Looking at Neville who was killing the enemy in blood below, Noah shook his head,”This guy is still so impulsive.”

Sure enough, even if he tried his best to trick the Gryffindor Sword Master of the original time and space into Hufflepuff College , and it cannot change the trait called”reckless man” that runs in Neville’s blood.

Thanks to the armor that took Noah a lot of effort to create, and was mixed with mithril and vibranium. It has good magic transmission performance and also has incredible defense.

Neville, who was fighting against the beasts alone, only needed to protect his face, which had no protective measures, and it was basically difficult for him to be harmed.

The constant roaring of thunder woke up Lupine who was in shock, and also woke up other confused students.

Lupine needed to maintain the operation of the train’s defense magic and could not take action at will, but other students who reacted took out their wands and began to throw magic at the monsters in the distance.

The magic light bullets flying everywhere in the sky look very impressive, but they are actually of no use.

Without a unified organization, these students are releasing magic randomly.

After all, Hogwarts is a magic school that teaches and educates people, not a terrorist training base, nor a war military academy.

These students did not have many opportunities to come into contact with offensive magic during their short seven years on campus. Offensive magic was basically sealed in the restricted area of the library.

Except for those pure-blood wizards with family inheritance, only a small number of Muggle-born students are allowed to borrow such books in the restricted book area.

Therefore, the offensive methods they have at their disposal can be said to be very few.

Low-risk magic such as turning everything to stone and falling unconscious are the mainstream mastered by most students, and putting magic of this level on such a chaotic and dangerous battlefield… this is not a good thing for those who are swarming below. For monsters, the magic light bullet hitting their thick skin full of magic resistance or armor is no different from scratching an itch.

The chaotic rain of magic light bullets couldn’t even suppress the opponent’s momentum, as if the scattered light spots in the sky were really ordinary raindrops with no threat.

“Everyone! Follow my orders!”

Draco’s voice was loud and spread throughout the entire car roof,”Ordinary magic has no effect on those monsters!”

“Only destructive magic like powerful explosions and shattering bones can work. Don’t have any scruples. Your opponents are a group of monsters who want to take your lives!!!”

After studying with Noah for so long, although Draco has not learned the secret technique of Kama Taj, he is not without progress.

The moment his calm voice spread throughout the Hogwarts Express, all the students seemed to find After losing the backbone, everyone in the car or on the roof stopped fighting on their own, waiting for Draco’s next order.

“Forty-five degree angle! Powerful blast! Follow my orders!”

Draco pointed his wand at the sky in front of him and roared at the top of his lungs,”Fire!” fire! fire!”

The magic light bullets shot immediately flew into the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, forming an airtight barrage in the air, and then headed towards the beast tide below under the action of gravity.

According to these students The strength of the magic power and the powerful explosions they used, if compared to Muggle weapons, are roughly as powerful as one to three frag grenades.

Such power is not very harmful to mutant monsters whose danger level is originally above level 4X. The power is powerful, but when the number increases, the damage caused is also considerable.

The dense light points bombarded the beast tide below, causing a series of explosions that immediately overturned the Centaur Inferi Legion in the distance.

However, Because the initial firing was not calibrated and relied solely on Draco’s preliminary calculations, this salvo only covered a small part of the Centaur army.

“Two o’clock! Thirty-seven degrees upward! Rapid fire five shots!”

Draco’s voice was amplified many times under the influence of magic,”Aim for me! Damn it!”

In the midst of the chaos, Draco suddenly remembered a name.——

“Seamus Finnigan! That damn blasting magic you did in Potions class!”

The scarlet magic power lingering around Shirley was like a burning flame. As the little witch clenched her palms, the overwhelming magic power was like a torrential flood, pressing down on the beast tide below. The air around the train heated up rapidly, Wherever the scarlet magic power passed, coquettish flames bloomed, and the temperature of thousands of degrees ignited the monster’s body in an instant. Heart- rending screams continued to be heard from under the viaduct, which could be heard by the students on the bus. There was a moment of horror.

It was not a fierce fire, just an ordinary blazing flame. With the blessing of the obscurant’s majestic magic power, it had such power that it was comparable to a fierce fire.

Perhaps the large-scale flame magic was very lethal to the monster group. Effectively, the mysterious enemy hiding in the dark couldn’t help but take action at this moment.

In the sky, the thunderclouds attracted by Neville’s battle blocked the sunlight pouring down from the sky, and at the same time, this area The battlefield brought plenty of water vapor.

In the low and thick black clouds, a large amount of water was pulled out under the influence of magic, shaping it into a twisted dragon and rushing towards the Hogwarts Express directly below. Come.

Looking at the ferocious water dragon swooping down vertically in the sky, Hermione’s little face turned a little pale.

But she still stood firm and raised her arms towards the sky, revealing that The magic energy coming out of her body formed a huge golden shield directly above her, perfectly protecting Shirley within it. The water dragon, which was completely made of water, impacted on the Seraphim Shield and suddenly exploded into Thousands of fragments were then rushed in all directions under the strong water pressure that followed, and flowed down along the round shield in the air.

Seeing how many people could cope with such a battle, Noah just He withdrew his attention and focused all his attention on the huge mountain of meat that was approaching in the distance.

This was the biggest threat they had to face in this crisis.

Noah lowered his head and glanced at what was in his hand. Any pager that answers, it seems that the other party not only blocks the possibility of transmitting information with the help of magic props such as double-sided mirrors, but also blocks the communication methods on the technological side.

“Hey, Dr. Lizard.”

Although the students tried their best to stop them, and Shirley and Neville also tried their best to clean up the monsters approaching the viaduct, a considerable number of monsters still broke through their defenses.

One monster had obviously been transformed by abnormal black magic. The mountain monster has rushed down from the mountain and crossed the huge rock blocking the railway track in front. The fifteen-meter-high block is like a small mountain that can move autonomously, and it can be easily knocked with a single strike of the metal giant stick in its hand. It smashed a huge depression into the ground.

The shocking barbs on its back broke out from the rough shit-green skin, as if growing directly from its spine.

Its eyes seemed to be burning with purgatory flames, staring at Hogg The panicked little man on the Watts Express train, his eyes full of violence and madness.

The powerful blasting spells of the students hit his granite-like skin like itching.

Although the entire train was under a powerful ancient magic defense method Under the protection of the formation, the gradually approaching giant monster still made the students feel panic.

Turning his head to glance at the approaching giant monster, Noah raised his hand.

The evolution believer pointed to the sky, The bright light that was released instantly created a dazzling light band like a star river surrounding Noah.

The large group of light falling from the sky was like a silver meteor, carrying endless The momentum shredded the dark thunderclouds accumulated in the sky.

The mountain monster that launched a phase dash at the Hogwarts Express finally realized that something was wrong.

When it stopped charging and looked at the sky, that A huge ball of light that was as heavy as Mount Tai was already close at hand.


The moment the light came into contact with the ground, a milky white air wave suddenly exploded from the center of the collision and spread rapidly in all directions.

Standing on the carriage The students were blown away by the violent and turbulent air waves and could not open their eyes.

When the air waves calmed down, they were shocked to find that it was a silver giant standing tall and towering above the sky. At this moment, he was half-crouching by the viaduct, with his right fist deep in his chest. The ground was embedded into the ground – the position where the fist landed happened to be where the mountain monster was standing just now.

As if aware of the students’ gaze, the silver-white giant with divinity slowly turned his head, Towards���The students nodded slightly.

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