It was not a box, but a set of steel armor that had been folded and stored away.

Sensing the locator on Gwen’s hand, when the armor flew within two meters of her, the fixed lock on the box automatically released.

With a clicking sound, the box automatically unfolded, revealing an extremely complex mechanical structure inside, as well as an internal space large enough to accommodate a whole person.

The overall lines are smooth and angular. The silver-white vibranium is spray-painted matte black. The breastplate is a Hydra logo painted with dark red spray paint. This cold-toned painting is full of… In order to increase the aggressiveness, it does not have a bare round head design like the original steel suit. The arrogant and ferocious protruding accessories hide communication headsets and antennas, making this suit look like a weapon born for killing.

Even the matte black paint can’t block the cold light shining at the tips of the six spider limbs extending from the back.

With the help of the locator, the armor automatically fit Gwen’s body.

When the last mask was completely closed, the armor’s eyes lit up with a faint blue light.

Bucky standing next to him didn’t say a word, but he couldn’t suppress the surprise in his eyes – we are all colleagues, and we usually don’t see each other when we look up, so why are you so silent? Did you just get yourself a set of such a cool and stunning vibranium armor?

He stared at Gwen’s suit for a long time, then turned his head and glanced at the titanium alloy arm on his arm with disgust. The unicorn arm that he was usually proud of suddenly changed at this moment. No longer fragrant

“Ahem. He tried to get Gwen’s attention by coughing,”Do I need a ride, or do you have many suits?””

Immediately, he opened his arms and motioned for Gwen to do the same for him.

Gwen’s voice came out from behind the mask. The original clear voice was a little bit obscured by the mask and the microphone. Dull,”Sorry, Bucky, this was tailor-made.”

Looking at Gwen’s petite figure even after being covered with a thick layer of armor, and then looking at his weight that exceeded 200 kilograms after adding titanium alloy unicorn arms, Bucky’s face was a little green.

Without waiting for Bucky to respond, Gwen’s body slowly rose into the air, driven by the hot fire jetting from the back, sides and soles of the armor. The door to the command room opened, like a With the arrow off the string, the Iron Spider Girl jumped out of the bridge in the blink of an eye, followed the long and winding corridor to the deck.

Then, she went straight to the green figure on the top platform of the building below..Looking at Gwen’s handsome back through the huge observation window in the command room, Bucky curled his lips,”Well, I don’t need it anyway.”

He has a Quinjet. Isn’t that thing better than a battle armor?

Planes, giant ships and cannons are the romance of a real man.


Do you know what romance is?

Looking at his parents, it’s obvious even through the mask. With a sour expression, Grant Ward wanted to laugh out loud, but he had never been injected with the super soldier serum, and he was afraid that he would be crushed to death by the unicorn arm of his own iron-faced instructor later.

So, he just spoke silently. ,”Sir, those people are basically gods, we can’t compare with them. Bucky glared fiercely at this subordinate whose emotional intelligence was basically negative,”I don’t agree. There are no gods in this world. They are just a group of human beings who have mastered powerful power.”

At the end, he added,”Assemble your action team and let’s go down.””

This time it was Grant Ward’s turn to turn green.

In the current situation in London, he is just an ordinary mortal. Even if he is given a motorcycle, Gatling with blue fire, then his combat power can only climb from fighting against five scum to fighting against ten scum.

Facing those mutated lizardmen with vitality as tenacious as cockroaches, even Gatling has to exert all his strength for ten seconds. It takes a lot of time to kill one.

Not to mention one action team, even if all eighty of Hydra’s action teams are dispatched, they will just deliver food to people.

Maybe there will be eighty more fully armed teams on the ground later. The Lizardman Team.

But… looking at the determined look of his iron-blooded instructor, Grant Ward knew that he had no room for rejection. His face was not only green, it had begun to change to soy sauce color.


At the top of the building, the distance of several kilometers is only a very short distance for Gwen after wearing the battle suit.

“Peter! Turn it off now!”

Gwen’s voice penetrated the heavy rain curtain through the loudspeaker of the suit, awakening the lizard Peter who was immersed in joy. He turned his head in surprise and looked at the figure suspended in the air.

“Gwen?”He never thought that in this strange universe, he would be able to meet the goddess Gwen Stacey who he once encountered but could not seek.

“It’s too late,” said Peter, still somewhat detached in his lizard state,”it can’t stop.”

But in the next second, all his reason turned into madness,”Even if we can stop it, why should we turn it off? We can create a better world for mankind!”

Seeing that her former best friend had become so crazy, Gwen had no intention of talking nonsense. She raised her hand and pointed at the red gem suspended in the magic circle below, which was a magic cannon.

Noah built it himself. The special metal wand was installed by Gwen on the arm of the armor. The Kyber crystal, which stores a large amount of magic power, will transport the magic power to the wand through the magic circuit inside the armor, thereby converting it into various types of electric welding. Magic.

Although this practice is heretical and unforgivable to both the magic and non-magic worlds, it is fast and powerful. The dazzling thunder seems to purify all the evil in the world. It fell sharply towards the magic stone.

But when it came within one meter of the magic stone, it was blocked by a fleeting layer of faint red light barrier, and rebounded at a faster speed than when it came. Go back.

The thick thunder hit the surface of the armor made of vibranium. Although it did not cause any damage, the huge impact also knocked Gwen staggering.

At the beginning of designing the magic circle, Voldemort How could he not imagine that someone would break into the building and crack the magic circle in a violent way, such as blowing up the entire building?

Looking at the strange Gwen in front of him, a sinister smile appeared on Peter’s lips.

He stepped away After a few steps, his extremely heavy body, supported by his strong legs, suddenly crossed a distance of more than ten meters and pounced directly on Gwen, who was suspended in the air. It was sharp enough to tear apart a car. Claw faced a battle armor made of vibranium. Even if it was not made of 100% pure vibranium, but a vibranium alloy mixed with some other metals, it would not be able to break the opponent’s defense at all.

A dazzling spark bloomed in the rain. , under the impact of the huge power of Peter, the super lizard, the armor suspended in the air could no longer maintain its previous flying posture.

Under the disturbance of the many propellers and external forces on her body, Gwen was like a headless fly Like spinning in the air.

But she didn’t care about it. With the defensive power of the armor and her unreasonable super physique, even if she fell from a height of more than a thousand meters, she would only be slightly injured at most.

In the air, Gwen He roared and asked:”Why do you do this! Peter!”

“Gwen! You don’t understand at all! You have always been so dazzling!”

“And I’m just a wretch without a father and a mother! Although you and I are best friends, that is just your wishful thinking. I have always lived in your shadow!”

Peter frantically used his claws to tear at the armor on Gwen’s body, but apart from scratching the paint on the armor’s surface, his efforts did not yield much reward.

“I long for power!”

Gwen’s face hidden under the mask was as cold as ice. In a sudden spin, she suddenly controlled the flying posture of the armor, and the magic power in her body quickly gathered towards the chest.

A dazzling light came from the energy located in the center of the breastplate. The core shot out, directly piercing Peter’s chest.

Seeing the frozen expression on Peter’s face, Gwen let go of her hand expressionlessly, and just watched Peter Parker fall from a height of hundreds of meters. Falling in the air.

She knew that Peter could not die.

The core light cannon just now accurately avoided Peter’s heart under her control.

Gwen knew the power of the lizard serum.

With the tenacious vitality given to Peter by the lizard serum, even if Falling from this height, even with the injury that penetrated the chest, could not really kill Peter.

As long as he was given a period of time to heal, after the injury healed, he could be alive and kicking like a normal person.

Faced with Gwen, a former friend, was ultimately unable to make the decision to kill him. She could only use this method to stop him, at least to delay Peter from returning to the battlefield.

Looking at the sky above the building. In the beam of light, Gwen slowly landed on the platform at the top of the building

“Sergeant Barnes, how long will it take for you to arrive? There was no emotion or anger in Gwen’s tone,”

It’s only two kilometers away. Did you come here by bullock cart?””

Bucky’s voice sounded in the communication channel,”We’ve arrived.”

The roar of engines sounded in the sky, and ten vertical take-off and landing fighter jets with a sense of technology that were decades ahead of this era were hovering in the air around the building. Among them, the Kunming that Bucky was riding on The Quinjet fighter was closest to the huge beam of light soaring into the sky directly above the building. The rear hatch of the Quinjet opened, and the howling wind poured into the cabin in an instant, blowing Bucky’s long flowing hair as he passed by the hatch. Gotta float upward

“Ward, I need you to take people down to the ground, build a defense line with this building as the center, and block any mutants or other enemies who dare to approach this building from the defense line.”

Listening to this suicide mission that almost required him to die directly, the corners of Grant Ward’s mouth twitched.

But he still replied firmly,”Yes! Sir!”

“Don’t worry,” Bucky patted Agent Ward’s shoulder,”You are not the only ones participating in the war, there will be reinforcements.”

The moment Bucky finished speaking, a sudden explosion suddenly sounded in the cabin. This huge change frightened a trainee agent with poor psychological quality and was about to pull the trigger.

Grant Ward had quick eyes and quick hands. He pressed the muzzle of the opponent’s raised gun and stuck his finger on the trigger of the opponent, thus avoiding a fire accident.

A man with long flowing platinum hair appeared in the cabin, his eyes He glanced arrogantly at the many Muggles in the cabin.

It wasn’t until his eyes touched the steel figure suspended in the air outside the cabin that he slightly put away the arrogance in his eyes.

“Lucius, my subordinates leave it to you.”

Ever since Draco’s father Lucius Malfoy was absorbed into the joint fight against Voldemort, Hydra has begun to have certain contacts with the wizarding world.

Well, mainly because of several high-level officials of Hydra. Lucius established a relationship with several high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Magic through his network, and began to play their usual tricks of corruption and temptation in the magical world.

This also caused a rift between Bucky and Lucius. It’s not too unfamiliar.

Lucius just nodded lightly to Bucky’s request.

For these Muggles who didn’t even have any magic power, even though he knew that they were Noah’s trusted subordinates, he still disdained to deal with them. What kind of friendly attitude did Muggles show?

With a loud bang, Lucius’s figure disappeared into the cabin again.

“Alright guys!”Standing on the edge of the cabin door, Grant Ward grinned,”Let’s fall at a high speed!”

Looking at the action team members filing out, Bucky stretched out his hand to the side,”Give me a parachute bag.”

But after waiting for a long time, he didn’t get what he wanted. When he noticed something was wrong, he turned his head and immediately saw Agent Grant looking at him with an embarrassed look on his face.

“Sir, we don’t have enough parachute packs.……”

Looking at the height of hundreds of meters below, Bucky’s face turned red and green. At this time, he really wanted to snatch the umbrella bag from Ward, and then kick this useless waste out.

After silently estimating the distance between the fighter plane and the top platform of the building at this moment, Bucky said calmly:”Well, I don’t need that thing.”

In Grant Ward’s horrified eyes, After a brief run-up of a few meters in the cabin, Bucky jumped directly without carrying a parachute backpack.

Under the influence of gravity, Bucky’s figure leaping into the air drew a beautiful parabola in the air.

It’s just… this landing seems a bit different from Bucky’s expectation?


He seemed to have miscalculated how fast his speed would reach due to the acceleration of gravity after he crossed a distance of about thirty meters.

From jumping to landing, it almost took a blink of an eye. Bucky only had time to put his titanium alloy unicorn arm in front of him to slow down the huge impact when landing, and then he slapped his whole body on the ground.

Fortunately, he didn’t fall to death.

Trembling and raising his middle finger to the sky, Bucky signaled to the Quinjet pilot above: You can get out.

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