.”

Noah finally raised his head,”Newt Scamander?”

“Yes, Newt and I had the honor of meeting the last Obscurial of this century, and there should be no one in the wizarding world who is more experienced in dealing with this situation than we are.”

When he said this, Dumbledore raised his head slightly, hiding the loneliness in his eyes.

Sorry, Ariana…

The conversation between the two ended with Dumbledore returning to the principal’s office. After writing a letter to contact Newt, Noah did not choose to leave immediately, but returned to the school doctor’s office.

Seeing Noah returning, Hermione’s tone revealed concern,”How is Shirley?”

“Although her current situation is a bit complicated, she will get better soon.”

Noah shrugged his shoulders with a relaxed expression, indicating that the little Beaver shouldn’t worry too much.

His words made the little Beaver’s heart, which had been hanging since just now, finally fall back into his stomach,”That’s good.”

At this time, she finally had time to turn her attention to other things.

Her eyebrows were raised and she looked like a trumpet Mag,”How can you let students face such a dangerous situation! Look! Now you’re in trouble!”

Noah twitched the corner of his mouth helplessly,”Can we not talk about this matter first? The content of my lectures has been discussed with Professor Dumbledore in advance.”

As soon as she heard Noah using Dumbledore as a shield, the angry Hermione could only stop talking angrily, and then brought the topic back to Shirley.

“Shirley, what happened to her?”

Noah didn’t answer Hermione’s question, but just threw the pot away,”This matter is related to Shirley’s life experience. I will tell her about it when she wakes up.”

“If she thinks this matter can be shared with you, you can ask her then.”

No longer paying attention to the curious little beaver next to him, Noah silently thought about what he knew, whether it was from the movies he watched in his previous life, or from books after coming to this world, any All the information about the Obscurus.

No matter how mysterious it is in the books, in the final analysis, the Obscurus is a powerful magic power, which was born after mixing the negative emotions of the wizards. It is a ball of energy with a certain self-will. A collection.

In essence, it is still a power that belongs to the Obscurus itself.

As long as it is power, it has the possibility of being controlled. If it cannot be controlled, it is definitely because the wizard does not have enough control over his own magic power. Powerful.

Noah didn’t want to watch Shirley give half of her power to her good-for-nothing brother who had been separated from her for more than ten years for no reason.

Power should be controlled by her. In his hands.

But what exactly does he have to do to allow Shirley to control the Obscurus while also getting rid of the negative effects of the Obscurus on the host’s vitality.

Noah, who still doesn’t understand the Obscurus well enough, no matter how hard he tries, If you think about it, it is impossible to find a solution without the support of experimental data.

You can only wait for Mr. Newt to come over, and then find a way to fool him into studying with him.

Noah sighed and chose to put it aside for the time being. This problem was impossible to solve in a short period of time.

He found an empty bed in the empty school doctor’s room and lay down, and began to close his eyes and rest.

In addition to the things that happened silently, there were also things that gave him a headache. There are many more.

The most critical question right now is the next Magical Offense and Defense class. What kind of teaching content will he prepare for this group of Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs?

If he dares to teach people again If he was dragged to the snowy mountains to endure the cold, Noah could guarantee that Madam Pomfrey would definitely break all three of his legs, and then rush to the principal’s office on the eighth floor of the castle to take away Dumbledore’s bird seat.

Since physical education classes can’t do it, Then there is only… from now on!

Let Hogwarts feel the pain!

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