Under the Tower Bridge in London, the two old enemies Noah and Voldemort were extremely jealous when they met.

Without any unnecessary nonsense, when Noah’s figure appeared from the void, Voldemort, who had noticed the fluctuations in space teleportation early on, raised his hand and fired Avada Kedavra as a greeting.

As a canyon king-level summoner with full combat awareness, Noah had already expected this kind of operation of squatting at the teleportation point.

The first thing he threw over was an unlucky bison that he dragged from nowhere using the bison summoning spell.

When the bison fell silently under Voldemort’s death curse, Noah, who was wearing a super armor protection spell and holding a vibranium shield of the same type as Captain America, was able to escape from the state of apparation. Come out.

Before his vision could recover from the dizzying movement caused by the Apparition, Noah threw away the cumbersome shield in his hand without hesitation, raised his hand to face the large blurry green figure in front of him, and fired a divine blade. film.

The twenty-meter-long half-moon invisible blade cut through the air.

So terrible���If you put it in the Auror office of the Ministry of Magic today, except maybe a few elite Aurors such as Alastor Moody and Kingsley Shacklebolt, no wizard can resist such a spell head-on.

The Auror Office is already the highest armed force of the Ministry of Magic.

However, for Voldemort, such a powerful attack did not even bother to use magic to counteract it. He just stretched out his hand to intercept the blade in its path. clang!

The sound of gold and iron clashing sounded on the Tower Bridge. Except for a few nail fragments and a dazzling spark, Noah’s magical blade could not take away any parts from Voldemort.

Noah didn’t expect this casually thrown magic to achieve much results.

Staring at Voldemort in front of him, Noah’s expression gradually became serious.

Compared with the last battle in the Forbidden Forest, Voldemort’s appearance has changed dramatically.

The last time he saw Voldemort, although he also had the same ugly appearance of neither human nor ghost, he still had a big, round head without any hair and impressive shit-green scales.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a relatively large elite monster, without any of the character of the ultimate villain.

But now look at the other person’s appearance.

The shit-green scales on his body have transformed into a deep black like obsidian. If you ignore the two curved horns growing out of the opponent’s head, and add a row of coral reef-like dorsal fins to him, he will be a Godzilla.

Well, it’s just a little smaller.

Moreover, the long-range attack skill is not the atomic breath powered by the bionuclear reactor in the body, but the welding magic formed by the convergence of magic power.

After crushing Shenfeng Wuying’s invisible blade to pieces like crispy noodles, Voldemort patted a few fingernail fragments that fell off his hand with disdain,”It’s my turn.” There was something floating in the air around him. A large amount of magic power gathered towards him under the tug of Voldemort.

The bloody mouth full of sharp teeth opened, and a trace of sparks burst out from the bottom of Voldemort’s throat, as if the magic floating in the air was some kind of flammable gas, which was ignited into flames all over the sky in an instant..

The demonic flames surged into the sky, and the dark red flames that looked like dirty blood transformed into a giant python dozens of meters long under Voldemort’s control.

Noah shook his head. Although the old stubborn Voldemort put aside his prejudice against Muggle technology and chose to cooperate with Peter Parker, his fighting method was still the same as ever.

Avada was going back and forth to gnaw at the giant melon and gouge out the bones… these were all powerful fire spells, but in the hands of his great-grandfather was the extremely cool Grindelwald’s signature gas stove, and he only used it from beginning to end. He can squeeze a big python with fierce fire…

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Noah looked back and glanced at Dumbledore, who was still standing on the Tower Bridge and was stunned by the miserable scene of hell on earth in the distant city. His face turned dark. He raised his hand and threw an explosive curse at the sole of the old Bee Deng, destroying it. He woke up from his dementia.

He gave Dumbledore a look to let him know for himself: Are you still here watching the show? Why don’t you come soon?

Dumbledore looked at the giant python hissing and spitting out the message in the sky, and finally came to his senses. He raised the Elder Wand in his hand high, and his robes were blown by the surging magic power.

Tower Bridge, which spans the River Thames, is surrounded by one of the most indispensable elements: water.

With the waving of the wand in Dumbledore’s hand, the river on both sides of the Tower Bridge seemed to have been dropped by a large-yield depth charge, and a shocking spray of water suddenly exploded into the sky.

The water rising up into the sky did not fall back into the lake under the influence of gravity. Instead, under the influence of Dumbledore’s magic, it turned into two huge walls hundreds of meters high, showing two cheese-stuffed walls, moving toward the center. The Tower Bridge of London blocked out the sky and took a hard shot.

The moment the wall of water formed, Noah’s face twitched hard.

Dumbledore’s move was probably not to kill him, the future third generation Dark Lord, here.

The tens-meter-long Fiery Giant Python seemed huge, but in the face of this monstrous tsunami that was enough to cover up the sun, it was like a tiny mantis in front of a dump truck trying to block the truck without overestimating its capabilities.

Voldemort’s face was extremely dark, and his first reaction was to disapparate and leave.

In such a terrain environment that is not conducive to one’s own magic, using Li Huo to fight Dumbledore is completely seeking death.

But his apparation did not get any response. This space seemed to be firmly imprisoned, and any means of space transmission lost their effectiveness.

Voldemort’s eyes suddenly shrank.

I don’t know when, several metal rods engraved with a large number of magic runes were inserted quietly around the place where Noah and Voldemort were fighting.

At this moment, the faint blue magical light is flowing on these metal rods made of a mixture of vibranium and mithril. These metal rods are obviously the culprits of locking this space.

Without making any waves, the pouring river water shot directly like a Milky Way pouring down directly pinned Voldemort to the ground, completely unable to move.

The glass-like clear and transparent river water is like a huge cocoon, or more accurately, a water prison, tightly wrapping Voldemort in it.

The extremely violent turbulence in the water prison surrounded his body, violently and ferociously tearing his body from different directions, as if it wanted to tear him into thousands of pieces.

Even though his body now has the strength to easily defeat the fire dragon in hand-to-hand combat after merging excellent fragments of the genes of various magical animals, it is still difficult to move under the strong water pressure.

Different from Voldemort’s feelings, although Noah was also enveloped in Dumbledore’s water prison magic, under Dumbledore’s superb control, the violent undercurrent in the water prison avoided his position with incomparable accuracy.

Even so, the water prison did not have no impact on Noah at all.

A huge amount of water was pressing heavily on his head. If Noah hadn’t maintained the super armor protection spell at all times, this water pressure alone would have made him paralyzed.

Raising the Evolved Truster in his hand, strong murderous intent brewed in Noah’s heart.

Dumbledore seemed to be aware of Noah’s intention and shouted loudly,”No! Noah!”

But with such a long distance and the barrier of the water prison, there was no way his voice could reach Noah. in the ears.

Even if Noah heard it, the lawless future Sandaime would not pay attention to his buzzing old bee.

Pointing the wand in the direction of Voldemort, Noah calmly recited the spell that he had known by heart before coming to this world but had never used it before.——

“Avada Kedavra!”

The dazzling green electric light easily penetrated the water curtain and went straight to the figure locked in the center of the water prison.

As the killing curse, the first of the three unforgivable curses, casting it requires a powerful wizard. The magic power is used as the basis, and the caster’s heart needs to be filled with strong murderous intention towards the target.

For an ordinary first-year wizard, their killing curse can only make the cursed person have some nosebleeds at most.

Hopefully Looking at the miserable green thunder that came from the lightning, Voldemort had no doubt that it had enough power to kill him. After experiencing the battle in the Forbidden Forest, he would never underestimate Noah’s strength again.


Voldemort’s whole body muscles were exerting force, and powerful magic erupted from his body like a volcanic eruption, turning into countless dark air currents visible to the naked eye. In an instant, a huge bubble exploded in the center of the water prison..

The water that was briefly pushed away suddenly closed in the middle under the push of strong pressure.

But before they hit Voldemort heavily, Voldemort had already turned the magic power that burst out of his body into a three hundred A sixty-degree spherical barrier with no dead ends.

A thunderous low roar came from the depths of the water prison, as if several large-yield depth bombs were thrown into it. Accompanied by dazzling green thunder that flashed from time to time, one after another A super large bubble exploded in the water prison and disappeared.

Under the intense energy disturbance, Dumbledore could no longer maintain the water prison, and could only let it collapse into huge water blocks flying all over the sky, vigorously It fell onto the Tower Bridge, or fell back into the Thames River.

Dumbledore deftly flipped his wrist at an angle, and the countless water flows remaining in the sky suddenly froze, as if time had been stopped at this moment.

In his Under his control, thousands of river waters condensed into sharp water arrows, which were propelled by magic power and turned into a rain of arrows in the sky, shooting towards the black sphere on the Tower Bridge.

Before the arrow rain could get close to the water arrow, it was completely condensed by magic power. The black barrier formed, the black sphere suddenly burst open automatically, and just the extremely violent air wave destroyed all the arrows in the sky.

In the midst of the flying sand and rocks, Voldemort’s figure was revealed.

He was covered with blood all over his body. The scarlet thunder was wrapped around, and the thunder exuding a fierce aura seemed to destroy everything. Blood-red lines like lava appeared on the obsidian body, which was continuously gathering magic power to his throat. A red and black energy ball gradually took shape in his open mouth, and a terrifying aura rippled out.

Dumbledore’s expression condensed, and the silver Phoenix Patronus flew out from the tip of his staff in an instant, in front of him. The sky turned into a thick and huge silver shield.

A series of defensive spells such as super armor protection, safe guarding, impregnable, and all curses were cast out from Dumbledore’s hands one after another, layer upon layer of magic The barrier wrapped Dumbledore airtight in just a few seconds.

The next moment, a red-black laser cannon shot out, penetrating everything in the way, and the huge recoil even pushed Voldemort’s body forward. The ground slid back.

In an instant, the whole world dimmed, as if the only thing that existed between heaven and earth was the dim laser, as if all the light in this world had been extinguished.

When the laser collided with the barrier At that moment, unimaginable terror exploded in the air. Just the aftermath of the explosion caused hurricanes to explode in all directions, sweeping away everything in its path.

When the loud noise comparable to a nuclear explosion faded away, Noah only felt that his ears were filled with a continuous irritating buzzing sound.

But this was not the end.

Voldemort still opened his bloody mouth, and as he turned his head, the scratch The light from the sky was like a ship-cutting light blade that pierced the sky and swept towards him.

Noah had no idea that Voldemort’s laser cannon could change direction like Godzilla’s atomic breath.

Obviously, just a super powerful armor protection spell could not withstand Voldemort’s blow. In a hurry, he only had time to raise his arms and condense a Seraphim Shield in front of him to resist.

The translucent barrier formed by the super armor protection spell was like butter being cut by a hot knife the moment it was touched by the laser cannon. Even just half a second could not save Noah. arrive.

Just when the sweeping ship-cutting light blade was about to touch his body, a figure wrapped in flames fell in front of Noah like a god descending from heaven.

The terrifying magic power that he had imagined swallowing him up like an overwhelming mountain did not come. Instead, there was only an inspiring warmth and a beautiful back.


Facing the black-red light pillar that seemed to swallow up all the light in the world, Fox stood still with a bow, with his crossed hands in front of him, absorbing all the energy impact.

When the darkness gradually dissipated, the two of them appeared. What was in front of him was a semi-circular tunnel nearly a hundred meters long, with a faint smoke emitting from it.

At this time, Fox, who was standing in a lunge to resist the impact, slowly stood up straight.

He turned around and glanced behind him. Noah, a smile appeared on Fox’s delicate face, and then he reached into the inner pocket of his clothes and took out a tattered and patched old antique pointed wizard hat. He stabbed his hand into the branch. In the big hole under the hat, Fox’s extremely rough movements made this old hat with a history of thousands of years protest loudly and dissatisfiedly.

“Hey! You can’t be gentler! You stupid fat turkey!”

Ignoring the Sorting Hat’s protest, Fox yanked it out and instantly took out a shining silver sword from his hood.

The bright and huge ruby inlaid on the hilt showed that this sword The identity of the sword – the sword used by Godric Gryffindor during his lifetime, the Sword of Gryffindor, known as the goblin slayer!

Throwing the dirty hat aside in disgust, Fox stretched out his foot With a sudden step, the vibranium round shield on the ground that Noah had casually abandoned flipped around in the air under the reaction force and was accurately copied into her hand.

Fox did not see any additional movements. , the fiery red robe that was not convenient for movement on her bumpy body suddenly ignited flames automatically.

When the flames completely covered Fox’s body, the robe on her body was already under the influence of the transformation spell. The appearance changed drastically, and was replaced by a majestic ancient Greek-style battle armor.

The surface of the crimson battle armor seemed to have phoenix flames lingering around it. The skirt under the battle armor was a symbol of strength, and the angular boots reached to the knees. Her height highlights her heroic appearance.

The pair of silver armguards on her arms are engraved with magic runes, and the lines are filled with the brilliance of magic. She has a long sword in one hand and a round shield in the other, just like a Valkyrie who has experienced many battles..

Her posture is peerless, her momentum is arrogant, and she looks down upon the world. The championship helmet she wears on her head makes Fox look even more majestic at this moment. The high fighting spirit in her eyes makes it seem as if all enemies will become her enemies under her feet. His men were defeated.

The noise from the distant city gradually faded away, but”Is she with you” by Hans Zimmer sounded in Noah’s mind involuntarily.

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