When the huge beam of light that shot straight into the sky and seemed to pierce the sky disappeared, Voldemort did not show any emotion that his plan had failed.

Although he looked a bit embarrassed now, with wounds all over his body caused by Fawkes carrying Gryffindor’s sword, he looked calm as if everything was according to his plan.

After once again reluctantly repelling Fawkes, who was attacking with sword and shield, Voldemort abnormally did not take the next step in response, but looked up to the sky.

A subtle arc hung at the corner of his mouth.

Such a strange scene made Noah frown slightly, as if he noticed something, he raised the wand in his hand and pointed it at the sky.

The thick clouds were driven away by the weather spell, revealing what was inside…

When he saw the thing hidden by the dark and dense cumulonimbus clouds, Noah’s pupils suddenly shrank.

“Fox! Stop him!”

No need for Noah to say anything, before Noah’s voice could cross the distance of more than a thousand meters, Fox’s figure had already disappeared into a ball of golden-red phoenix flames.

That was the unique space teleportation ability of the Phoenix clan.

However, the weird speed that Voldemort burst out at this moment was even faster than the Phoenix’s space teleportation.

Before Fox’s figure could step out of the space movement, it suddenly turned into a bloody thunder that spanned several kilometers. Voldemort had already arrived at Fox’s teleportation point.

When Fox stepped out of the golden flames burning in the void, he was greeted by a thick tail entwined with white air waves.

Only an afterimage was captured in his field of vision. , Fox only had time to block her body with the vibranium shield in her hand, and the overwhelming force swept over her like a tsunami.

Voldemort’s hasty attack only caused Fox to move dozens of meters in the air, and did not He suffered no substantial damage, but he had achieved his intention…

When the clouds in the sky were dispersed, what was revealed was a human body.

It was a boy about sixteen or seventeen years old, covered in body parts. Naked, quietly suspended in the air, with his eyes closed and without any consciousness.

A diary with a tattered cover was suspended above the boy’s head. At this moment, it was emitting an ominous black light, completely covering his whole body..

A miserable green lightning spanning a distance of thousands of meters bombarded Voldemort’s body, and the Avada Kedavra completely dissolved Voldemort’s vitality in an instant.

That was Noah’s full strength after realizing that things were developing beyond expectations. Take action.

But did things really go so smoothly?

When Voldemort was killed by the Killing Curse, his heavy body should have fallen feebly to the ground hundreds of meters below under the influence of gravity.

But Noah’s The Death Curse seemed to have no effect at all.

The moment the Death Curse hit Voldemort, some ultimate darkness was released from deep in his body, like a black hole from which even light could not escape. It completely absorbed Noah’s life-killing curse.

The darkness was like a life-like black hole. In the blink of an eye, it absorbed Voldemort’s scarred and broken body, and then quickly climbed up and floated in the air. On the boy.

Like a certain symbiote named”Venom”, that large mass of dark and sticky substance quickly melted on the boy’s body.

No, to use a more accurate term, It should have penetrated into the boy’s body.

The lizard crisis sweeping across London was just a target used by Voldemort to cover up people’s eyes from beginning to end.

Under the premise of having a large amount of raw materials as the basis for production, the synthesis of lizard serum and the use of weather spells Maintenance does not require such a huge amount of energy as support.

But if you want to use the magic stone to shape a perfect body, that is another matter.

This is Voldemort’s true intention.

What he is using now No matter how much you repair a broken body, it can never be restored to its perfect state, just like how no matter how you piece it together after an item is broken, it is impossible to restore it to its original state at the molecular level.

Instead of doing tinker work on a broken body, why not just create a new, perfect body from scratch?

Anyway, the current Voldemort is just a wandering soul. The body that ordinary people rely on to survive is completely a consumable that can be used and thrown away for him.

A strong heartbeat suddenly came from the boy’s body.

When the last trace of dark matter disappeared from the boy’s body and turned into a dark robe to wrap him up, a pair of scarlet eyes suddenly opened.

The extremely arrogant pressure turned into a strong wind and swept in all directions. The powerful magic power almost froze the surrounding space.

Even though they were several kilometers apart, some of the Aurors around Noah who were not determined enough trembled and collapsed to the ground in an instant, gasping for air in an extremely embarrassed manner.

Only a few elite Aurors could stand still, but their hands holding the wands were trembling slightly.

“That is……”

Even with a will as strong as Alastor Moody’s, he couldn’t help but swallow hard.

Although he felt that the direction of things was a little beyond his control, Noah’s tone still seemed very relaxed and freehand when he answered,”Voldemort.” The clouds in the sky were broken by the violent waves of air. A large hole with a diameter of several hundred meters, the afternoon sun poured down from the hole in the clouds, shrouding Voldemort’s body, casting a layer of colorful halo over his whole body.

With that look, if you didn’t know better, you would think he was a god who brought hope to the world.

But in fact, he is just a villain who will bring suffering and disaster to the world.

And he’s also a mean-spirited villain.

No matter how hard Voldemort tried, his fragmented soul could never be repaired and restored to its original state of being a complete whole.

That is a flaw that Voldemort can never make up for, unless he can obtain the Soul Stone, which specializes in the soul among the six Infinity Stones.

But is it that easy?

Even if the research on the soul has reached a very advanced level, and even practitioners can control the out-of-body actions of their own souls at will, it is still a huge problem to repair the broken soul.

Otherwise, the research on the soul would not have become a mountain that is difficult to climb in the field of magic.

Besides, whether there are six infinite stones in this world is a question.

Noah stared intently at the diary suspended in the sky directly above Voldemort.

If he guessed correctly, the tattered diary should be the diary that he went all the way to Malfoy Manor to ask for some time ago, but Lucius informed him that it had been snatched away by a mysterious dark wizard..

At the same time, the diary belonging to one of Voldemort’s seven Horcruxes.

Pulled by some unknown force, strands of black mist struggled to emerge from the surface of the diary, vaguely distorting into the shape of a human face.

That should be the fragment of soul that was preserved in the diary and belonged to Tom Riddle, the president of the Hogwarts Student Union.

With the negligible power contained in the soul fragments and without any external magic power as support, Tom Riddle’s soul fragments could not withstand the tearing of Voldemort’s body.

The soul fragments that were roughly extracted were like a ball of plasticine that could be kneaded at will in Voldemort’s hands, and he wantonly kneaded it into a black mist that could not be seen clearly.

Like eating jelly beans, the young man suspended in the sky threw the black mist in his hand into his mouth.

Looking at Voldemort’s actions, Noah just raised his eyebrows with interest and watched the show quietly without any intention of stopping it.

Just such a simple and crude devouring and fusion cannot truly fill the defects in Voldemort’s soul.

On the contrary, Voldemort’s behavior was completely digging a big hole for himself and committing a big death.

Noah didn’t know what he was thinking. He used murder to split his soul. The split soul fragments were used to make Horcruxes, but there was no such thing as a master-slave order.

Perhaps this piece of soul that has been wandering outside will have certain control over other soul fragments due to the growth of knowledge and the ability to control magic power with a complete body.

But… once Voldemort does what he is doing now and absorbs the soul fragments that have been divided and sealed into the Horcrux back into the body, then things will become serious.

With Voldemort’s arrogant and arrogant character deeply rooted in his bones.

Even if every soul fragment can be said to be his own, will the soul fragments allow each other to swallow him up like this?

We are all Dark Lords. Why should you devour me instead of me engulfing you and becoming one?

Before, you had a complete body that could use magic at will, but I could only stay in a tattered diary and rely on my limited soul power to influence the outside world.

But now that everyone is in the same body, and the soul fragments from the same source also have the right to control the body, it is not up to you to decide who annexes whom.

It was as if it was confirming Noah’s guess.

The next second, Voldemort was suspended in the sky, with his back to the sun, looking like he was surrounded by divinity. Before he could announce his return to the world in a high-profile manner, a big problem appeared in his body.

He covered his head with a painful expression,”How reckless! You are just a tiny fragment split from my soul!”

This was obviously the beginning of the fragment in his body that belonged to Tom Riddle in his youth. The battle for body dominance.

The curve of the corner of Noah’s mouth became even more obvious.

Splitting the soul through murder rather than using other methods that can directly affect the soul to more accurately cut the soul.

This kind of splitting method is quite uncontrollable. The size of the divided soul fragments is completely out of Voldemort’s control, and he can only try his best to move closer to roughly equal weights.

This also makes the youthful soul the most special one among Voldemort’s many soul fragments – it still retains most of Voldemort’s humanity, as well as all the complete memories from birth to youth, and has an IQ It has not been replaced by a mind full of killing and killing, and it is able to think independently.

After all, it takes up almost half the size of Voldemort’s entire soul.

As for the remaining half of the soul, let’s call it the”main soul”, although it was larger than the one in the diary at the beginning, and then it became the main soul left in the outside world.

But later, after many splits, only a tiny bit remained.

With that pitiful little soul power, if not for the years of traveling abroad that greatly increased his knowledge, maintaining the state of a residual soul for many years also sharpened the strength of his soul.

How could the current Voldemort be his opponent in his youth?

Confrontation at the soul level does not require any fancy combat experience as a support. What the two sides are competing for is the two most basic qualities – strength and intensity.

Looking at Voldemort in the sky with his head in his hands, his eyes changing from clear to crazy, Noah would not just stand on the ground and watch the show until his two souls came to a conclusion.

If they didn’t take advantage of such a perfect opportunity to destroy his newly created body, they would be in big trouble after he recovered from his fine state.

His legs were slightly bent, and his body was pushed into the air like a cannonball by the reaction force.

Fox, who was knocked away in the distance, also stabilized his figure, turned around, and then held the Gryffindor sword again to attack Voldemort, who was still fighting with him.

Faced with a sudden attack by one person and one bird without moral integrity, the two souls in Voldemort’s body who were fighting fiercely also felt the threat of death.

In the face of foreign enemies, the matter of dominance can be put aside for the time being.

This body was a perfect body that they spent a lot of effort and burned countless brain cells to get the Philosopher’s Stone from Dumbledore.

They don’t want to go back to the state of wandering souls with their bodies destroyed, and can only parasitize some weak animals such as rats, lizards, and poisonous snakes.

The soul of youth chose to stop and let the main soul, which had been traveling for fifty years more than him, take action to deal with the attacks of Noah and Fox.

However, Voldemort’s attention was completely focused on the two men attacking fiercely below, but he did not notice that a huge shadow blocked the sunlight from behind him at some point.

The tip of the wand in his hand was just brewing with the light of the curse. Voldemort turned his head in surprise, but he only had time to capture an afterimage in his field of vision.

The majestic impact swallowed up his entire body like a ferocious wave roaring towards the rocks.

A horrifying explosion erupted above the clouds, and Voldemort’s body flew through the air like a high-speed shell from an electromagnetic gun.

With his back against the ground, spiderweb-like shattering radiated in all directions with Voldemort’s landing point as the center, and the asphalt road beneath him had turned into powder.

The buzzing sound after the sonic boom seemed to linger in the air. A huge figure turned into an afterimage under the influence of gravity, approaching the confused Voldemort who was still embedded on the ground at extremely high speed.

Noah’s voice was full of joking,”It’s really hard on you to fly hundreds of kilometers on a Thestral to get here from Hogwarts, Hagrid.”

Like a meteorite falling from the sky, Hagrid crashed down from a height of several hundred meters without any shock absorbing measures.

He was still a little dazed by the punch that fell from the sky, and the wand in his hand flew to an unknown place due to the punch.

So much so that when Voldemort faced the behemoth that fell rapidly from the sky and weighed more than a ton, he could only reluctantly raise his arms and cross them in front of him, trying to resist with his pitiful body strength.

The huge tonnage, under the action of gravity acceleration, accumulates kinetic energy to a quite terrifying level.

The ground suddenly sank in a burst of mourning, and countless pieces of gravel and dust rose into the sky with huge force.

If a certain earth villain were at the scene, he would definitely give Hagrid a perfect score for this perfect landing!

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