In the Room of Requirement, Noah studied the magic runes floating in front of him, with an obvious look of inquiry in his eyes.

The rune suspended in front of him, according to Rowena Ravenclaw, represents the contract with Hogwarts Castle. Having it gives you the highest authority of Hogwarts. The owner is also the owner of Hogwarts.

This composite rune, which is composed of multiple runes combined and inlaid in three-dimensional space, looks extremely complicated from the outside.

But if it is broken down into individual runes, Noah can still roughly identify what these runes mean.

It’s nothing more than a very old-fashioned rule – whoever holds this hammer and deserves it will have the power of the God of Thunder.

But is this the true function of this rune?

Noah never believed that anything good would happen in this world, and even if it did, it wouldn’t happen to him. How could he, an orphan for three generations, have such bad luck to encounter such a thing?

Isn’t this pure nonsense?

A person’s destiny still depends on self-struggle, and of course one must also take into account…

Magic power quietly surged into Noah’s eyes, and Noah’s vision was immediately transformed into… Another strange look.

The mysterious rune suspended in the air still looked like it was radiating magic, but Noah saw countless magical threads that were invisible under ordinary conditions extending from the rune and spreading in all directions..

Those thick and thin threads penetrated the floor, penetrated the walls, passed out from the ceiling, and extended in the void to every corner of the castle under Noah’s feet.

Several of the thicker magic threads are vertically upward, shooting straight into the sky.

The magic power covering his eyes allowed Noah to see enough through the ceiling to see the magic threads outside the wall.

I saw those magical threads that went straight into the sky and then quietly exploded after rising to a certain height. They diffused in all directions of the castle like a goddess scattering flowers in the air, like Doflamingo’s birdcage. The whole of Hogwarts was enveloped in it.

Even the Forbidden Forest and Black Lake in the distance have some areas covered by birdcages.

In addition to these magic threads, Noah also clearly”sees” the magic that permeates their surroundings.

Perhaps because it is directly above a super-large magic node, the magic near Hogwarts is extremely active, which also makes them easier to sense and observe.

In Noah’s perception, the magic power in this world is under the influence of some kind of pulling force, continuously converging towards the Room of Requirement where they are, and the ultimate target is the magic weapon that is currently suspended in Noah’s mind. Magic runes in front of you.

It seems that what is displayed in front of Noah at this moment is the full function of this magic rune- it has established a connection with some ancient mysterious magic, allowing the controller of the rune to be within the scope of Hogwarts Castle. With the authority granted by the runes, he can mobilize the ancient magic deployed around the castle to strengthen himself and become invincible within the range of the magic.

In addition, you can also use runes to absorb a large amount of magic floating in the air to replenish your own state, which can greatly enhance the power of the magic you cast within the scope of Hogwarts Castle.

One of the most powerful effects is to establish a deeper connection between the rune controller and Hogwarts Castle. If the enemy’s attack is not enough to destroy Hogwarts Castle with a large amount of defensive magic in an instant, Then it would be impossible to completely kill the holder of the rune.

But is this really the case?

Under the gaze of Hagrid and Lu Wei, Noah was like a poisoned person who had eaten undercooked wild rice from the Forbidden Forest. His hands were dancing in the void, as if he was everywhere. little people dance finger dance.

In fact, only in Noah’s own magical vision can he see his hands, like the dexterous hands of a spinner, combing the large and small silk threads surrounding the runes, sorting them out and smoothing them out. Deconstruct it.

The smoothed silk threads circled around the runes, gradually forming a complex structure similar to an asymmetrical mirror Rubik’s Cube. However, Noah ignored the messy problem-solving ideas and directly stretched out two fingers to gather them. Fingers filled with a large amount of magic power precisely poked at a key node of the runes on the outermost layer of the runes.

Just like accurately finding the most crucial rope in a carefully tied knot, the Rubik’s Cube formed by a large number of spiral threads suddenly fell apart at this moment.

“Got you.”

Noah effortlessly extracted the most critical core of this composite rune.

He looked at the one in front of him that looked like the initials of Hogwarts.”H”’s rune, a sneer appeared on Noah’s lips.

He knew that Rowena Ravenclaw’s gift was not that simple.

Although he has not yet figured out what the function of this rune hidden by Ravenclaw is.

But Noah’s keen intuition, which he had developed while playing the Dark Knight in London, told him that the function of this rune was definitely not something that could make him the true master of Hogwarts Castle.

But it has no other use.

Noah’s eyes were filled with magical brilliance, but no matter how he activated his magical vision, the core rune that was finally revealed did not change at all.

It’s like it’s really just a letter made of pure magic”H”, floating quietly in the air, neither inextricably linked to Hogwarts like the outer shell that constitutes it, nor does it have any functionality.

Although the rune writing during this period of time has given Noah the ability to analyze this unknown rune, facing this last rune, Noah has not even the slightest clue. No clue.

After staring at the English letters floating quietly in front of him for a long time, he finally couldn’t figure out the reason. Noah, who gradually lost his patience, temporarily gave up the idea of studying it.

Collecting the thumb and little finger, straightening the remaining six fingers, touching the middle finger and ring finger, the arms interlocked with each other, and the Eye of Agamotto hanging on Noah’s chest began to rotate slowly, revealing a faint part of it. Green fluorescence.

Silently reciting the long spell recorded in the Book of Cagliostro in his mind, Noah pulled the gradually gathering magic power and transformed a green magic circle on his arm like an arm guard.

Aiming the magic circle in his hand at the magic rune in front of him, Noah slowly turned his arm counterclockwise, and saw that the rune that had been disassembled into pieces seemed to be pressed down by someone. Like a rewind button, it slowly pieced together back to its original appearance in the reverse flow of time, as if Noah had never touched it.

Regarding the scene in front of him, Hagrid did not show any surprise on his face.

Using the Eye of Agamotto to reverse time, this most mysterious time magic is fundamentally different from the repair spells of wizards.

But in terms of expression, the final effect they present is the same.

Even if Noah used the Eye of Agamotto in front of Hagrid, with the knowledge of the hybrid giant, he would only think that it was just a slightly special repair spell.

The specific special thing… well, it lies in Noah’s fancy spell-casting gestures and the weird magic pendant.

“Put it away.”

Noah stretched out his hand and rubbed Lu Wei’s dog’s head fiercely,”You can go out to play. Remember not to sneak to the kitchen on the basement floor of the castle. If you scare the house elves in the kitchen, no one will cook for you. It’s time to eat.”

Lu Wei, who was originally rebellious, didn’t pay attention to the previous sentence that Noah said.

The more Noah didn’t let it go, the more it went there to hang out.

But when he heard that he would not be able to do anything because of it, After eating, Lu Wei gave up the idea in an instant. If he didn’t want to go, he wouldn’t go. The kitchen was a forbidden place, so he could go to the Forbidden Forest to play with the Acromantula. He hadn’t seen him for a long time. To its good friend Aragog, and to Aragog’s descendants.



Although Hagrid didn’t let it eat Aragog, Hagrid didn’t forbid it to eat Aragog. Those descendants of spiders in Gram started talking. Although they had no worries about eating or drinking during their time in SHIELD’s Tri-Wing Building, after they got used to eating delicacies from the mountains and seas, they occasionally turned back to eat the junk food produced in the Forbidden Forest. , there will also be an inexplicable sense of nostalgia.

Lu Wei, who was already drowsy due to boredom, after getting Noah’s permission, his six sleepy eyes were surprisingly bright at the moment.

Hagrid Before anyone could react, the heavy three-headed dog rolled up from the ground with an agility that was completely inconsistent with its huge size. While jumping up, it was suspended in the air. After swallowing the magic rune in his stomach, Lu Wei, who was free, immediately spread his legs and ran happily towards the corridor outside the Room of Requirement.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of the window glass breaking, there must be at least two The ton-heavy piece of shit drew a beautiful parabola in the air and fell straight from the eighth floor of the castle to the lawn outside the castle.

Without the slightest movement of unloading force, Lu Wei actually hit the ground below. On the ground, the soft lawn was smashed into a deep depression.

But Lu Wei, who was rough and thick-skinned, was like a dog that was fine, and he couldn’t tell that he had just fallen from a height as high as the eighth floor.

He stood up Lu Wei immediately ran happily towards the forbidden forest in the distance. As he ran, his three huge heads howled wildly,”Aragog! Aragog!”

Before they even got close to the Forbidden Forest, Lu Wei’s loud voice startled a large group of birds resting in the forest.

Looking at the dark and chaotic forest in the distance, Hagrid’s face had an extremely wonderful expression, and his expression was also astonishing. Switching back and forth between various colors such as liver color and vegetable green.

Why do these people, one by one, like to catch his cute Aragog and cause trouble?

Forget it, let that husky go Well.

Lu Wei and Aragog can be considered old friends.

After Quirrell was bombarded to death by Noah with some unknown Muggle weapon in the Forbidden Forest, due to the lack of information in the big adventure, The final villain was created, so the little game that Dumbledore arranged for Harry came to an end.

After that, Lu Wei, who no longer had to guard the Sorcerer’s Stone, was released and lived in the Forbidden Forest until he went to school. He was picked up by Noah at the end of the semester.

It would be weird if Lu Wei didn’t know Aragog for such a long time.

Although this two-ton leather dog must have at least a ton and a half of bones in his body, but There is still a little bit of discretion in some things.

Since Aragog is not in any danger, no, to be precise, there is no danger to his life, then Hagrid has no intention of talking to his old spider buddy.

After Lu Wei walked away, seeing that Noah was finally liberated from some kind of research work that he couldn’t understand at all with his own knowledge, Hagrid, a big man, approached Noah curiously.


The hybrid giant scratched the back of his head, a bit of embarrassment appeared on his rough face.

“I just want to ask, is it possible for me to master the magical Animagus?”

During military training, he had always wanted to talk to Noah about Noah’s magical Animagus.

Ever since he learned that wizards can actually use magic to transform themselves into some kind of magical animals, the sea… A bold idea came to Hagrid’s mind.

Driven by a certain goal that had to be achieved, this idea quickly took root and sprouted in Hagrid’s heart like a wildly growing weed, and turned into something in a very short period of time. This towering tree is deeply rooted in Hagrid’s heart.

Just because during this period of time, he has been busy leading the military training. After finally waiting until the military training was over, Noah devoted himself to his many complicated affairs..

This is why Hagrid never mentioned this idea in his mind to Noah.

“Magical Animagus?”

When he heard Hagrid’s shocking and outrageous thoughts, Noah almost choked on his own saliva.

After coughing several times, Noah calmed down and said,”No. , Hagrid, why do you have such an idea?”

“You should know the habits of those purebred giants……”

Hagrid grabbed a strand of his beard with a tangled expression,”Because of the Inferi giant that attacked the Hogwarts Express before, Professor McGonagall assigned me to go to Austria during the summer vacation.……”

“Have you gone to the giant tribe to check on those giants?”

Noah raised his eyebrows. Did the giant in front of him want to tell him that he had found his long-lost half-brother?

Sure enough, the next second Hagrid told him what he had done in Austria. What he saw and heard,”I met my younger brother, but he was too short for a giant and he was always bullied.”

The corner of Noah’s mouth twitched,”Do you want to… wait, you are not going to tell me that you brought your biological brother back from Europe, and now he is living in the Forbidden Forest, right?”

“No, no, no, that’s not the case. The hybrid giant quickly waved his hands to deny,”The Forbidden Forest is too dangerous now. How could I place Grop in the Forbidden Forest?”

If this was the peaceful and peaceful Forbidden Forest before, Lin, then Hagrid might really bring his brother back.

But as for now…

Let’s not talk about the fact that a mysterious dark wizard will break into the Forbidden Forest every three days and fight Noah or Dumbledore for hundreds of rounds.

The Weasley twin brothers now use the Forbidden Forest as their weapons testing ground, creating various fancy explosions in the Forbidden Forest every day.

In addition, there is now another three-headed dog having fun in the Forbidden Forest.

Aragog had entrusted its descendants more than once to send messages to Hagrid, saying that they could no longer stay in the Forbidden Forest and wanted to find another place to survive.

The numerous dangers in the Forbidden Forest are another matter. On the other hand, the substantial increase in strength after practicing Kama Taj’s physical skills gave Hagrid a bold idea.

“If I can master the magical Animagus, then maybe I can transform into a real giant through the magical Animagus, and then……”

“Do you want to challenge the giant tribe leader’s position? Then place it���His brother?”

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