There was a commotion in the cubicle before calming down again. 1

“Hello, my name is Hermione Granger,” Hermione introduced herself eagerly as she sat down,”What are your names?”

Shirley stretched out her hand towards Hermione,”Shirley Snape”

“Noah Shafrin, nice to meet you.”Noah also shook hands with the other party.

“Are you all from wizarding families? No one in my family knows magic, so when I received the admission letter, I was surprised, but also very happy!”

“Because, I mean, as far as I know, this is the best wizarding school – I know all the textbooks by heart, and of course, I just hope this works……”

Listening to Hermione’s shy expression when meeting new friends, her slightly nervous expression as she finished a long paragraph like a barrage of words, Shirley suddenly felt that the girl in front of her was inexplicably cute.

But memorize all the textbooks…

What kind of devil is this?

Has the current wizarding society become involved to this extent?

After introducing herself, Hermione looked at the two people opposite her expectantly, and the meaning in her eyes was obvious.——”it’s your turn”

“My father is a wizard, but I have never met my mother. According to him, she went to a place far, far away.”1

Shirley knew where Snape was talking about the far away place, but she just smiled calmly. She was used to it after so many years anyway.

She pointed at Noah who was not interested in introducing himself to the face. ,”As for him, he is temporarily staying in my house. Noah added,”My situation is slightly better than hers. I have never even seen my father.””4

“Sorry,” Hermione showed an apologetic expression after hearing the situation between the two of them,”I didn’t mean to.”

Wait, what did he just say? Is the situation a little better?

Did she hear it wrong?

Looking at the young man’s indifferent expression, Miss Beaver silently speculated that he was definitely telling sarcastic things on purpose, right?

He has lived alone for so many years , it must have been a very hard life. No wonder he was full of resentment towards his parents, so he deliberately said sarcastic words and showed a nonchalant look. 3

But in his heart, he must be looking forward to his parents being by his side. Right?

The little beaver, who was thinking on his own, suddenly looked at Noah with pity and sympathy in his eyes.

If she wrote a letter to her parents to inform her parents of Noah’s situation, her parents would be happy to take him in, right?

At this moment, Noah didn’t know how many complicated thoughts were passing through Hermione’s little head.

If he had mastered Legilimency, he would definitely give Hermione a head start on her random thoughts, and then tell her that you might think so too. Too many. 1

You have no idea how happy it is to wander alone and live an unrestrained life. 9

This topic, which seemed a bit heavy to Hermione, caused silence in the cubicle for a while.

Rao was a With a nonchalant look on her face, Shirley also lost interest in talking, and just silently took out a handful of candies from the small backpack she was carrying.

She watched Shirley throw away those big black cockroaches with a calm look on her face. Putting it into her mouth and chewing it with a crunch, Hermione couldn’t help but feel a chill in her heart. 1

Although Shirley explained to her that this thing is actually a moving magic candy, the taste is still the same regardless of the shape. It’s pretty good. She also instinctively resisted this weird snack.

Noah on the side was not surprised by it.

This provided that Shirley didn’t suddenly scare him by throwing the cockroach in front of him, like she did just now.

He skillfully took out two licorice wands from Shirley’s small backpack and pushed one of them in front of Miss Beaver, who had two big front teeth.

“Licorice magic stick is a very common snack, you can feel free to try it boldly.”

Tearing open the wrapping paper, Noah completely ignored Shirley who was chewing the cockroaches until they burst into juice, and held the licorice magic wand in his mouth. 4

Hearing the slightly bulging hamster mouth from Shirley There was a crunching sound when the pile of cockroaches was smashed, and Hermione felt that she was not feeling well.

Looking at Noah who was holding the licorice wand in front of her as if nothing had happened, she seemed even more depressed.

Why do you have an appetite? You can eat! 2

Are there all such weird people in the wizarding world?

The two weird classmates around her made Hermione, who was originally in a state of mysterious expectation for her future life in the magic academy, suddenly feel Somewhat regretful.

Is it too late for her to drop out of school now?

Looking out the window melancholy, Hermione couldn’t help but begin to imagine that if she had rejected the admission letter sent by the owl… she would have gone to Bedfordshire Women’s A public school, or a school like St. Paul’s Girls’ School, right? 7 graduated there step by step, became a civil servant, and played the role of a screw in the decadent machine of the Empire on which the sun never sets… 8

Fuck the screws.

It’s still the magic fragrance.

Recalling the tip of the iceberg of the magical world that Professor McGonagall showed her when she came to visit that day, the girl quickly became excited again.

Magical world, here I come!


The train slowly began to move forward amidst a burst of”dirty” whistle sound.

“You think, how will we determine the college to which we belong?”

At this time, Hermione is like a League of Legends player, asking her teammates which branch to choose during the black game.

“I really want to go to Gryffindor. The principal of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, was born in Gryffindor House. I think it must be the best house!”

“How could the best house be Gryffindor?”

A voice that sounded particularly arrogant sounded in the corridor outside the cubicle,”The name of the best college must be Slytherin.”

The door of the compartment was opened, and a boy with platinum blond hair walked in.


The platinum-haired boy, Draco Malfoy, noticed the red-haired girl sitting in the corner after hearing Shirley’s voice

“Shirley? Are you there too?”

At the same time, he also noticed Noah on the other side,”It’s you!”

“Huh? Do you know each other?”Shirley’s eyes stayed on each of them for two seconds.

“Met once in Madam Malkin’s shop.”

Draco wanted to raise his noble head like a proud swan in Madam Malkin’s shop.

But in the next moment, he seemed to have remembered something and lowered his noble head.

“Are you staying at Shirley’s house now?

Noah, who was not aware of the problem, nodded,”Yeah, what’s wrong?””

A look of disbelief suddenly appeared on Draco’s pale face.

He sat down next to Noah, lowered his voice, and asked quietly at a volume that only he and Noah could hear clearly:” How do you manage to get along peacefully with red peppers?”2


Blood red pepper?

He couldn’t help but glance at Shirley opposite. The dark red hair did look like a pepper, but this nickname was a bit…

Noah couldn’t help it. He glanced at Malfoy’s blond hair.

Got it, he totally got it.

So you are Golden Flash, Yondaime Hokage, Namikaze Malfoy? 7

Did he come to the set of Shippuden next door?

Maybe Noticing Noah’s gaze, a slightly gloomy word came over suddenly,”I said, Draco, are you talking bad about me again?”2

As soon as he heard this tone, he knew that this child followed her godfather

“No, absolutely not! Malfoy stretched out his hand towards Noah seriously,”Nice to meet you. My name is Draco Malfoy. Professor Snape is my father’s friend.””

“Noah Shafrin, this is Hermione Granger”



After a brief exchange of greetings, the conversation in the cubicle returned to the original question – how will the students’ college affiliation be determined?

“If nothing else, I should go to Slytherin. My family has been Slytherin students for generations.”

Malfoy’s eyes turned to Shirley,”If nothing else, Shirley should also go to Slytherin. After all, Professor Snape……”

Looking at the empty cockroach jars in her hands, Shirley didn’t even raise her head,”If I could, I’d like to go to Hufflepuff.” The 4 girl turned her hand and took out another bag of snacks from her small schoolbag. There were three hundred taels of silver in this place.”I definitely don’t want to go to the Hufflepuff common room just because it’s closest to the kitchen.” 3

“What about you, Noah?”14

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