Da da da da da!

The Weasley twins stood back to back, with the Muggle wands in their hands constantly spitting out hellfire, tearing apart all the enemies wherever the tip of the wand pointed.

The large number of deaths of their kind made this group of Acromantulas who were used to running rampant in the Forbidden Forest feel fear for the first time.

They swarmed and shrank toward the hemispherical spider web in the center of the depression. Surrounded by the tribesmen, an Acromantula that was comparable in size to an African elephant slowly emerged from it.

The black carapace may have a grayish tint similar to age spots due to age.

On the ugly head with a pair of large claws, the eight huge eyes are not as black and shiny as other Acromantulas, but are covered with a thick layer of white, as if they have cataracts.

All the Acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest are derived from this big spider named Aragog. It was given by a traveler from afar when Hagrid was still studying at Hogwarts more than fifty years ago. For Hagrid.

All I can say is that Hagrid is a real punishment.

Raising such an unfamiliar 5X-level magical animal in Hogwarts Castle was so bad that even Voldemort wanted to call the police. Of course, Voldemort did call the police in the end.

Fifty years ago, the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets located beneath Hogwarts Castle was opened by Voldemort, and the basilisk contained in it was released, resulting in the death of a student.

This accident almost led to the closure of Hogwarts. Originally, Voldemort just planned to find a scapegoat to go to Azkaban to jail in his place, which would also allow the Ministry of Magic to feel at ease.

As a result, when he took it out casually, he really revealed something incredible.

Aragog, who luckily escaped with his life from Voldemort, finally chose to live in the Forbidden Forest. After Hagrid left Azkaban, he found him a wife.

It has to be said that the fertility of spiders is really powerful.

Just two spiders bred into such a huge group.

Of course, the end of their Acromantulas is almost coming now.

Because he has lost his eyesight and can only judge the external situation through sounds, the Acromantula clan leader is still unclear about the situation.

He was a little confused as he listened to the noisy voices of his descendants, and then he waved his big claws vigorously.


The huge pincers on Aragog’s head clicked open and closed as it spoke, and it randomly designated a spider next to it,”Elise, tell me, what’s going on?”

“It’s a human wizard! Those Hogwarts brats are coming!”

“Humanity? Aragog said irritably,”Kill them all!” Don’t you know I’m sleeping?”、

“But, Aragog,” the spider named Elise gradually slowed down in swinging its claws, and it was obvious that it was hesitant,”we can’t defeat each other!”

Can’t beat him? How ridiculous.

A clicking sound sounded quickly, and Aragog’s huge body shrank slightly into the spider web.”How many people are there on the other side?”

“Just two! Judging from their appearance, they should all be underage students!”

Very good, only two?”

Aragog waved his claws angrily,”Since when have we, the Acromantula, fallen into the position of being bullied by two brats who haven’t grown up yet?” The Hogwarts brat who is born evil, I will do it myself……”

“Aragog! The human wizard has used a brand new weapon! The brothers and sisters couldn’t last more than two seconds in front of them!”

Hearing the words of his great-granddaughter Elise, Aragog said decisively,”We Acromantula will never surrender to the enemy! Their magic power will eventually run out! Send all the clansmen up!”

“Acromantula will never be a slave!”

Putting on a very tough posture, Aragog raised his large claws high forward. This domineering and awe-inspiring demeanor made him respond to the large group of spiders on the concave ground, which was like a warm response. general applause

“Click click click! Click click click!”

The giant claws of spiders were dancing everywhere in the depression.

When the Acromantulas survived in the depression, they all regained their morale inspired by Aragog’s war, and began to commit suicide in the face of the enemy’s fierce firepower. After the charge, Aragog turned around and looked at his wife Mosag

“I’m ready to surrender to the wizards of Hogwarts.”

Originally, Mossag looked at her husband with a worried look, worried that their Acromantula clan would cause Dumbledore to wipe out their clan because they killed two students at Hogwarts..

Because they have been living quietly in an area of the Forbidden Forest away from humans for a long time, the news about Acromantulas is somewhat obscured.

To this day, they all think that the headmaster of Hogwarts is still Albus Dumbledore..

However, Aragog’s words directly caused Mosag’s head, which was not very large, to shut down.

Fighting but not fighting, retreating but not retreating, hesitating, but why?

After quietly approaching Mosag, Aragog said in a low voice,”Our over-expansion has actually aroused the vigilance and resentment of other ethnic groups in the Forbidden Forest.”

“Moreover, there are still some restless ones among those little guys who are dissatisfied with the conservative policy I currently hold and want to actively expand our territory.”

Aragog shook his head,”They don’t understand how scary wizards are. Now that I’m old, I don’t have the ability to suppress them.……”

Even though Acromantulas are classified into the 5X level in the classification of the Ministry of Magic, which is the same level as basilisks, fire dragons and other sturdy magical animals, most of the Acromantulas’ combat power comes from their special ability to produce eggs. Actions are carried out on a large scale.

In terms of individual combat effectiveness, one breath of an adult fire dragon can cause heavy casualties to them.

Since the Acromantula, whose original habitat is on the island of Kalimantan, is an invasive alien species in the Scottish Highlands, they have no natural enemies except wizards. If Aragog hadn’t deliberately controlled it and launched a big plan within the tribe Well, it only takes them seven or eight years to cover the entire Forbidden Forest.

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site: https://novelsknight.com////)

But in that case, they will also become the common enemy of all creatures living in the Forbidden Forest.

Whether it is the centaurs located to the north of the Acromantula tribe, the Hippogriffs and Thestrals living together in the other direction, or the huge unicorn herd to the west of the tribe.

Or maybe it’s the Chimera beasts that live alone in the deepest part of the Forbidden Forest, or the basilisk under Hogwarts Castle that can slip into the Forbidden Forest through secret passages…

Oh, sorry, that basilisk Already got ripped off last year.

It’s just that the Acromantulas don’t know about this yet.

However, even without the Basilisk, no matter which ethnic group they belong to, or the Forbidden Forest Overlord who lives alone, they are all existences that the Acromantula cannot afford to offend.

When the gap in combat power between the two sides reaches a certain level, quantity is no longer a crucial deciding factor in terms of victory or defeat.

Especially when faced with the death-like gaze of the basilisk, if there is no way to deal with the basilisk’s gaze, no matter how many people there are, they will just die in vain.

The sound of firing was still echoing in the depression. Listening to the sound of the sons and daughters beating and struggling before death, Aragog’s eight spider eyes buried under the white shadow flashed. After a trace of ruthlessness.

The noisy voice gradually became lower as time went by. Aragog, realizing that the time was almost up, took a slow step, and his huge body moved little by little out of the range of the hemispherical spider web.

“Dear wizards! Please stop!”

The moment Aragog appeared on the battlefield and made a sound, the Acromantulas that were constantly surrounding them like a tide immediately retreated faster than when they came.

“My name is Aragog, and I’m a friend of your gamekeeper, Rubeus Hagrid!”

The twins who were originally blinded by the killing, when they heard Hagrid’s name, their brains that were dazed by the killing also regained a little clarity at this moment, and loosened their fingers tightly on the trigger. The huge In the depression, when the gunpowder exploded and pushed the bullet to accelerate to an extremely fast speed, and the noise caused by shooting out of the gun barrel and cutting through the air disappeared, it actually became so quiet that it was a bit scary.

In the dark night around, Only some Acromantulas that were not completely dead could be heard struggling in pain, gasping, and wailing…

Even though the Acromantulas had retreated under the order of the big spider that seemed to be the leader, Fred and George The individual did not completely lose their vigilance because of this. Their fingers were still on the trigger of the gun in their hands, and they would pull it down again as long as the spider in the distance made the slightest movement.

“Do you know Hagrid?”

George narrowed his eyes slightly, but no one could see his expression at all.

Throwing down the M134 heavy wand in his hand, Fred took out another one from his pocket that could be held with one hand. The Thompson submachine gun he could hold.

With his free left hand, he reached into his sleeve and took out the wand again. Fred lit a wall of fire in the depression.

While the wall of fire lit up the Forbidden Forest that was about to return to darkness, it also Encircling the two brothers and the big spider who claimed to be Hagrid’s friend, the other Acromantulas were isolated. At this time, George moved the muzzle of the machine gun in his hand from Aragog’s head. Kai,”How do you prove it?”

Hearing George’s words, Aragog’s big claw opened and closed clicking,”Yes, I was once a pet kept by Hagrid, and I have been living here since I was released by Hagrid.”

While speaking, Aragog lowered his body slightly to show respect for the two killing gods in front of him.

It was only at this time that Aragog, who was within three meters in front of the twin brothers, I saw clearly what these two murderous gods looked like when they started killing their tribesmen tonight.

Well… comparing the lifespan of human beings with those of the Acromantulas, the two wizards in front of me It’s not even an adult. When Aragog saw these two extremely young faces…

Oh, no, Aragog could only see Fred’s face.

George, who transformed into a fearless warrior, His entire head was covered by a heavy cast-iron helmet like a pot lid, and even the eyes were embedded with two extremely thick pieces of bulletproof glass. Not to mention it was just the giant claws of the Acromantula, even if Even the sharp claws of the fire dragon would be difficult to tear it apart. The main material of the fully enclosed protective clothing is Kevlar fiber with excellent tensile strength, which is wrapped with exaggeratedly thick bulletproof steel plates and even non-Newtonian fibers. The fluid interlayer is used to slow down the impact from the outside world.

If there is not an anti-gravity magic such as the Levitation Curse in the magical world, the weight of this protective suit alone can crush a slim dog like George. Unable to move on the ground.

Even if a muscular man like Charlie comes, he can only barely move. As for having a bullet belt wrapped around his body and carrying tens of thousands of spare bullets in the space bag, then Don’t even think about it.

A clear cry suddenly came from above the two people and the spider.

A phoenix chick with a golden light all over its body was like a star emitting blazing brilliance in the dark night. It flapped its wings and slowly landed on the top of the bare helmet of the fearless warrior George.

When he saw the appearance of this phoenix, Aragog’s already bowed head pressed down deeper.

George and Fred The two of them may not have any feelings, but for magical animals with keen senses like Aragog, the suppression caused by the gap in life levels has a huge impact.

That kind of shiver that goes deep into the bone marrow.……

“George, Fred, that’s it for now.”

Looking at the group of Acromantulas in front of them, which had been reduced to pieces after experiencing the ferocious baptism of firepower across the world, Noah, the belated instructor, finally came forward to mediate. How can I say this

? , Hagrid is also a very good friend of his.

And Aragog is also a very good friend of Hagrid.

Sitting back and watching a friend’s friend be exterminated is not something Noah can do.

Especially These Scottish hairy soft-shell crabs are also an important ingredient in the Hogwarts kitchen, so Noah can’t just sit back and watch.

Otherwise, where can he eat delicious terrestrial king crabs in the future? Crab legs?

It can’t be said that in order to allow Lord Shafrin to have a good meal, SHIELD sent agents to Kalimantan Island to kill the Acromantula and then airlift it to him, right?

Although with God With how rich the Shield Bureau is, the transportation costs on the road can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket.

“You two, what are you still doing?”

Noah scratched the helmet under his feet with his sharp claws. He didn’t use much force, but it still caused a cloud of sparks on the helmet, and also left several clearly visible scratches.

“Clean up the battlefield quickly. Charlie has already returned to the camp after hearing the noise you made.”

Noah crossed his arms, with a hint of a good show in his eyes,”He wants to tear you two apart now.”

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