The Forbidden Forest during the day and the Forbidden Forest at night are two completely different places.

Even if this dark forest rich in magical energy breeds many terrifying dark creatures, these deadly predators will not choose to hunt openly in broad daylight.

But when the forest is shrouded in darkness, it’s completely different.

Even a thick-skinned hybrid giant like Hagrid would not choose to go deep into the Forbidden Forest at such a time of night if not necessary, let alone hunt in the forest.

“What should we do now?”

Charlie Weasley looked at Gemma Farley, who was in the same grade as him.

Charlie Weasley had experience working in a dragon farm. Needless to say, he was outstanding.

As Kama Tajho Gemma Farley, a member of the Gwarts branch, who has graduated from Hogwarts and accepted the invitation to return to school for further education, has fully demonstrated her abilities in the ten days of military training..

Now the eighth-grade students vaguely regard these two as the leaders of the team.

But no matter how outstanding the students are, as long as they are not at the level of Longbottom and Shafrin, they are not as good as they are now. Such a situation will also feel quite embarrassing

“Let’s organize the people first……”

Gemma Farley sighed helplessly,”Let’s count how many of us can enter the Forbidden Forest to hunt. First divide them into teams that go out and stay behind.”

“Others should stay in the camp for the time being and do what they can. We now need to build an observation tower in the camp that is higher than the canopy of the trees.……”

As orders were issued one after another, the students surrounding the two people also began to take action.

Charlie narrowed his eyes,”That’s not what I’m talking about.”

As a member of Slytherin House, Gemma Farley, who didn’t really deal with Charlie, the Gryffindor, after finishing her words He turned around and prepared to leave.

But Charlie’s words stopped her again.

Turning back, Gemma folded her arms and stared at Charlie coldly,”I think that under such circumstances, discussing this matter is not a wise choice.”

“No, it is precisely because the conflicts in the camp have not yet aroused that we should tell this crucial matter in advance so that everyone can be prepared.”

Charlie said slowly but firmly,”Otherwise, it will be impossible for us to control the situation by then.”

With Gemma’s intelligence, she naturally knows what Charlie is talking about.

Under the current situation, it only takes two or three days to wait…

No, it doesn’t even take two or three days..

Based on the abundance of resources in the low-risk areas around the camp, without carbohydrate-rich foods such as rice and noodles as staple foods, it would only be enough for the nearly 1,000 people in Hogwarts to consume two or three meals at most.

This is This means that they will only have to wait until tomorrow night at the latest before they will face a difficult situation – there is not enough food.

And the students who can go out to get food only account for less than one-fifth of the nearly 1,000 students..In such a situation, there were only two choices before them.

With the food barely enough to fill their own stomachs, they wanted to share the hard-earned food with the students who stayed in the camp. Or do you just ignore the floods of others?

Hunting is a high-intensity physical activity, not to mention that students have to compete fiercely with the extremely dangerous natives in the Forbidden Forest when they go out.

In a state of hunger without filling their stomachs Under this situation, they will definitely not be able to maintain the status of their entire province, and the food they can obtain may become less.

So, give the food to other people?

To put it bluntly, those who stay in the camp The students among them, although the things they did were a little bit helpful for this training, their tasks were not difficult at all.

Picking fruits and vegetables, cooking food, and building observation towers so that they could observe in the dark. The red distress sparks sent out by the hunting team, even a second-year wizard can do these things.

On the premise that they can do these things themselves, they have the need to share food with these people, which will only hinder them. The oil bottles?

The more important thing is that if you give the food to the oil bottles, you will eventually be unable to maintain a good condition, so that they will have to survive in this wilderness. What does it mean to perform poorly in the game and get a low score from the professors?

Charlie obviously realizes this, but as the eldest brother of the Weasley family.

Well, now that Bill is not here, he is indeed like this As a big brother of the Weasleys, Charlie naturally cannot sit back and watch his younger brothers and his favorite little sister starve.

As for the bonus after the team wins first place, Charlie really doesn’t like it.

How could honor and Galleons be more important than family?

Gemma clearly saw through Charlie’s thoughts,”Are you worried about your younger brothers and sisters?”

Even if she wasn’t dealing with Gryffindor, Gemma didn’t catch the little bit of self-interest in Charlie’s idea, and attacked him wantonly. Facing

Gemma Farina, she seemed to be able to see through With a burning gaze like his inner thoughts, Charlie just nodded, acknowledging his true thoughts.

“I just think now is not the most appropriate time.”

The differences between these two backbones, such obvious differences, naturally cannot help but arouse the curiosity of the students coming and going next to them. Some students who were busy preparing for tonight’s dinner also stopped and gathered around. around two people

“Haven’t you understood what the professors meant?”

“They deliberately delayed the announcement of our next training content until so late, just to put all of us in such an unprepared state.”

“Everything has a priority. The most important thing for us now is not to deal with this potential conflict that has not yet been highlighted, but to solve the food problem tonight or even tomorrow morning. Gemma

Farley’s eyes were slightly lowered, and her tone was as calm as an ancient well,”Your idea may be right, but failing to sort out the priorities of things will only make the situation a mess.””

Under Gemma’s calm and well-founded narration, Charlie, who was a little confused about his priorities because he cared about his family, lowered his head in embarrassment, and followed Gemma’s instructions honestly.


“George! Fred! You two, stop!”

At the edge of the camp, Charlie suddenly stopped two sneaky figures trying to sneak into the Forbidden Forest,”Come back!”

Knowing the death-seeking character of his two stupid Ou Doudou, how could Charlie not strictly monitor these two unlucky brothers after the professors moved the training location from the safe castle to the dangerous Forbidden Forest? ?

Almost the whole afternoon of free time, he was fighting wits with his two naughty brothers to prevent them from doing something stupid in this forest, such as setting fire to the bottom of the mountain prison and sitting through it.

Looking at the two people walking out of the bushes with low eyebrows, Charlie helplessly held his forehead.

“You two, go back to the camp and keep an eye on Ron. Apart from you two, he is the most troublesome in the entire Weasley family.”

Hearing Charlie’s words, the twin brothers’ eyes widened, as if Charlie comparing the two of them with Ron was an extremely serious insult to them.

And it was indeed the case.

“That guy Ron is really annoying!”

George took over his brother’s words unconvinced,”At least we still have the ability to clean up the mess we made!”

“Stop it!”Charlie, who was already in a bad mood because of the predicament they were in, had no intention of listening to his two lively brothers playing tricks.

“You have no idea how dangerous the Forbidden Forest is at night! Even if it is impossible for the professors to watch something happen to us, can you guarantee that the professors will save you before danger comes?”

In response to Charlie’s words, Bucky, who was squatting on a nearby tree, twitched his lips.

Charlie’s words were too underestimated by their master Shaflin’s methods.

The hanging ring distributed to the students during the magic posture training , in addition to helping students concentrate when they stand in a military posture, it also has another purpose.

That is positioning and protection.

The passively activated iron armor spell can buy them a few precious seconds, which is enough Jean Noah and Fox, two phoenixes with the ability to teleport through space, came to them.

“We can protect ourselves,” George smiled proudly at his brother,”Do you remember those Muggle novelties we dragged back from London?”

“That fighter jet?”

It’s a good thing that George didn’t mention it. As soon as these two cheaters mentioned the Quinjet they dragged back from London, Charlie felt that the blood kept pouring to his forehead.

Thanks to the old man who cheated his son. Dad, all the luggage that their family carried was on that fighter jet. In a gorgeous explosion, it turned into a pile of fly ash that even Dumbledore couldn’t restore.

Use the repair spell to repair the object. The premise is that the fragments that make up the object are still complete and have not undergone chemical changes.

For example, a piece of wood burned to char, was broken into pieces, and was thrown everywhere.

The repair spell is not a real time-turning magic. , even the scattered char fragments could not restore it to its original appearance of wood.

Regarding the fire dragon information he had put in his suitcase, and about the fire dragon information he recorded while working in Romania, Charlie felt dark in his eyes.

“You two!”Charlie almost roared out.

His huge muscular arms like cast iron tightly hugged the twins’ necks,”Don’t try to give me any new tricks at this time! Just be patient!”

“Let go! Let go!”The twins were so strangled that their eyes almost rolled out of their sockets, and they slapped their big-muscled brother’s arms crazily.



“Solve the problem of insufficient food!”

When George’s words fell, the restraints on the necks of the two brothers were instantly released.

Charlie’s eyes, which were about the same size as a certain singer named Li, instantly opened up like two huge light bulbs, glowing in the distance at the bonfire. Shining in the light of

“What? Say it again?”He grabbed his two little brothers by the collars.

“I say, we can hunt enough game.”George smiled and broke away Charlie’s hand.

Fred shrugged,”As long as you let the two of us out.”

“No,” Charlie rejected the two people’s proposal without hesitation,”Until you two clearly explain what you plan to do, you can’t even think about leaving the camp.

Gemma’s urging came from the crowd behind,”Charlie!” It’s time to go!”

The movements of George and Fred were synchronized like mecha pilots with connected neurons. They shook their heads in unison with the same amplitude and frequency.

“This is a secret between the two of us and cannot be revealed to you. You just need to believe that we can do it.”

The two brothers flashed their Merlin third-level medals in unison,”We can swear to Merlin that we will never be in even the slightest danger.”

As for the patience of his two troublemaking brothers, even Charlie has to admit that the Gemini’s ability in organizing some flower chores is indeed beyond his reach.

But this does not mean that he will let himself go. His two brothers went out to take risks.

He shook his head decisively,”No.”

The excited expressions of the twin brothers collapsed in an instant. Both of them saw the slightest bit of looseness on Charlie’s face.

But it still didn’t work.

“Percy! Help me keep an eye on the two of them and don’t let them leave the camp even half a step!”

Standing at the edge of the camp, the three Weasley brothers watched the mighty team disappear into the Forbidden Forest. After everyone’s backs were no longer visible, George and Fred moved vaguely to each other. looked at each other

“Okay, let’s go back.”

The honest man Percy had no idea about his next fate. With almost zero vigilance, he just turned around and two dazzling red lights bloomed behind him.


“All petrified!”

A stun spell followed by a petrification spell, the twin brothers’ joint efforts completely caught Percy off guard. Percy, who had no reaction at all, immediately turned into a stone statue sleeping peacefully, lying down in the camp with a thick layer of rain. On the soft ground covered with a thick layer of leaves.

After dragging honest Percy in front of Ron and Ginny and signaling them to take care of Percy, George and Fred began their preparations for the battle.

Thanks to the bonus given to them by the Wizengamot, the poor brothers, who were originally clean-faced, can finally afford the storage items for the Traceless Stretch Spell.

“George, Fred, where are you going?”

The twins who were taking out the equipment from the space bag showed an evil smile,”Use the group of Acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest to test the power of the new invention.”

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