Standing in the middle of the Quidditch pitch, the referee Mrs. Hooch looked helplessly at the big moth in front of her.

She really couldn’t figure out how this piece of shit Noah could play coquettish tricks.

Since Slytherin took out their first flying tree on the field, the teams of the other three houses have also begun to follow suit, so that now the Quidditch Cup at Hogwarts is directly a match between broomsticks. bump.

Whoever’s tree is thicker, bigger, stronger and stronger will win this game.

This is a bit too barbaric, and it is no longer as enjoyable as it once was when competing on broomsticks.

She glanced at Noah who was carrying nothing in his hands,”Mr. Shafrin, where is your broom?””

“I waited until the game started before taking it out. I put my flying vehicle in the bag of the Seamless Stretch Spell, and waited until the game officially started before taking it out. I shouldn’t have violated any rules of the game, right?”

“Indeed not.”

She sighed helplessly. Mrs. Huo Qi didn’t want to see Noah, a big monster who was very good at making monsters, dangling in front of her again, so she didn’t even bother to say what she told the players before the game.

Anyway. Even if I tell them, they won’t listen.

“Game start!”

At Mrs. Huo Qi’s whistle, ten brooms and three big trees rose into the air unevenly, but Noah still stood there without moving.

“The evil Shafrin is still standing there without making any movement. Has he given up the game?”

“No, the Slytherin players didn’t fight for the Quaffle at all, but flew straight up into the sky. Why did they raise the altitude?”

“There must be a conspiracy here!”

Seeing the Gryffindor players rushing towards the Slytherin team’s goal after grabbing the Quaffle, there was an inexplicable meaning in Noah’s eyes.

“You are so arrogant. You are not going to take any action when you discover such an obvious anomaly?”

He reached into the inner pocket of his clothes without haste. Under the attention of the entire Quidditch stadium, he was like a fat blue man who could take out various magical props from his fourth-dimensional pocket. He took out his competition vehicle from his pocket – the silver-gray vibranium shell reflected dazzling light under the sunlight. From its streamlined aerodynamic shape, it can be seen that this is a highly maneuverable”flying aerial vehicle”.”Broom”.

The wide rear wing and the slightly smaller front wing together form a unique canard layout, and the inclined double vertical tails at the rear ensure its maneuverability. The black engine nozzles are arranged on the two vertical wings. At the end, it can be seen from the diameter of the extremely thick nozzle that the power of this flying broomstick is definitely powerful enough.

The little Muggle-born wizards in the stands all had stupid expressions on their faces.

What the hell is this?

Playing Quidditch on a fighter jet, why don’t you go to the sky?


Sorry, Noah is really ready to go to the sky at this moment.

Opening the bubble-shaped glass canopy, Noah got into this specially produced by Hydra In the modified version of Black Ribbon from another world.

After a series of operations, he successfully started the power system of the fighter.

Driven by the belly engine, the fighter slowly rose vertically into the air.

After reaching a sufficient height , Noah did not hesitate to push the throttle valve next to the joystick to the maximum.

After being fully burned in the combustion chamber, the high-purity aviation fuel shot out from the tail nozzle, forming a faint blue line behind the fighter. The hot wake.

The supersonic airflow circulates back and forth between expansion and compression. The resulting expansion waves and compression waves are superimposed on each other, and finally form a beautiful Mach ring.

Thanks to the ultra-rare and strange metal vibranium With the excellent performance of this thing, Hydra military researchers can save a lot of trouble when using this thing to build fighter jets.

They don’t have to consider whether the material of the cast engine can withstand extreme high temperatures, and they don’t have to worry about whether the fuselage is undergoing some Whether it can withstand the load during high overload maneuvers.

The performance limit of vibranium is still far out of reach based on their current manufacturing level.

So the only thing they have to consider is that the engine can work wonders with great force. Use as much thrust as you want. If you are not pursuing the best performance, you don’t even need to consider the aerodynamic layout. It’s not just a matter of boasting.

They don’t have to worry about insufficient fuel. Why is the wizard’s traceless stretch spell used? ?

How bold are people and how productive is the land?

If Noah wants, he can expand the fuel tank of the plane enough to fly the fighter to the moon. It

’s just not necessary.

Maybe in the future Hydra will fly He would do this when heading towards the stars and the sea, but now Noah only needs its range to simply reach 10,000 kilometers, and it is enough to have global projection capabilities. The thrust-to-weight ratio of this unit has reached 20, which is incredible Under the extremely powerful thrust of the engine, the fighter jet driven by Noah quickly squeezed the air until a sonic boom cloud appeared. The sharp nose of the fighter jet pushed the air away, forming a cloud in front of the fuselage. A curved shock wave.

Looking at the speed displayed on the speedometer, Noah pushed the joystick with satisfaction to turn the fuselage around, and shot away in the direction of the Quidditch pitch at an outrageous speed of Mach 3.

At this time, the little lions of Gryffindor did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

The next moment, like a thunderous thunder exploding in the Quidditch pitch, a shock wave suddenly swept through the air and suddenly shook the school teachers and students sitting in the audience to stagger.

But the ones who suffered were the Gryffindor players who were riding on broomsticks and closest to the source of the sonic boom.

If Noah hadn’t restrained his speed when entering the field, given that this fighter jet could reach a maximum speed of Mach 5, most of these players’ lives would have been lost.

This is still taking into account the protective effect of magic on the wizard’s body. If it were a Muggle, it would be a direct burp.

After just one round trip, there was no Gryffindor player on the Quidditch pitch who could continue to fly. At this time, those Slytherin players who had flown to extremely high places early in the morning slowly descended.

They looked at the unsuspecting Gryffindor goalposts with evil smiles on their faces.

Parking the fighter jet on the flat grass of the stadium, Noah whistled happily and put the crown jewel of Hydra’s military industry back into his storage space.

Although the score between the two teams of Gryffindor and Slytherin is now 70:0, Noah, the head coach of the Slytherin team, is not panicked at all.

Hiding his merit and fame, he walked off the field directly and sat back in the stand where he was before, happily watching the players of his team begin their inhumane journey to score points.

As for the commentary…

Lee Jordan, the commentator for this game, said that he no longer wanted to talk.

Professor McGonagall simply waved her hand and left the stand with a dark expression on her face, leaving this place that made her sad forever.

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