If we want to talk about this crisis that has swept the entire city of London from beginning to end, it may have to be traced back to the love and death between Gwen and Peter in their original time and space.

Obviously, the current situation is not suitable for a long narrative. Noah simply mentioned to Dumbledore the cause of all this, which was the weather curse represented by the huge light beam that went straight into the clouds, and the rain. Mixed with lizard serum that can turn humans into lizards.

And… the culprit that caused all this – the Philosopher’s Stone that Dumbledore handed over to save Harry.

Dumbledore’s face was filled with regret, and his blue eyes had lost their usual bright color. He never imagined that in order to save a savior, the entire city would have to pay such a price.

It was as if all the life force had been drained out of him in an instant. The old man’s originally upright figure actually looked a little rickety at this moment, and his energy was no longer as bright as before.

“I did wrong……”

Deng���Lido murmured to himself.

Tears unknowingly blurred his eyes, and Dumbledore’s eyes trembled slightly.

At this moment, Dumbledore didn’t look like the God of Witchcraft who had defeated two Dark Lords in succession. Instead, he looked like an ordinary and fragile old man, with a crystal teardrop hanging on his chin.

Dumbledore clenched his skinny hands into fists,”Is there anything I can do?”

“The magic stone is right under the beam of light.” Noah raised his chin toward the distance,”My people have controlled that area, but they don’t understand magic, and no one can break the magic circle.”

Noah responded with two simple words,”I’ll go.””

There was an explosion in the air, and Dumbledore’s body burned into a ball of golden-red flames and disappeared.

As Dumbledore left, the thunder in the sky caused by the battle between Fox and Voldemort gradually became distant. Go, the Tower Bridge in London, with only two bare piers left, has also returned to tranquility, and only the city in the distance is still noisy.

Looking at the sky, the heavy clouds are still like a big pot lid on the top of the city of London, Noah I couldn’t help but feel a little helpless in my heart.

Before the magic circle that maintains the magic stone for material conversion is cracked, any attempt to use antidote and weather spells to reverse this situation will be futile.

Noah lifted He held the headset on his ear, which was still going strong after the war.

“Has anyone seen what’s going on at King’s Cross Station?”

Gwen’s voice came out from the headset in an instant. Wearing a steel suit with full defense, Gwen has super high mobility and has been playing the role of a firefighter all over London.

Flying in the air She easily saw the situation at King’s Cross Station,”The situation is not good.”

“I’ll go right away.”

After the words fell, Noah’s body also twisted into a vortex, and disappeared into the air with an explosion.


King’s Cross Station, twenty minutes ago, the Hogwarts Express slowly stopped on the platform.

Anxious to get this horde of hot potatoes into the hands of their guardians, the Hogwarts Express raced along the tracks at a much faster pace than usual, under the orders of Cornelius Fudge.

After all, these students are under the escort of the Ministry of Magic. If anything happens, the Ministry of Magic, headed by Cornelius Fudge, will have full responsibility.

And when they escape the care of the Ministry of Magic and return to the hands of their parents, if something happens, it will be the responsibility of the guardian.

This is Fudge’s dark and unknown inner thoughts.

The Hogwarts Express, which was originally scheduled to arrive at its final destination at King’s Cross Station at six o’clock in the evening, actually arrived at its destination four hours earlier than scheduled under his order to speed up.

The train stopped steadily at platform 9¾ of King’s Cross Station.

Originally, it would take a long time for this entire busload of students to get out of the platform.

After all, too many people walked out of the wall at one time. Even with the interference of the Muggle Expelling Curse and the confusion spell of the old guard at the gate as a supplement, the Muggles would still pay attention.

But this time the situation was a bit special. With the approval of Minister Connelly, the Aurors who arrived at King’s Cross Station by Apparition in advance expanded the scope of the Muggle expulsion spell and briefly created a spell for these students. Safe and unobtrusive environment.

Except for those guardians who are wizards from Muggle families, there is not even a Muggle to be seen at King’s Cross Station at this time, which is the peak passenger traffic period.

However, when the students just walked out of Platform 9¾, an accident happened.

The beam of light in the distance was so conspicuous that even the wizards gathered at King’s Cross Station could see it clearly from such a long distance away.

“what is that……”

As a man with not very outstanding magical ability, Fudge was completely focused on political management and speculation. He was unable to feel the magic contained in the rapidly accumulating dark clouds above his head.

“A wizard is casting a weather spell!”Kingsley Shacklebolt was surprised.

As the head of the Auror office, Rufus Scrimgeour, who looked like an old lion, was obviously not as ignorant as their useless waste minister.

He looked solemn. He looked at the large-scale clouds that spread to the sky and almost merged with the horizon.”It is definitely not an ordinary wizard who can release such a large-scale weather spell.””

“You mean, Dumbledore?”

As soon as he heard that it was not something that ordinary wizards could perform, Fudge, who already had some quarrels with Dumbledore, immediately put this big, round black pot on Lao Deng’s head.

Scrimgeour’s face was as dark as At the bottom of the pot, I can’t tell whether it’s because of the weather spell in the sky that has obviously seriously violated the International Statute of Secrecy, or because of the nonsense coming out of the mouth of the idiot leader in front of me.

“Professor Dumbledore had no reason to do such a thing. He refuted his stupid pig minister mercilessly,”If I guess correctly, this should have something to do with the mysterious man who kidnapped Harry Potter.””

As Rufus Scrimgeour turned his attention to the clock hanging high on the platform, the hour hand on it happened to point in the direction of the number”2″, and then Fudge came to his senses.

The evil black man who kidnapped Harry The wizard left a message on the parchment for Dumbledore.

He wanted Dumbledore to exchange the Philosopher’s Stone for Harry. It’s just that… the two greatest functions of the Philosopher’s Stone are to turn stones into gold and to refine the potion of immortality. The former It represents endless wealth, and the latter means a long life.

Use it to cast a weather spell?

What’s the use of it?

Soon, the wizards stranded in King’s Cross station knew about this huge spell that enveloped the entire London. What exactly does the area weather spell do?


Kingsley Shacklebolt realized something was wrong with the rain almost the moment it fell on him.

There seems to be an all-pervasive evil magic in the rain dripping on the body, penetrating into his body through every pore on the surface of his skin.

This allowed him to instantly hold up the Armor Protection Charm above his head, blocking out all the rain pouring down from the sky.

Just a few drops of rain made him feel a slight deformation inside his body, as if his body was about to transform into another species.

In addition to the magic power of transformation, Kingsley also noticed a negligible magic power swimming towards his brain. It was an extremely familiar feeling, and he once thought that he had made a mistake in judgment.

It’s a special feeling you get when you’re controlled by the Imperius Curse. It’s as if you’re in a wonderful fairyland, and you will obey everything the other person says 100%.


Kingsley almost roared and gave the order,”Armor for protection!” All out of the rain range!”

Some Aurors standing in the rain were a little confused about Kingsley’s order, bypassing Scrimgeour, the director of the Auror Office.

Generally speaking, the top person in charge of the Auror Office is Scrimgeour Station. If you want to give an order here, shouldn’t Kingsley report it to the leader first?

They still looked at Scrimgeour blankly, but in the next second they paid the price for their slowness.

A few times An Auror standing outside the shelter of the building at King’s Cross station was exposed to the rain. After only seven or eight seconds of rain, he transformed into a terrifying green-skinned giant in front of everyone’s horrified eyes. Lizard.

Due to the magic power existing in the wizard’s body, the lizard man transformed from the wizard is supported by the magic power flowing in the body. The final size of the transformed lizard man is much larger than that of the lizard man transformed from a Muggle.

Muggle The transformed lizard-man is only a little over two meters tall. When placed in front of the hybrid giant Hagrid, it is only as high as his belly button. Hagrid can smash its head into the body with one fist.

And these Each of the lizardmen transformed by the wizard was close to three meters tall, and the best of them even exceeded the three-meter category.

Scrimgeour also reacted at this moment and gave the order loudly:

“Deadly Hexes are not allowed! Those are your colleagues!”

A series of”faints to the ground” directly blocked the not-so-wide entrance and exit of King’s Cross Station, and the stun spell almost became the Muggles’ anti-aircraft firepower network.

This level of firepower would be more intense even if a fire dragon came. Kneeling here, not to mention the mass-produced youth version of the lizardmen who just came off the assembly line.

Those Aurors who were unfortunate enough to be transformed into lizards were knocked unconscious in an instant.

The Aurors in the station After hurriedly dragging the”former colleagues” on the ground in from the pouring rain outside, they were able to carefully study the strangeness of the rain.

Looking at the lizard man lying on the ground, Kingsley Shaq Er’s eyes were fixed on the sharp claws on the lizard man’s hands that shone with a cold light, which reminded him of the tragedy that happened on that cargo ship. He clearly remembered that all the dead bodies on that ship, The way of death is quite strange.

The body was torn apart by sharp claws, and the neck also had scars that seemed to be strangled by some kind of giant snake.

Claws sharp enough to easily tear the body apart?

Yes ? A powerful tail that can break the neck?

These two characteristics, the lizard man in front of me just satisfies them perfectly at the same time.

Could it be that the mysterious man who kidnapped Harry Potter has been brewing this since that time? A huge conspiracy, but why did he attack the Muggle cargo ship… wait, Muggle?

As if he thought of some possibility, Kingsley Shacklebolt’s expression suddenly changed.

It’s just that he is a black man, and he was originally No matter how his dark face changed, others couldn’t tell the difference between his dark face and the previous one.

“Director Scrimgeour! With such a large-scale weather spell, if there is a problem with rain in the entire area, then this will definitely affect all Muggles in the entire city of London!”

Kingsley’s words made all the Ministry of Magic employees in King’s Cross Station take a breath of air.

Cornelius Fudge even let out a sharp scream, as if he was being strangled by the neck. chicken,”Scrimgeour, I–you——”

Being stunned by this horrifying news, Cornelius Fudge could not even utter a complete sentence. He frantically scanned the surrounding circle of Aurors he had brought from the Ministry of Magic.

Going here to protect the Hogwarts Express���The 100th hope for the future of the British wizarding world, he can be said to have emptied the entire Auror office. Now, only the strike force is stationed at the Ministry of Magic headquarters in London.

A lizardman is not scary, but any adult wizard can easily kill him as long as he is not caught off guard.

But what if there were millions of these lizard people in the entire city of London?

The Ministry of Magic headquarters is no different than being undefended!


After holding it in for a long time, Fudge finally regained some composure and rationality under the frantic calls of his subordinates, and then spit out the only name that could be remembered in his small brain.

“Go get Professor Dumbledore!”

Just such a sentence seemed to have drained Fudge of all his strength. He panted and cast hopeful eyes around him, as if hoping that someone could tell him what to do in the face of such an epic accident. How should the Minister of Magic issue orders and arrange things.

But no one can stand up.

Scrimgeour glanced at his incompetent Minister coldly, then shook his head with a slight disappointment, and directly ignored the stupid Fudge, who stood aside stupidly, began to give orders to the Aurors at King’s Cross Station.

“Kingsley, Williamson, I want you two to each lead a team of people to decorate the entire station with defensive magic.”

Looking at the two capable men leaving, Scrimgeour turned around and said,”Delix, go bring the news to the professors at Hogwarts. Be sure to ask them to tell Dumbledore what happened here.”

“Nymphadora Tonks!”

A witch with spike-like short hair and a bright violet color stood out from the crowd.

“I want you to leave the Apparition and return to the Ministry of Magic. Call all the men in the Ministry who can fight to come to King’s Cross Station. It’s not enough for us to stand here.”

Cornelly Fudge stared at Scrimgeour in front of him with a horrified expression,”You’re crazy! What about the Ministry of Magic?”

“Those lizardmen seem to be brainless guys. It is impossible for them to find the Ministry of Magic hidden underground. Even if they find it, they may not be able to break through the Ministry of Magic’s defensive magic!”

Before the witch named Tonks disapparated, Scrimgeour added one more sentence,”If possible, call together all the Aurors who have retired at home. We need as much combat power as possible.”

Not many Aurors have retired from the Ministry of Magic in recent years. Obviously Scrimgeour’s words are referring to a certain person in particular –

Alastor Moody.

He was active in the era when Voldemort was raging, and among the Death Eaters The most notorious Auror among them, he is powerful and his methods are as cruel as those of Death Eaters.

Apart from not using the three unforgivable curses, there is no sinister deed that this former Auror cannot do.

This It also contributed to his brilliant record – at least two-thirds of the prisoners currently in Zikaban Prison were sent there by Alastor Moody himself.

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