After the Lizard Man incident, Diagon Alley was in a state of depression.

Because the lizardmen transformed from wizards are more powerful than the lizardmen transformed from the weak Muggles outside, at the beginning of the Battle of London, both Voldemort and Dr. Lizard unanimously set their sights on wizards. Diagon Alley crowded with people.

There is also Knockturn Alley next to Diagon Alley.

So these two alleys are quite unlucky.

The status of wands in the magical world is similar to that of firearms in the Muggle world, except that magic can do many more things than firearms.

In the magical world where everyone holds a gun, the wizards in Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley are not like the Muggles outside who are completely defenseless against the lizardmen on the streets, but their resistance is not good either. Where to go.

Ordinary magic spells have no great effect on these rough-skinned and thick-skinned lizardmen.

The stun spell requires four or five consecutive hits to knock them out.

If you switch to a more powerful crushing spell, one shot can only seriously injure it. If you want to kill it completely, you will have to make up for it with another shot.

Avada can kill them instantly, but he can only kill one lizard man at a time.

Even in the simple Knockturn Alley next door, I haven’t heard of any dark wizard who has the magical ability to cast Avatar’s chain lightning, otherwise he should be renamed the Dark Lord.

The smart people escaped from London early by apparating or other means.

Those who are reluctant to part with their small fortune and stay in the alley to resist until the end are in big trouble.

So when Noah came to Diagon Alley with a group of friends who were preparing to participate in Gringotts’ standard errands, the scene he saw was that at least some of the people in this alley, known as the busiest commercial street in the British magical world, had Half of the shops are closed.

Although those stores have been [restored to their original state] to the way they were before the lizardmen wreaked havoc, the torn-to-piece corpses of their original owners cannot be put back together.

Wearing a pair of sunglasses and holding a thick cigar in his mouth, Noah stood in the hall of Gringotts looking like a complete nouveau riche.

As a nouveau riche who has exchanged at least hundreds of thousands of gold galleons with gold at Gringotts, the evil-doing Shafurin is a very big customer for Gringotts, and he must be five stars after all. level.

Behind the towering counter, a goblin who was settling accounts saw the appearance of the big benefactor. It was like a big black mouse less than one meter high suddenly rushed out from behind the counter, coming like a whirlwind. In front of Noah

“Dear Mr. Schaffrin, what can I do for you and your friends?”

Seeing the money, the goblin opened his eyes and lowered his posture very low. The waist bent at 90 degrees reduced his already small height, and the long nose almost touched the floor.

He casually took out a gold piece weighing about thirty or forty grams and threw it on the ground. Noah’s posture was full of arrogance.

But the goblin who was almost kneeling in front of him didn’t seem to care about it and stared at the gold piece. With his eyes almost radiating light, the fairy picked up the gold pieces on the ground with a smile.

“Thank you for your reward! Your Excellency Shafulin!”

After picking up the gold pieces, the goblin lying on the ground was still like a vicious dog ready to pounce on food, ready to climb up and kiss Noah’s leather shoes.

However, Noah did not have such vulgar preferences, and directly kicked the ground The lying ugly goblin was kicked away

“Get lost and don’t waste my time.”

Noah looked disgusted,”It’s still the same as before in exchange for Galleons.”

The goblin was kicked and slid two meters away on the smooth floor of the hall, but it was not at all angry at Noah’s behavior. It apologized while getting up from the ground, and then led Noah and his group to the location. Walked to the VIP room on one side of the hall.

After asking about the amount of gold galleons that Noah wanted to exchange this time, the goblin served tea and snacks to everyone, and then hurriedly ran to prepare what Noah needed. Galleons. It was n’t until the goblin left and there were no outsiders in the VIP room that Shirley bumped Noah with her shoulder.

“What a great majesty.” Shirley’s eccentricity was so profound that it was Snape’s true biography.”The noble Lord Shafrin?”

She deliberately imitated the goblin’s high-pitched voice, which sounded funny and full of ridicule.

Noah waved his hands modestly,”It’s just a few bad money, it’s not worth mentioning, it’s not worth mentioning.”

The corner of Gwen’s mouth twitched. She wanted to complain, how rich is your net worth?

If Noah’s net worth hadn’t been disclosed, he would have dominated Forbes’ list of the world’s richest people by now. Top of the list.

Long before Noah entered Hogwarts, he had already accumulated the first pot of gold in his life through magical abilities. After that, he used the God’s perspective of a time traveler to understand Hydra’s business territory. Planned in advance – do whatever makes money.

When most people in the world were still using fixed-line phones, Mr. Shafrin had already begun the layout of the mobile communications industry with great foresight.

When the 2G network was only When it first came out, Hydra had already completed the development of the 3G network under the wise leadership of Lord Shafulin and set up patent barriers around the 3G network.

And when Nokia was still developing their first commercial When it came to portable mobile phones, Hydra’s mobile phone companies had already launched smart touch-screen phones that had never appeared in the world.

When others reacted and began to imitate Hydra and enter these industries, Hydra turned around and started again. He started the research and development of photolithography machines and chips, and began to control the core lifeblood of mobile phones and computers from the source.

Then came search engines, electronic malls…

After discovering vibranium, he began to cross-industry into heavy industrial manufacturing, and his performance was far better than that of his aviation peers. Engines, gas turbines…

Hydra, which has entered the magical world, has set its sights on potions for wizards.

The medical industry can be said to be Hydra’s core business. After all, Noah relied on helping some rich people. , making the first pot of gold by treating some difficult and complicated diseases that Muggle doctors were unable to do.

Under Noah’s imagination, the cross-field cooperation between magicians and scientists realized the industrial mass production of potions.

Although They are currently only able to produce some very basic potions, such as a modified scabies poultice or facial mask that allows users to remove large and small spots and marks on their faces and smooth out those pits. But that It’s enough to make people crazy about it.

Who makes the best money?

Naturally, those who love beauty make the best money. This will be considered in a country with a population of 1.3 billion in the future. It’s a trillion-yuan market.

Basically, Hydra has a foot in every industry in the world that can make big money.

With such a behemoth as its support, if Lord Shafrin says he has no money, that’s it. Strange things in the world.

Twenty minutes later, Noah stood at the door of Gringotts, waved his hand in an intimidating manner,”Buy! If any shop on this street is willing to sell it, buy it all!”

“Even those who are unwilling to sell, spend money until they are willing to sell!”

In this way, Noah’s original plan to build Diagon Entertainment City based on the Leaky Cauldron Bar can finally be realized.

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