Although they use the same name, his men are not the Hydra in the Marvel world.

After all, they are just a relatively large gang in London, and their strength has not yet reached the level of an international terrorist organization like Hydra. 1

If Bucky targeted Hydra because of this name…

Noah estimated that with the fighting power of his men, it would take less than a month for the entire army to be wiped out.

After all, it is not difficult at all for a super killer who has undergone human body modification and received rigorous training to kill a bunch of gangsters.

Thinking of this, Noah couldn’t help but feel dizzy.

If he had known earlier, he would not have committed suicide by impersonating the name of the Snake and Shield Agency next door. Who would have thought that someone like him would come from the next world.

Now, not only did he replace the name, but he also clearly copied the dark red skull logo of Hydra with six unfolded snake tails.

Now even if I jumped into the Yellow River, I couldn’t wash myself away.

How about writing a letter to Bucky?

His men couldn’t find Bucky’s whereabouts, but that didn’t mean Noah couldn’t be found.

As Dumbledore said to him before, there are many trace-finding magics in the wizarding world, and Kama Taj also has many such magics.

He only needs a small amount of magic medium, the target’s body materials such as hair, blood…

When Bucky was still imprisoned in Hydra’s stronghold, his researchers did a lot to draw Bucky’s blood. Noah naturally carries a tube with him.

He did this so that he could find Bucky’s whereabouts when needed, such as now.

But when Noah was about to find someone, he remembered that he seemed to be facing another extremely difficult problem – how to cast a spell?

The wand plays a very important role in the magic system of this world, at least in the European and American wizarding world.

So the question is, how to wield his two-meter-long war spear?

This thing is nearly half a meter taller than him!

If you use a wandless method to cast spells…

Noah can only say that he doesn’t know how to do it for the time being.

Magic and the dimensional magic he relied on before are essentially two kinds of energy, which prevents him from rubbing the electric welding with his bare hands as freely as he did in Kama Taj.

He has already tried it, and so far, what he can rub out with his bare hands, except for healing magic and the soul out-of-body effect that is unknown, are only the basic lines that make up the magic circle.

The latter is only used for beating people.

Give him a few days, and he may be able to figure out how to convert the magic of this world into another magic he is familiar with, and thus cast the magic of Kama Taj.

But certainly not now.

Just when Noah was thinking hard, the doorknob of his door was turned with a creak, and a small crimson head poked in through the small crack in the door.

“Hello, can I come in?”

A flickering blue flame danced on Noah’s fingertips, burning the small note in his hand to ashes.

He destroyed the note calmly, and then he turned around and saw clearly Who is this person who barged in so rashly?

“Ah, Shirley……”

Before his expression turned as bad as gin that smelled of sherry, a certain black organization leader stopped the car in time so as not to scare the girl outside the door.

“What’s matter?”

In order to avoid the tragic end of being killed by Snape, Noah blocked the door of the room in time and did not let Shirley step into his room in the dead of night. It was late at night, and a man and a woman were alone in the same room. not too good

“We haven’t officially met yet,” the red-haired girl stretched out her hand,”Hello, my name is Shelly Snape.”

Looking at the girl’s stretched out hand, Noah glanced around the corridor outside the door. After confirming that Snape was not present, he stretched out his hand with confidence.

“Noah Shafrin.”

The hands of the two of them were separated at the touch of each other.

“Are you a new student at Hogwarts too?”Shirley asked curiously.

As a normal person, it is impossible for anyone not to be curious about a stranger who suddenly lives in his home. What’s more, when they first met, the stranger was the same as his godfather. He looked very nervous, and later he hid in a small room and plotted for a long time.

It would be weird to say that there was no secret.

Hearing Shirley’s question, Noah nodded,”That’s right.”

“We will become classmates in a few days.” The girl raised her chin behind Noah,”Aren’t you going to invite me in to sit down?

A look of embarrassment appeared on Noah’s face,”Isn’t this bad?””

“There’s nothing wrong with that.”Shirley obviously didn’t realize the seriousness of the matter.

In the afternoon when Noah was not around, Shirley also asked Snape for a long time, but Snape was unwilling to tell her at all. His usual coquettishness completely lost its effect. , instead she received a lesson from her worried old father about the ninety-nine dangers of early love.

This also aroused the girl’s rebellious psychology – didn’t you tell me to have less contact with the other person? I didn’t!


For the next time, Noah lived in Snape’s house.

It has to be said that in addition to the field of potions, Snape is also considered a talent in the field of cooking.

Noah has lived in Spider End Alley for half a month, and for every meal he cooks, none of the dishes he cooks are the same as before.

The diverse dishes include delicacies from many countries, not only the delicacies of European countries such as Britain, France, Germany, and Italy, but even Chinese food, Snape can show off his skills.

It can be said that in addition to a walking potions textbook, Snape can be called a walking cookbook of world cuisine.

Of course, during this period, Noah didn’t just patronize Snape’s delicious food every day.

In addition to eating, sleeping and daily exercise, his main remaining activities every day are reading and research.

A complete set of books he bought from Flourish and Blotts filled a two-meter-high bookshelf in his room.

Thanks to the magical talent of this body and the practice of magic in his previous life, Noah quickly absorbed the nutrients in these magic books like a shriveled sponge.

However, due to the length of the wand, he can still only cast spells without a wand.

This also brought him a new problem, that is, when casting without a wand, he could only try some relatively simple magics, such as floating spells, unlocking spells…

Casting without a wand does not mean casting without a medium, ha. Most of the magic in Lipot’s world requires a medium to withstand and perform it.

It essentially uses a certain body part on the wizard’s body as a wand.

If this statement is difficult to understand, then as a simple example, when a wizard tries to cast Avada Kedavra by wandless casting… then, this Avada Kedavra Curse will act on Before attacking the enemy, it will first act on the wizard who casts the spell, which means that the caster will burp the spell first.

Damage yourself and injure the enemy, well… if you hit, you injure the enemy’s entire body, and both of you will die together.

If it doesn’t hit, then this Avada Kedavra is equivalent to letting go of loneliness.

And it also puts the caster’s own life at risk.

To put it simply, it’s free.

Even the magicians of Karma Taj who can rub electric welding with their bare hands are not really bare-handed. The hanging rings they wear are their magic wands. The top 9, such as the Ancient One Mage and Doctor Strange, cannot escape the spell-casting medium. Even if they can do without the hanging ring, they still need to build a magic circle before casting the spell to bear the power of the magic on their behalf. 2

Therefore, before getting a working wand, the first thing Noah did was to find a way to build a magic circle to act as a spell-casting medium.

The basement of Snape’s house was also Snape’s workshop where he brewed potions and studied magic.

Looking at the workroom in front of him, which looked like a welding workshop with sparks flying everywhere, Snape’s eyes revealed a trace of deep fear.

It’s no wonder why Dumbledore paid so much attention to a little wizard who was ordinary except for his handsomeness.

The opponent’s talent is simply too outrageous.

In just half a month, Snape witnessed the transformation of the other party from a cute little wizard who couldn’t even do simple magic like opening locks to… well, a slightly more powerful rookie wizard.

Without the help of the wand, Noah’s learning of magic would be a complete mess.

But the sparkling electric welding combat magic he”created” deeply puzzled Snape, a senior professor who had been engaged in education for many years.

Because there was no wand available, he”created” another magic system. Is this really something that a normal human wizard can do?

Merlin’s reincarnation is not so outrageous, right? 5

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