After entering June, the weather seems to become extremely hot in one day.

Even though the doors and windows of the classroom are closed tightly, blocking the entry of hot air from the outside, and there is a constant freezing spell that is roughly equivalent to an air conditioner that constantly emits cold air, the students sitting in the classroom are still sweating profusely.

Because at this moment they are going through their end-of-year exams for this school year.

Thanks to a certain unnamed naturally evil Slytherin brat, the quality of students at Hogwarts has greatly improved compared to previous years.

Thanks to the implementation of the monthly examination system, the frequency of examinations once a month allows professors to have a more accurate grasp of students’ learning status.

Coupled with Noah’s suggestions on catching wrong questions and checking for omissions, students’ weaker knowledge can be better compensated for in the explanation of test questions after the exam.

This is much better than the previous teaching where professors just focused on catching up on teaching progress.

Stopping appropriately to review the old knowledge not only does not���It slows down the original teaching progress, but allows students to consolidate the basics and accept new knowledge at a faster speed.

This has also led to the fact that today’s students at Hogwarts have far more knowledge than students of the same period in the past.

Among them, those Ravenclaw eaglets who are more studious and studious, under the leadership of Hermione, the number one book master at Hogwarts, there are already many first-year wizards who rely on self-study and consulting professors to prepare for the next year. I have studied the textbooks for the school year to the best of my ability.

For example, Transfiguration.

The Transfiguration textbook for first and second year students at Hogwarts is common, both of which are the”Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration” written by Emeric Switch.

This means that first-grade students who want to preview second-grade knowledge in advance do not need to go to Diagon Alley to buy new textbooks.

Of course, the corresponding year-end assessment is much more difficult than in previous years. After all, if the test questions are so simple that everyone in Hogwarts can get full marks, then the true level of the students cannot be tested.

The final assessment of the first-year Transfiguration was the same as in previous years. The question given to them by Professor McGonagall was to ask them to turn a mouse into a snuff box.

In previous years, as long as students could complete the most basic deformation operations, even this snuff box still retained most of the mouse characteristics, such as a mouse tail exposed.

This kind of performance is enough to get an [Acceptable] evaluation from Professor McGonagall, which is a passing grade.

Only those who are unable to complete the deformation operation will receive a grade below [Poor].

But this year, the older cat lady has greatly raised her points standards.

As long as there is a little bit of mouse characteristics on the snuff box, even just a small mouse whisker, then I’m sorry, you can only get one [Poor].

The exams at Hogwarts are not the grading system we are familiar with, but stage grading, divided into six levels.——

【Outstanding】represents excellence and perfection

【ExceedsExpectations], exceeding expectations

【Acceptable] means passing, acceptable

【Poor] means failing, which means that the result looks a bit pitiful.

【Dreadful] means terrible. If I have to give an example, without the iron triangle of Hermione’s brain support, their current results would be almost at this level.

【Troll means troll. This is the sentence that Snape often talks about: Your brain is not as good as a troll!

If you want to get a better score in Professor McGonagall’s Transfiguration Assessment, you must complete a complete transformation process while adding various exquisite patterns and decorations to this snuff bottle.

But just a snuff bottle cannot get the highest score [Outstanding].

In terms of giving points, Professor McGonagall followed Noah’s advice, that is, don’t give out the highest evaluation easily.

If students want to get the highest score”O”, then you must complete the previous basic assessment and then pass the hidden assessment specially added by Professor McGonagall for those outstanding students – all international students from China will not be unfamiliar with it. The last big line printed on the back of the test paper After the question… additional question.

Turning a mouse into a snuff bottle is just a relatively simple operation in the introductory transfiguration. The transformation of dead objects into each other and the transformation of living objects into dead objects are only things that a first-year wizard can learn and master. Basic content.

The additional question that Professor McGonagall gave to the first-year wizards was to maintain the deformation of the mouse snuff bottle while also diverting attention to deforming other things.

If you want to maintain the effect of the transformation spell, you can’t just throw the magic power out and ignore it.

Multiple transformations require students to carefully maintain their transformation effects. This is not a big problem for senior students, but it is still a difficult test for first-year wizards..

Even in Ravenclaw House, where top students gather, only a few people have completed the additional question asked by Professor McGonagall.

In addition to Transfiguration, courses such as spells and potions have also increased the difficulty of the original assessment.

In the past, the end-of-year potion assessment for first-year students involved the preparation of forgetting potions. This time, Snape directly moved the swelling potion, which students only learned in second grade, into the assessment.

There were fifty or sixty cauldrons standing in the cold potions classroom. Snape, wearing his everlasting black shirt, looked like a big bat flapping his wings to patrol the territory, shuttling back and forth in the smoke. With.

Looking at the chopping boards, kitchen knives and other kitchen utensils placed on the table in front of the students, Snape, who was not quite able to accept this novel innovation but had to admit that they were indeed very useful, twitched slightly with a paralyzed face.

Damn it, ever since that bastard came to Hogwarts, the school has become weirder and weirder every day.

Snape felt a little melancholy. Sometimes he felt that he no longer looked like a Potions Master. He looked like an old Cantonese chef making soup while waiting by the cauldron with a spoon.

The white smoke wafting out of the slowly simmering crucible is no longer the fragrance of magic potion ingredients, but the fragrance of the soup stock specially prepared with a variety of fine ingredients.

The liquid that flows into people’s blood vessels is no longer filled with the magical magic that makes people’s hearts and minds blurred.

But in the process of simmering the soup, the purine, amino acids and fats continuously seep out from the ingredients…

Think of me, Snape, half a liter of purine, not enough…

This Potions class professor is not appropriate!

Starting today, strike!

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