What is Professor Barnes doing?

This is the doubt that arises in the minds of all the teachers and students at Hogwarts except Noah.

If there is any Oriental student in Hogwarts who has experienced Chinese military training, then he will definitely not be unfamiliar with this classic pre-meal singing session of military training.

Looking at the group of students squatting on the ground in an advanced magical posture, that is, a half-crouching posture with their feet staggered one after another, Bucky cast his eyes at a certain turkey in the stands.

But Noah was sleeping soundly now and didn’t notice the eyes of his employees at all.

Lying on Fox’s soft and slightly fluffy hair, the little turkey turned over lazily so that the bright sun hanging high in the sky could bask in it more evenly.

Although he was not able to behave like a human being, under the scorching sun, he held a glass of ice-cold drink or fruit in his hand and happily passed in front of the sweaty students standing in a military posture.

This somewhat made Noah feel a little regretful.

Maybe like now, when the students are squatting on the ground and listening to the instructor’s instructions, he who doesn’t need to participate in training can sleep peacefully on Fox’s head, with her long flowing hair forming a The comfortable appearance of a bird’s nest is quite nice.

This somewhat makes up for Noah’s regret – when he was a struggling college dog, unfortunately, in his second year when he could watch the military training of his juniors, he was involved in a sweeping virus disaster. , so I stayed at home and took online classes for a whole year.

After he spent this stolen year of college life, he encountered a delay in the start of the freshman year.

In previous years, school started in September, and the new students would undergo military training in the first week after enrolling. However, the delayed return to school that year was directly delayed until after the long holiday in early October, and these new students began to go to school. check in.

The final result was that the freshmen were lucky enough to avoid the summer training at the beginning of the semester, and instead stayed for the winter training at the end of the semester.

By the time the freshmen began their military training, Mr. Shafrin had already finished his final exams and took the high-speed train back to his home hundreds of kilometers away from the school.

Another perfect opportunity to watch a show with cold drinks and fruits while the freshmen were undergoing military training.

After finally reaching the last year of their college career, when the freshmen finally resumed their summer training, Mr. Shafrin was already preparing for many recruitment interviews. At the same time, he was still thinking hard about his final graduation thesis and preparing for himself. After being shocked by the tutor’s little academic rubbish, he left the ivory tower of the university and accepted the beating from society.

Damn it, after four years of college, he didn’t even get a chance to watch the freshmen’s military training!

I can only be watched by my seniors!

How could this possibly make him, Lord Shafulin, willing?

Due to the dazzling sunlight emitted by the sun hanging high in the sky, Bucky, who was blinded by the sunlight and was not wearing tactical goggles, could not see clearly the figures in the stands.

Therefore, he didn’t know if his unscrupulous boss noticed his eyes.

But Bucky doesn’t care about that much.

“Today’s lunch will be a little bit special compared to the past”

“Your meal will not be in the Great Hall of Hogwarts. Today at noon, we will go to the Forbidden Forest for a unique picnic.”

Hearing Bucky’s words, the active Gryffindor little lions almost couldn’t help but feel excited and wanted to cheer loudly. Fortunately, these ten days of rigorous training finally allowed them to restrain this feeling in their hearts. Impulsive.

They knew that if they dared to make noises during such an instructor’s speech, the cold-faced devil instructor would definitely make them squat in this terrifying magical posture for half an hour before going to the Forbidden Forest for a picnic.

“All the meals for this picnic will be prepared by you personally. The house elves in the kitchen will only be responsible for providing you with enough ingredients for you to use your creativity.”

“It’s up to you to decide what dishes you want to cook and how you want them done.”

“Every ten people are responsible for one dining table, and you can form teams freely without being restricted by the original grade groups.”

Bucky’s voice floated far away on the empty Quidditch pitch.

Thanks to the fact that all the students were in a state of silence.

Even without the blessing of a loud voice, his voice could easily cross It spread to the ears of all the professors over a distance of tens of meters.

Snape couldn’t help but think of the first-year Potions class that Noah temporarily took over during the time he left Hogwarts.

So, Noah This is intended to make the first-year students familiar with various cooking utensils and various methods of handling ingredients through exposure to cooking methods before they officially start their first Potions class. Is there a method?

In essence, boiling a potion and making a pot of Cantonese soup are similar. Both require an open saucepan and a slow fire. Cooking allows the nutrients of the ingredients to be released to the greatest extent, and it also requires a high degree of patience and precise control of the heat.

The process of processing ingredients also has many similarities with processing potion materials.

For example, first-year students will cook The first potion I came into contact with in the potions class – the scabies cure potion – requires the use of crushed dried snake teeth in its preparation process.

Crush the dried snake teeth and add them to the crucible, and cook During the process, peppercorns are crushed and added as seasonings to the ingredients. There does not seem to be much difference between the two.

In addition to crushing dried snake teeth, the process of cutting ingredients is also similar to some that require the use of There are great similarities in the potion processing process of cutting techniques.

Isn’t it all about cutting vegetables?

There are also preparations before brewing the potion, such as cleaning test tubes and crucibles. Isn’t this the need to clean the pot before cooking? Have you cleaned it up?

I can only say that the subject of potions can be regarded as a combination of chemistry and cooking.

“Everyone! Get ready to sing the school song!”

After hearing Bucky’s words, Professor McGonagall immediately pulled out her wand and used the exploding magic fireworks to form rows of clear lyrics in mid-air.

“Whichever phalanx makes the loudest sound can head to the Forbidden Forest first and pick the ingredients and seasonings you will use for lunch first!”

“Remember, don’t waste food. If too much food is wasted in the end, it will affect your assessment score after training.”

“Now! preparation! Sing!”

As Bucky’s words fell, Professor McGonagall waved her wand suddenly, and the roar of the fireworks exploding in the air started the school song chorus on the Quidditch pitch.

In order to get the priority of being the first to start. Right, almost every student used all their strength to make the sound from their vocal cords reach the maximum level.

The sudden burst of sound was like thunder on the ground, directly knocking out a sleeping little fat turkey. The explosion woke him up from his sleep.

Noah, who had been sleeping on Fox’s head, suddenly got up like a carp and rubbed his sleepy eyes,”What? Is dinner ready? �� When

the vision in the picture gradually became clearer, Noah also saw the familiar scene in front of him. A smile appeared in his eyes, which contained a bit of schadenfreude and a hint of bad taste..

Once upon a time, he was just like these little Hogwarts brats now. The entire company squatted at the entrance of the canteen of the military training base, singing military songs loudly, waiting for the instructors to announce that dinner was ready.

Looking at the group of students in front of him, Professor McGonagall had a smile on his face just like Noah, but it was not a malicious smile, but a smile of relief and sincere feeling for the performance of this group of students. happy

“good! That’s it! energetic!”

It’s just that the leading professors of the phalanx of each grade were obviously not so satisfied with the performance of their students.

They had left the stands at some point and returned to the phalanx of their grade.

At this moment, Flivi The professor was standing next to the phalanx of fourth grade students, his face flushed and he was scolding loudly,”Louder! can not hear!”

I don’t know how his short stature can erupt with a volume that is loud enough to overwhelm the phalanx chorus without using a loud voice.

“You still want to be a wizard so quietly! ?”

“The two Weasley boys! Do not use [loud voice] to cheat!”

Even Snape, who has always been aloof, was infected in such an atmosphere, and his gloomy voice rang in the ears of every student.���, this is obviously a far more advanced sound transmission magic than [loud voice]

“Your grade has the largest number of people. If the numerical advantage is not enough for you to be the first in line to start, then you should not participate in the picnic at noon. You can all go to the Black Lake to dig earthworms for me to eat.”

Facts have proved that Snape’s simple and crude threat method is the most effective one compared to Professor Flitwick’s aggressive encouragement method and Professor Sprout’s gentle persuasion. Method.

The sound waves erupted by the square formation composed of fifth grade students at that moment were almost twice as loud as their original volume. Their voices echoed over the entire Quidditch pitch, and the other seven squares The momentum of the formation was faintly overshadowed by them.

A good chorus turned into a big competition in volume, and the originally orderly melodies and tunes became distorted because the students devoted all their attention to raising their voices. a complete mess

“Fifth grade students! stand up! Follow your lead professor!”

In the midst of this chaotic singing, a phalanx took the lead to break away from the team, and under the leadership of Snape, headed towards the lush Forbidden Forest in the distance.

This scene stimulated the remaining students even more.

Who They didn’t want to be the team that fell behind and had to eat the leftover ingredients picked by others for lunch, so they roared even harder.

Vocal: This is a high-end game.

Stand. In front of the square formation composed of seventh-grade students, Alastor Moody, who had a ferocious look on his face and did not look like a good person at first sight, stared coldly at the group of students he led.

Although he knew that the fifth-grade students were occupying Although he had the numerical advantage, the fact that the fifth-grade students started ahead of their seventh-grade students still made him feel extremely unhappy.

“Boys, if you are not the next team to leave, you will all run around Hogwarts Castle for me this afternoon!”

“by that time! You are not allowed to stop until your legs are gone! I will supervise and flog you behind your back with the power of cutting out your bones!”

Alastor Moody’s words were an outburst.

Only a pervert like Moody could say such a thing about whipping students by cutting out their bones.

No one in the seventh grade could do this. Dare to take the words of Moody, the legendary Auror, as a joke. No matter what Moody says, it is impossible to cast the Unforgivable Curse on the students, but no one can guarantee that he will master some vicious magic with effects similar to the Cruciatus Curse. Deal with the students.

Faced with the death threat issued by Moody, the seventh-grade students roared even harder.

Although these students broke down a good school song, Professor McGonagall’s My mood was not affected at all by this.

“Seventh graders! stand up!

Moody said gruffly,”Follow me!””

“second grade! Set off!”

A moment later, Bucky’s voice sounded on the Quidditch pitch again,”Eighth grade!”

As several teams left, the singing sounds floating on the Quidditch pitch were much quieter and clearer than when the eight teams gathered before.

Which team’s voice was louder, which team’s voice was louder? Small, it sounded clearer to the ears of the professors who were still on the Quidditch pitch. It was not until ten minutes later that the chaotic roars floating over the Quidditch pitch finally stopped. The golden sunlight at noon fell on The earth coated everything on the ground with a layer of golden light.

In the open space between the Quidditch pitch and the Forbidden Forest, a long and sparse team was marching towards the endless dense forest in the distance.

Every student had a relaxed smile on their face.

Rarely, for the first time, their ruthless Chief Instructor Barnes did not control them or ask them to line up in an orderly manner during the march. The corps did not prohibit them from whispering to each other.

Moreover, a smooth road was opened in advance in the dark forest where the road was originally extremely rugged and complicated, making this march like a pleasant outing.

Looking at the faces of the students With a smile full of excitement and anticipation, Noah couldn’t help but open his beak again.

What a bunch of innocent little cuties.

Haven’t you thought about what instructor Bucky said beforehand? What does the phrase”the house elves will only provide you with ingredients” really mean?

After the students rushed to the final destination of the picnic and witnessed the shocked expressions of the truth of the matter, Noah’s heart was filled with more and more anticipation. Thinking of this

, Noah couldn’t help but use the wings on both sides of his body to wrap up two strands of hair of the big turkey under him, and use it as a rein to swing down.

“Fox! drive! Let’s go to the front to watch the show!”

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