While Fox and Noah were having a”fierce fight” in the room.

The night in London was as thick as black velvet, and the stars hung far away in the sky like shimmering diamonds, dotting the dark night sky.

Under the cover of darkness, a magic carriage pulled by two thestrals flew into the sky.

Oxford Street, located in the most prosperous area of London, is brightly lit, and the streets outside are full of tourists, but this department store hidden in a row of shops looks quite strange.

This simple and elegant Tudor-style building has walls decorated with high-quality wooden columns, showing a gentle beauty that has gone through many vicissitudes of time.

With such an eye-catching shop, no one in the endless stream of shoppers on the street noticed its existence.

Whenever tourists want to stop here, they will leave in a hurry from the door of the store as if they have something urgent to do.

This is actually the London branch of the three sanctum sanctorums of Karma Taj.

The interior decoration of the temple did not match its appearance from the outside at all, and the use of the Seamless Stretching Charm greatly expanded its internal space.

There is a huge and extremely heavy stone table placed deep in the sanctuary.

This unique stone table is supported by only one leg. The pillars seem to grow directly from the ground, and are closely connected with the temple.

The distorted light generated a huge terrain holographic projection above the table, which was the city of London within the coverage of the magic circle.

Bucky stood expressionlessly beside the table, staring at the magic carriage flying low over London in the image.

Although the other party used magic to hide their traces very well, it was obvious that their magic could only make them invisible in front of the monitoring magic of this world.

The magic circle of Kama Taj Temple was designed by Noah after integrating the completely different magic systems of the two worlds and combining the advantages of both.

It’s just that this magic circle has only completed the most basic construction.

After all, you can’t expect a group of construction workers from the non-magic world to know how to use magic to link the completed magic nodes together and then activate the magic circle.

Even a powerful magician like Snape cannot do this. After all, his field of specialization is potions, not alchemy, and this part of the knowledge that belongs to the category of alchemy does not come from this world.

But Kama Taj from another world.

No one other than Noah himself could complete this work, not even Nico Flamel, the legendary alchemist who represents the highest level of alchemy in the magic world today, could do it.

After all, the systems are different. Just like you, a wizard who uses magic power to cast magic, can you clap your hands to directly create an immortal spell with thousands of hands and turn into a Buddha on top?

This… given the level of magical idealism in this world, maybe it’s really possible.

All in all, the magic circle buried directly under the London Temple was a useless decoration before Noah personally came to activate its true power.

The reason why Bucky was able to detect the carriage flying over London was that when the London Temple was built, it not only used magical power, but also used power from the non-magical side – radio detection. and ranging (Radio Detection and Ranging).

It is also called Radar.

Instead of using the Floo Network to travel, simply using vehicles such as broomsticks and thestrals to reach the destination by flying long distances can allow wizards to avoid the monitoring of the Ministry of Magic.

However, in this radar network covering the entire city of London, any flying object that appears over London will be closely monitored by Hydra.

In addition to the main hall on Oxford Street, there are thirty-two other key magic nodes that make up this super large magic circle covering the entire London.

The locations of these thirty-two magic nodes were all bought by the wealthy Hydra. In addition to being a key part of the magic circle, Hydra also set up air defense radars in these places.

Learn about Muggle technology, kid.

Unless the other party uses the simplest and crudest method of transportation,”mule””——

That is to say, the transported items are stored in degradable pellets that are not soluble in gastric acid and other digestive juices, and are hidden in the human body through oral administration or entry from the rear, and are dispersed in the most unpretentious way of carrying the human body. Come for human transportation and finally reach the destination.

Otherwise, any strange disturbance in the city of London would not be able to escape Hydra’s monitoring.

Bucky’s face was hidden under a black tactical mask, and no expression could be seen. Only the exposed cold pupils shone with a ruthless light.

“Got you.”

A few minutes later, a black fighter plane that almost blended into the pitch-black night quietly rose vertically into the sky from the rooftop of the London Temple. It was chasing the spot of light marked by the airborne radar like a ghost. The black fighter plane silently appeared directly above the magic carriage.

Switching the control mode to autonomous cruise, Bucky gently pushed a button on the driver’s console, and the hatch in the belly of the plane suddenly opened. The air roared As water poured into the cabin from the open door, and looking at the Thestral carriage not far below, Bucky took off the sleeve that wrapped the metal arm.

Without a parachute, the Winter Soldier went straight like this He jumped to the ground.

During the rapid fall, he pulled out the pistol from his waist. The bullet fired from the air quietly took the life of the coachman sitting in front of the carriage.

The three people who were escorting some important items in the carriage heard it. There was a sudden loud noise from the roof of the car, and the next moment, the tightly closed compartment door was opened.

A figure appeared at the compartment door.

The visitor took off the windproof glasses on his face, revealing a pair of Eyes filled with any emotion.

The black-robed wizard sitting closest to the car door reacted very quickly and took out his wand from his arms. A silver fist was printed on the tip of his wand before it lit up with a miserable green light. On his face.

If you slow down this process, you can appreciate the muscles and bones on the wizard’s face being twisted and deformed by the huge external force, and his head is tilted to the side until his neck can no longer bear the overwhelming force. The complete process of being torn apart due to huge force.

Learn about the physical version of Avada’s Kedavra.

Weak wizards!

Times have changed!

Knocking down a wizard with one punch, Bucky glanced at the opponent’s elbow with contempt. The black mark that looked like a tattoo of a third-rate gang symbol was revealed, and he immediately waved his fist again. The mechanically driven metal arm struck directly at the tip of the wand, smashing the wand aimed at him to pieces, and at the same time destroying the wand’s bad luck. The master punched so hard that his whole chest collapsed.

The miserable green light illuminated the small space in the carriage.

Looking at the life-killing curse on the tip of the opponent’s staff, Bucky quickly intercepted the mechanical palm. Between himself and the opponent’s wand.

Avada Kedavra’s Kedavra, which was supposed to easily take away a life, did not achieve the expected effect.

It didn’t even manage to reach Bucky’s arm that had been strengthened by vibranium. leave no trace

“Oh, is that accurate?”

I don’t know if it was influenced by a certain chatty little spider, but now Bucky has a tendency to change from a cold-faced killer to a chatty and funny guy.

With the silver glow of Avada Kedavra Physics , The carriage lit up, and the last remaining unlucky Death Eater smashed through the fragile wooden wall of the carriage and fell from a height of several hundred meters. He snatched a magic weapon from the arms of one of the corpses in the carriage. Behind the layers of protected black wooden boxes, Bucky casually stuck a transmitter on the wall of the car.

Having got what he wanted, Bucky jumped out of the car without hesitation, and the companion flew in The ghost fighter plane under the carriage caught him steadily.

The Thestrals in front of the carriage were completely unaware of what was happening behind them, and still flew towards their final destination faithfully.

Sitting in the cockpit of the fighter plane, Bucky looked at the map displayed on the tablet in his hand. A conspicuous red dot represented the location of the transmitter. The unruffled face under the mask finally changed a little. The corners of Bucky’s mouth raised slightly,” That’s how I’ll find you, gutter rats.”


The Thestral’s final destination was Manchester, located on the plains of northwestern England.

This city is the earliest industrialized city in the world. People can see the entire development history of British industry from this electronic city.

An abandoned water station far from the city���In the factory, the Yeqi carriage slowly lowered its height, and finally landed steadily on a fairly flat ground in the factory.

Seeing that only the front half of the carriage was left in front of him, not to mention the important items that were supposed to be delivered, even the four unlucky wizards who were guarding it had disappeared completely.

The wizard on the ground who was responsible for responding was furious.

The goods transported this time are extremely important to the unnamed adult. After all, 5X level magical animal eggs are not so easy to obtain.

The failure of the mission was nothing to him, and he was not the one responsible for the transportation.

It’s just that the four unlucky guys who should have been punished for not completing the task now don’t know where they died.

That adult is a moody lunatic. Without a punching bag, he might pour out his anger on his own head.

The Cruciatus Curse doesn’t taste good.

He walked away without noticing that an inconspicuous gadget stuck to the wall of the carriage was secretly sending unique electromagnetic waves to the outside world.

The intricate pipelines in the abandoned water supply plant turned it into a maze covering a huge area.

Everything that could still be sold for money was basically demolished by the scavengers who came here, leaving only a pile of scraps that no one wanted, piled up in such a deserted place.

Such an abandoned factory that will not attract people’s attention at all provides a perfect cover for some people with ulterior motives to carry out some invisible and covert operations.

Under the influence of magic, the black-robed wizard’s body seemed to have dived into the water.

The ground that should have been very solid was pushed away by magic like water waves, allowing him to reach this underground space fifty meters deep underground without any hindrance.

This huge underground cavity has no support, but it can withstand the heavy pressure of the soil above without collapsing. It looks like a creation of magic at first glance.

Thick cables were placed haphazardly on the floor of this improvised laboratory, and all the equipment that had been looted from the Lemurian star appeared here.

In this laboratory, which occupies an area as large as two standard football fields, many researchers in white coats are busy shuttling in and out.

“Where did you find these experimental materials?”

A young man seemed to be the leader of these white coats. He smiled and looked at the terrifying man in front of him, not afraid of the other person’s appearance at all. His scarlet eyes were shining under the white light. The fierce light that seems to choose people to eat, and the vertical pupils that are not like what humans can have add a bit of terror. The skin that is paler than the white bones is like the texture of a dead corpse, and the flat nose is like crawling There are only two vertical slits like an animal.

Any wizard who has experienced the war more than ten years ago will be familiar with the owner of this face.

His name is


“These are just a few of the many magical animals in the magical world. When you become an official wizard, you will find that this world is far more magnificent than you imagined.”

For the first time in his eyes, Voldemort, who was an ordinary person with no magic power in his body and looked down on Muggles and believed that Muggles should be ruled by wizards, showed no discriminatory meaning.

Moreover, his attitude was not like that. When dealing with those subordinates who can do whatever he wants.

The meaning revealed in that calm tone is like facing a partner of equal status.

“I’m looking forward to the world you describe, but let’s not talk too much about the pie. What I want should be almost here, right?”

As his voice fell, a burst of hurried footsteps sounded outside the laboratory.

But what the young man wanted was not delivered. Only a Death Eater in black robes used an extremely difficult sliding shovel to He knelt down from outside the door to the two of them.

Before Voldemort could speak, the Death Eater crawled in front of Voldemort and wanted to kiss the hem of his black robe.

Voldemort raised his ferocious face and opened his two The slit-like nostrils sniffed

“I smell the stench of guilt.”

His snake face twisted up, and a cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth,”Can you tell me what exactly happened? My dear MacNeil?”

The Death Eater, who was obviously very tall and strong, heard Voldemort speaking to him in this tone, and his crouched body trembled uncontrollably.

The soft-spoken Voldemort was obviously more nervous than the furious state. Voldemort is even more frightening


Although he was not the culprit for the failure of this mission, McNeil still spent a lot of perseverance to restrain his body from shaking.

He raised his head slightly, but still did not dare to look directly into Voldemort’s eyes.

“The carriage was intercepted and what you wanted is missing.” Walton McNeil’s voice became smaller and smaller as he spoke.”Not only the goods, but the guards are also missing.……”

“knew.”No emotion could be seen on Voldemort’s face.

But the next second, he raised his hand and threw a heartbreaking bone-cutting move towards the Death Eater lying in front of him. He ignored the fact that he fell to the ground and twisted in pain. The Death Eater shouted, the young man standing next to Voldemort, his face looked extremely ugly at this moment.

Voldemort slowly raised his wand, and the effect of the Cruciatus Curse disappeared immediately, and the tortured Death Eater lay flat on the ground. He kept breathing heavily.

He looked at the young man in front of him, thinking that the other man’s ugly face was caused by anger because this group of idiots messed up their plans.

“It looks like our plans have to be postponed for a while, Peter.”

The brain was running rapidly, as if he was thinking of some possibility. The expression on Peter Parker’s face suddenly became even more ugly at this moment.

“No, we don’t have time, S.H.I.E.L.D. is coming.”

As if to confirm his words, above the water supply plant, a fighter plane dived vertically from high altitude, revealing the missile rack on the belly.

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