Fortunately, what Professor McGonagall announced is not necessarily bad news.

“Charms classes for fourth grade students and below will be taught by Professor Remus Lupin.”

Thanks to the Wolfsbane Potion invented by Damcos Belby, Lupine can finally get rid of the word”temporary” hanging in front of his professorship. It’s just that the current Wolfsbane Potion is not perfect yet and can only make Werewolves remain rational when transforming, and cannot completely suppress werewolves from transforming on full moon nights.

Therefore, even if Professor McGonagall intends to let Lupine take over the magic attack and defense of the lower grades, Lupine cannot bear too much responsibility for the time being. A lot of workload.

Lupine’s wonderful performance when he taught the lower grade spells class last year won him warm applause from the four colleges.

Looking at all the students in the audience, they cheered warmly, welcoming him to officially join Huo Huo. Among Gwartz’s faculty and staff, this old wandering wolf couldn’t help bursting into tears.

He stood up and bowed deeply to the students,”Thank you!”

Looking at Lupin’s appearance, the smile on Professor McGonagall’s face became even wider.

“In addition, we welcome Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, who has graciously agreed to fill the Defense Against the Dark Arts vacancy.”

I don’t know when the smile on Professor McGonagall’s face had a hint of malicious intent. In the more than half a month of working with Noah, the current older cat lady has also become shady.

No, the older cat lady has become evil. She has always had the potential to be evil, but she didn’t show it because she was a role model. It wasn’t until she saw some of Noah’s tricks, such as recruiting a scapegoat to serve as a professor of Defense Against Dark Arts, and in In addition to the course of Defense Against Dark Arts, a new course called Magical Offense and Defense was added, but the content is very similar to Defense against Dark Arts… What the hell does it still work like this!?

Look, what Snape has experienced After one academic year of teaching, they are all still alive and kicking.

As for the original Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, poor Quirinus Quirrell, I don’t know if it is because he suffered the double curse of two courses at the same time, and he has not yet made it to the semester. Halfway through, it was gone.

After so many years of filling in holes for the original Defense Against the Dark Arts professor position, the power of the curse has been greatly weakened. At least there has been no major accident involving the death of a professor in Hogwarts in the past ten years. But

Quilinas not only surpassed his predecessors, but also directly achieved the glorious achievement of leaving no corpse intact. Although his predecessors who unfortunately died in the line of duty died, at least there was still a corpse left. Buried as a place of condolence.

However, Quirrell didn’t mention the corpse. He even omitted the step of cremation.

To this day, the basic particles that make up Quirrell’s body are floating in the Forbidden Forest. Maybe They have all spread to most of the UK with the Scottish wind.

Regarding Noah’s”stirring the sky and pretending to be fake”, Professor McGonagall called him a good guy.

Then, she followed Noah and became bad. When he heard his name being read out, Lockhart stood up very coquettishly and showed his long-rehearsed standard smile with eight teeth to the students under the podium..

It is a pity that among the students at Hogwarts, except for some of his crazy fans, few people pay attention to him. Although the award ceremony of Merlin Memorial Hall and Lockhart’s”soul fall” have not yet arrived It was enough for him to overshadow three first-class Medal winners and make the headlines of the Daily Prophet.

But his fall was so funny that the Daily Prophet directly used half of the third page to describe it. Posted a photo of him slipping.

Now it is difficult for him to become famous.

Most of the Hogwarts students think that he is a clown who is sensationalizing. Only a small number of students who have been brainwashed by his books are still determined not to After introducing the changes of professors, Professor McGonagall cleared her throat and signaled the students to quiet down.

Her voice gradually became serious.

“Before announcing the changes to the Muggle Studies class, I hope everyone can calm down and listen patiently to what I have to say.”

“Even if you are a student from a Muggle family, I think you should have heard about the horrific disaster that happened in London some time ago.”

There was a burst of whispers in the auditorium, and all the students were discussing in low voices why Professor McGonagall mentioned this matter. Even the young Muggle wizards who had just entered the school had seen the horrific disaster on TV. reports

“You who study at Hogwarts will be a vital part of the wizarding world and will be integrated into the wizarding world in the near future. I think each of you has the right to know what the wizarding world will face in the future. situation……”

At this moment, Hogwarts Vice Principal Fox, who was sitting behind the dining table, suddenly stood up, holding a skull connected to a hose in her hand.

Fox put the thing like a respirator at the end of the hose to his nose, took a deep breath, and exhaled a cloud of slightly misty smoke from his mouth.

Watching Fox’s operation, Professor McGonagall had several black lines hanging on her forehead.

This fat turkey could obviously use magic to construct the illusion she was going to show the students, but Fox chose this method.

People who don’t know it think this was the site of the large-scale saint missionary work of the Wiccan Party at Père Lachaise Cemetery.

The rising smoke formed a huge phantom above the heads of all the students – from a high altitude perspective, the bustling city with countless lights in the night was like a map of stars on the dark earth.

But this prosperous scene was transformed into ruins after the scene was transferred in the next second, and was crushed into ruins by the continuous and rampaging steel beasts on the plain.

The rolling steel tracks rolled over the remaining bricks and tiles on the ruins.

The jet fighter roaring in the sky revealed the missiles mounted in the bomb bay on the belly of the aircraft. The missiles pierced the sky driven by the wake of hot flames.

Armed soldiers with guns in hand marched silently on the road, planting their battle flags on top of the messy buildings.

A huge mushroom cloud emits a heat wave that can destroy everything, rising slowly on the distant horizon…

This was originally what Grindelwald told the people of the wizarding world in his speech at Père Lachaise Cemetery. Shown are footage from World War II in a non-magical world.

However, thanks to Noah’s upgrades, the old tanks from World War II have been upgraded into modern main battle tanks, and the propeller fighters flying across the sky have also become more advanced jet fighters.

“I think those of you who have read the Daily Prophet should all know that the man behind the disaster in London was a wizard.”

Professor McGonagall looked around at the faces of the students and looked at the whispering students. She slowly threw a heavier depth charge and detonated it in the auditorium.

“But the Daily Prophet didn’t tell you that Muggles were involved behind all this.”

The whispers in the auditorium instantly turned into louder noises. Most of the pure-blood or mixed-blood wizards looked in disbelief, staring closely at Professor McGonagall, hoping to learn from her. Hearing a reversal of news.

But Professor McGonagall did not go as they expected

“From the beginning to the end of the disaster in London, the culprit used just a simple weather spell.”

“After all, a wizard’s power is limited. Even a weather spell that is large enough to cover a city cannot cause such a disaster.”

“But if it is combined with a Muggle potion that can transform humans into lizardmen, it will be completely different.”

In the auditorium, except for the first-year students who had just stepped into Hogwarts, who still looked confused, the other students who had participated in the Battle of London all had extremely serious and solemn expressions.

Professor McGonagall slowly He sighed,”We wizards, have an arrogant attitude toward the neighbors who have been around us for a long time. This situation has gone on for too long.”

“We cannot continue to choose to turn a blind eye to our neighbors as we do now.”

Having said this, Professor McGonagall stopped and silently observed the changes in the expressions on the students’ faces. She did not continue to speak until the noise in the auditorium gradually subsided and the entire auditorium returned to silence.

“Only by understanding them and learning from them can we better hide ourselves and protect ourselves”

“so!”Professor McGonagall’s voice suddenly rose a bit,”It is necessary for the Hogwarts curriculum to make some adaptive changes for this purpose. The changes to the Muggle Studies class are prepared for this.”

“In the new school year, Muggle Studies will be changed from an elective course to a compulsory course for all grades, and Professor James Barnes will serve as the professor of Muggle Studies.”

Professor McGonagall laid so much groundwork in the end, just to throw out the news of a course change. This sudden change made the students in the audience look at each other.

What the hell?

You said so much just to tell us Muggles Is research compulsory?

If you just listen to what Professor McGonagall said in the first half, people who don’t know would think that this is another large-scale missionary site, the purpose is to instill in the students who are still gradually establishing their world view the Umbrella Party’s past activities That’s what happened – there is a huge difference between wizards and Muggles. The existence of Muggles threatens the security of the magical world. Wizards are far superior to Muggles in terms of life level. Muggles are born to be ruled by wizards…

Grindelwald’s theory does have a fatal attraction for the pure-blood wizards in the wizarding world.

Unfortunately, due to the arrogance of the wizards, they have missed the best opportunity to implement this theory.

Let go In the era before the mushroom bomb was invented, wizards only needed to use the Disguise Curse to find out the location of the heads of powerful countries in advance, use the Apparition to sneak in quietly and control it with the Imperius Curse, and they could easily do so. Hold the entire Muggle world in their hands.

Muggles have no effective countermeasures against the mysterious wizards, and they may not even be able to detect that the head of their own country is being controlled.

The wizards’ space teleportation And mind control, for Muggles who still use gunpowder to propel solid projectiles to kill enemies, it is completely a dimensionality reduction attack of the singer civilization on human beings. This is what

Grindelwald thought, and he did it at the same time.

Simply because they could not accept the pain of change, the conservative forces in the wizarding world, led by Dumbledore, stood against Grindelwald. The

Wizarding War, which spread to a global scale, lasted until 1945. At that time, the Muggles’ first mushroom bomb was successfully exploded at the Alamogordo Proving Ground in America. On

August 6 and August 9 of the same year, two more mushroom bombs were exploded in Little Japan….

The two mushroom bombs that exploded in the home of the little boy who was living a pretty good life made Grindelwald realize that the wizard had missed the best opportunity. That’s why he ended his life in frustration. This war is meaningless and will only hurt both sides of the wizarding world.

Although the Muggles have no effective counterattack against the wizards’ unpredictable space teleportation and mind control methods with their current technological level. containment measures.

But they already have the ability to pull the entire world along.

Therefore, Grindelwald’s theory no longer works.

Grindelwald saw this very clearly, and with his being far ahead of his time With his profound gaze and unparalleled profound wisdom, it is impossible for him to think of how to make changes to make the wizarding world survive better.

That is to actively integrate into the Muggles.

But the Witch Cult Party under his command Among those extremely fanatical believers, some of the best among them may be able to see this as clearly as Grindelwald, but they are definitely not willing to believe it.

The concept that wizards are born to be superior to Muggles , has been deeply rooted in their minds during many years of fighting.

At the same time, this strong belief is also the source of motivation that supports them to fight for the future of the magical world.

The stronger the belief, the harder it is to reverse the thought.

When the correct way out of the magic world diverges from the path they are taking, they are unlikely to take the initiative to correct their approach. Instead, they will only become more convinced that their approach is absolutely correct.

The deviation between the ultimate goal and the current path is just a temporary fallacy. As long as they stick to their approach to the end, the situation will gradually improve.

Even if the saints reunited under the extremely powerful personal charm of Gellert Grindelwald and fought for the greater interests of the wizarding world, in the face of such a situation, Grindelwald was unable to reverse his fanaticism. Followers’ thoughts.

Therefore, he could only choose to imprison himself in the Nurmengard Tower, and watch indifferently as the Wiccan Party, a huge force established by himself, disintegrated.

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