The appearance of the human form Fawkes directly disrupted Hermione and Shirley’s weekend study plans.

Not only men like beauties, but girls also like beautiful older sisters with curvy faces and delicate faces. Of course, the premise is that they don’t feel jealous because their appearance is far superior to their own.

Naturally, Shirley and Hermione were not the kind of people who would be jealous of Fox because of their inferior looks.

But when they saw Fox’s devilish figure that I didn’t know what adjective to use to describe it, the two flat little lolita still felt a little discouraged.

Shirley looked down at her toes, silently comforting herself.

As long as you eat more and take in more nutrients, there will always be a day when tall buildings will rise from the ground.

I don’t know what the two of them were doing in secret with Fox. After lunch in the auditorium, this extremely eye-catching trio of beautiful girls disappeared into Hogwarts Castle.

At the edge of the Forbidden Forest, Hermione looked at Shirley, who was gradually letting herself go, with a trace of hesitation on her face.

“Shirley, you violated at least thirty rules by doing this! If caught by the professors, Ravenclaw House will be deducted at least two hundred points!”

“Oops, my dear Granger classmate, how could it be so exaggerated?……”

Little Beaver said with a cold face,”Students below the third grade are not allowed to go to Hogsmeade! Even leaving the castle alone requires permission from the professor!””

“As long as you don’t get caught, it’s not a violation of school rules.”

“And that’s Hogsmeade. We have to wait at least two and a half years before we can go there! Don’t you want to see what it looks like in advance? Shirley made a face at Hermione, then turned to Fox with a smile,”You think so, Fox?””

Seeing that the question was posed to her, a thoughtful look appeared on Fox’s face in human form.

After a moment, she slowly raised her head and spoke her broken gong.——

“School rules! Count a ball!”

Shirley burst out laughing,”Hahahaha, that’s right, the school administrator is just making a fool of himself!”

However, Fox’s next words immediately froze the smile on Shirley’s face,”I’m not a student of Hogwarts, but you two are!”

Shirley:”Ah this……”

Fox’s human form, mainly due to the Hogwarts uniform he borrowed from an unknown female student, was too confusing.

So much so that both of them regarded Fawkes as a student like them, ignoring the fact that Fawkes was actually the phoenix raised by Principal Dumbledore.

“Well, Fox,” the smile on Shirley’s face was a bit flattering,”you won’t tell Principal Dumbledore, right? Fox tilted her head, and the expression on her face showed a trace of confusion,”Why should I tell that bad old man such an irrelevant thing?””

“Great!”Shirley cheered and took Fox’s hand,”Let’s go! Let the two of us take you to Hogsmeade to buy clothes!”

However, this phoenix spirit that was used to panting did not move.

With Shirley’s little strength, if Fox didn’t want to leave, she would never be able to pull him away.

Fox’s eyes were looking straight at the open space next to him. ,”But he just can’t tell.”

In front of her pair of extremely intimidating crimson eyes, Snape, who had seen through the disguise of the Disguise Curse at a glance, wanted to continue struggling.

Not only did he not cancel the Disguise Curse on his body, but he became even more concentrated. He held his breath mentally and reduced all the features that might reveal his whereabouts to the lowest point.

But Fox just raised his hand slightly, and along with a crimson light swept across the open space where he stood like water ripples, a wave of The old bat who was still stalking at his age was immediately exposed.

Faced with his daughter’s extremely resentful eyes, Snape looked at the three girls in front of him with a slightly embarrassed expression, and reluctantly squeezed out a trace of smile

“Shirley……”He said weakly.

When she saw the Bat Professor who was the most unpopular among Hogwarts students, even if he was Shirley’s father, Hermione, who had already been told by Shirley that she was going to violate school rules, was still frightened.

But Snape’s performance completely exceeded her expectations.

Before Snape could speak, Shirley poured out all her complaints like beans.

“Isn’t it Hogsmeade? It’s not like I haven’t been there before when I was a kid!”

“And we are taking Fox shopping for clothes this time!”

“Look at that old man, Principal Dumbledore, who doesn’t even know how to prepare important necessities like clothes for Sister Fox in advance. It’s really a luxury to expect a man to know that caring is a luxury.”

Faced with such severe criticism, Snape opened his mouth and was stunned for a while without saying anything.

Fox’s Animagus transformation, Snape was aware of this matter.

As long as it is for Animagus Anyone who knows a little bit about Magus will know that when wizards undergo their first transformation, due to their lack of proficiency in this magic, they are unable to integrate their clothes into the transformed body during the first transformation. In other words

, Wizards who complete the first Animagus transformation basically run naked.

Not to mention the phoenix, a magical animal that has no clothes itself, reversely transforms into a human.

This inconspicuous but very important issue not only affects Deng Bumbledore and Noah, these two straight men… ah no, Dumbledore is not straight at all. Not only did Noah and Dumbledore fail to consider this, but even Professor McGonagall, the senior Animagus, , and at the same time, a witch who can understand women better, has never thought of this issue from this aspect.

He suddenly wanted to know what Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall would think if they heard Shirley’s evaluation of them. an expression

“The reason why younger students are not allowed to go to Hogsmeade is to protect them.……”

Fawkes interrupted Snape before he could finish his words.

The arrogant Miss Phoenix put her hands on her hips. Although she was as tall as Snape at 1.8 meters, her domineering aura forced her to stand out at 2.8 meters.

She pointed her nostrils at the old bat in front of her with an extremely disdainful expression,”I can protect both of them! Even if it’s a fire dragon, I can tear it apart with my bare hands!” Before Snape could finish his words, Fox choked him to death. in the throat.

He really forgot that the seemingly frail girl in front of him was actually a 5X level magical animal.

To be more precise, the XXXXX level does not represent the real danger level of the Phoenix. Their combat power can easily kill the fire dragon.

Just because of the docile character of phoenixes, as long as they don’t actively provoke them to death, they will never take the initiative to harm humans.

This is why the Ministry of Magic only classified the phoenix at level 5X when classifying magical animals.

If classified according to the level of combat power, the Phoenix should be a 6X-level existence that is superior to creatures such as fire dragons, poisonous leopards, and sphinxes.

Although this frail human body caused Fox to lose her proud beak and sharp claws, it allowed her magical abilities to be better utilized.

Therefore, Fox’s combat effectiveness not only did not decrease after undergoing the Humagus transformation, but actually increased.

Because of this, Snape really didn’t need to worry about his daughter’s safety.

If some little thief with no eyesight messes with Shirley and Hermione, Fox will probably be torn into pieces in a matter of minutes.

Even if Fox doesn’t take action, ordinary thieves may not be the opponents of Shirley who has mastered the magic weapon.

“All right.”

Snape, who had always been obedient to Shirley, reluctantly agreed to his precious daughter’s actions, but he also put forward his own conditions.

“You are not allowed to stay in Hogsmeade for a long time after buying clothes, otherwise you will be discovered by other professors, who are not as easy to talk to as me.”

Hermione never expected that Professor Snape, who had always been cold and stern, would have such an attitude when facing his daughter.

This is really……

“As punishment for your violation of school rules, two points will be deducted from Ravenclaw.

After thinking for a while, Snape added,”Two points for each person.””

Immediately, he turned around and left without looking back.

This punishment, which was almost no punishment, made Hermione stand there blankly. It wasn’t until Shirley called her that the little beaver came back to her senses.

No, Is this really the sinister old bat that makes all the students at Hogwarts fearful?

Couldn’t he have been kidnapped?

“Oh, Hermione, what are you still doing?”

Standing at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, Shirley couldn’t wait to urge her best friend

“Here it comes!”

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