There wasn’t much time left for consultations with the Hogwarts professors.

When the entire city turned into a purgatory in the strange rain, the protective magic jointly performed by the Aurors could not turn this small place into a pure land in purgatory.

Although a series of magic such as safe guarding and disappearing can temporarily block the senses of the lizardmen, they will not be able to detect the wizards hiding in King’s Cross Station.

But there are simply too many of them to hold up.

Those big green-skinned monsters whose bodies had undergone glorious evolution but at the cost of losing their brains rampaged recklessly on the road and soon ran into the magic barriers placed around the station.

These mindless green-skinned monsters had no idea what was going on.

But they are stubborn.

There is obviously nothing in front of them, but why can’t they walk past?

That must be because you don’t use enough strength!

That’s right!

The barrier will definitely produce a certain degree of magic fluctuation when it is hit by a strong external force, just like an assassin in a state of perfect invisibility will become looming when he moves.

This will destroy the concealment of the barrier, causing more lizardmen to notice the anomalies here, and then suffer stronger disturbances, which will attract more lizardmen…

It is a complete endless cycle.

As for the Muggle-Repelling Curse?

Sorry, that’s for Muggles. These lizardmen wandering all over the streets no longer belong to the category of Muggles after absorbing the magic raindrops pouring down from the sky.

At this moment, they are more like some kind of magical animals that have just been created. Although the magic contained in their bodies is only a small amount, it is the same magic as wizards after all, which can help them get rid of the influence of Muggle expulsion curses..

Not to mention, these monsters all possess lizard genes.

You know, some species of lizards have thermal sensing capabilities, but they do not have thermal eyes like snakes that can directly see the thermal radiation image of their prey.

But this was enough for the crazy group of lizardmen to sense nearly a thousand creatures moving inside the car.

So… a large number of lizardmen on the street were attracted by the excitement here, so much so that the huge ellipsoidal barrier outside King’s Cross Station was quickly covered with lizardmen.

Viewed from a distance, it looks like a super-large green dinosaur egg embedded in the ground.

Looking at the ugly and ferocious lizards outside the barrier, a shit-green super ugly face was stuck on the barrier at zero distance, distorted by the squeeze of the companions behind it, and all the Aurors in the station had their faces changed. Almost as green as they are.

Looking at the past from their perspective, it was like the survivors in the carriage in the movie”Train to Busan”, confronting the zombies locked in another carriage at a very close distance.

“Minister, please give the order to attack.”

Looking at the tide of green lizards that quickly filled up the entire defensive shield, and were still adding layers of coverings, Scrimgeour realized that they could no longer continue to hold on to the turtle tactic in the original position. The ground is waiting for death.

Fudge glanced at his generals and said,”Our defensive shield is still very strong. There is no need for it. Maintaining the status quo as it is now is the best choice.”

“and……”Fudge looked confident,”We still have Professor Dumbledore here!”

“As long as Dumbledore attacks, everything will be fine.”

The retired Auror Alastor Moody, who was urgently summoned to the front line, unceremoniously shattered Cornelius Fudge’s unrealistic illusions.

“I received news that Dumbledore was entangled. He was fighting on Tower Bridge in London with the mysterious dark wizard who was suspected of kidnapping Harry Potter, and the two were evenly matched.”

“Moreover, he also heard Dumbledore’s name for the mysterious dark wizard.”

Speaking of this, Alastor Moody, nicknamed”Mad Eye”, the magic eye of alchemy embedded in his eye sockets rotated smoothly, completely exposing the whites of his eyes to Fudge, a weakling. The minister gave him a contemptuous look.

“Do you want to guess what that title is? Connelly? I think you will be interested in this.”

At such a critical moment, Mad-Eye still showed his unusual black humor, but his terrifying appearance made it impossible to feel that he was showing his sense of humor.

Alastor· Moody’s body had become pineapple-like due to fighting with Death Eaters in the era when Voldemort was raging.

Under his thick dark gray hair, an old face that was far beyond his actual age looked scarred, giving people a It feels like an old rotten wood.

One leg is missing and replaced by a wooden prosthetic leg as a supplementary support for the body.

His face is not much better. In addition to missing one eye, there is also a large piece of flesh on his nose. Gone.

These are the marks of his countless battles with black magic as an Auror.

The fierce aura revealed from his bones does not give people the feeling of an Auror who punishes evil and promotes good and eliminates violence. A Death Eater might look more amiable and kind next to him.

Alastor Moody was grinning, and that weird smile looked like he was grinning.

“Dumbledore called him Tom Riddle!”

“Presumably everyone present, as long as they participated in that war, are familiar with this name, right?”

Fudge was shocked, as if someone had given him a hard blow.

And that was actually the case.

As the Dark Lord who cannot even be named, Voldemort’s real name has always been a mystery in the British wizarding world. , the vast majority of the people only know his nickname”Voldemort” and do not know his real name.

But this matter is very important to high-level people like Cornelius Fudge, or Alastor Moody and Scrimgeour. It is not a secret for the elite Aurors who once fought on the front line against the Death Eaters.

Therefore, when Connelly heard the name from Moody’s mouth, he and he also had no idea about Voldemort’s real name. Those wizards who knew something about it, their first reaction was shock or shock.

I don’t know if it was because the news was so shocking that Fudge fainted. At this moment, for the first time, a smile appeared on his face.

“Alastor, you don’t really believe this, do you? Just a title?”

“The mysterious man has been dead for almost eleven years, how could he come back! ? This must be some remaining Death Eater acting in the name of their old master!”

Cornelly Fudge stretched out his hand tremblingly and took off the green top hat on his head. What was usually a simple action seemed extremely difficult at this moment. After a moment of silence, Voldemort heard again and again Fudge with this name suddenly exploded

“It’s all lies! lie!”

Short and fat like a big winter melon in a suit, Connelly waved his short hands excitedly and vigorously,”Do you know how hard I have worked to maintain peace in the British wizarding world today!”

“You have no idea!”

“You only know how to create a sense of panic that the Dark Lord is coming back, and deliberately destroy all the achievements of the Ministry of Magic in the past eleven years! Fudge roared loudly,”The Auror troops are supposed to be unconditionally loyal to the Ministry of Magic, but you have chosen to collude with Dumbledore!””

“Everything you are doing is holding me back!

Scrimgeour protested loudly without fear:”Minister, these words are a bit excessive!””

Tonks, who was just a trainee Auror, had never seen such a scene before. At this moment, she was like a trembling reindeer hiding behind her instructor, Kingsley Shacklebolt, but she couldn’t hold back. The curiosity in his heart wanted to poke his head out and take a look at the scene where the minister was furious.

Seeing that Cornelius Fudge wanted to say more and more serious words, Alastor Moody slammed the crutch in his hand to the ground and encouraged him. The magic power that spread out immediately made Fudge, a novice who would be instantly beaten when he met an American Iai, shut his mouth.

“Now is the time to discuss this!”

He looked sternly at the soft-hearted minister in front of him with his eyes that had seen the tragic deaths of countless enemies.

Facing a ruthless man like Moody who was so crazy that he even dared to beat his own people to death, he looked so arrogant just now. The incomparable Fudge immediately withered.

He kept looking for steps for himself in his heart: I am doing this for the overall situation!

Moody glanced at the top of the station and had already covered the entire defensive shield, and built it with the support of the defensive shield. He saw the big lizards with a unique green dome.

He saw the problem at a glance.

Such an existence was too conspicuous in the city of London.

The mysterious wizard who kidnapped Harry Potter You can leave the magic light pillar soaring into the sky and ignore it, and run to duel with Dumbledore.

As soon as the light pillar appeared, the Ministry of Magic had already dispatched the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters and the Magical Law Department. The last manpower remaining in the Ministry of Magic from the Auror Office under the Department of Execution went to check the situation.

However, the beam of light showed no sign of disappearing until now, and there was no news from their colleagues…

This means that there is definitely more than one person on the other side!

What if? The other party’s helpers noticed the anomaly at King’s Cross Station, which would be difficult to solve. The current barrier seems to be able to hold up for a while, but what if it suffers some powerful long-range attack and causes the entire defensive barrier to completely collapse?

Those The lizardmen gathered in darkness above their heads will fall directly into them.

Then the fun will be great.

Even if the other party does not notice, judging from the frequency and intensity of the lizardmen’s crazy attack on the barrier, the energy in their bodies The magic power can’t last much longer either.

“We must clean up the surrounding lizardmen, and also send some manpower to lure the lizardmen wandering on the streets away from gathering at King’s Cross Station.”

Among all the people present, in terms of combat experience, there is probably no one with more experience than the senior Auror Alastor Moody.

Therefore, Rufer, who is the director of the Auror Office, has made arrangements for him to make decisions. Scrimgeour did not express any different opinions.

The only question now is- how are they going to get rid of the lizardmen transformed from innocent London citizens outside the barrier?

And who are they going to send to do that ? Are they said to be bait to lure enemies with a narrow chance of death or even ten deaths?

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