In the old house of the Black family, Kreacher’s eyes widened when he saw this uninvited guest who suddenly appeared in the living room, and the twinkling surprise in them was clearly visible.

As the mansion where the Black family has lived for generations, this ancient mansion should have been tightly hidden and protected by layers of ancient defensive magic.

Except for the direct blood of the Black family, it is absolutely impossible for any outsider to enter here, but now a stranger that Kreacher has never seen before appears in the living room of the house.

What frightened Kreacher even more was that hanging on the neck of the young man with long flowing black hair in front of him was something that was not unfamiliar to Kreacher.

That was more than ten years ago. Before his death, Regulus Arcturus Black, the young master of the Black family, specifically asked it to be destroyed, but no matter what methods he tried, he could not A locket that damages it in the slightest.

According to Regulus, this locket was given to him by an unnamed adult, and it contained the ultimate dark existence that could bring about destruction.

Well, that adult was not referring to Shafrin, but to Riddle.

Regulus was once one of the most loyal Death Eaters around Voldemort. His loyalty to Voldemort was much higher than that of old Malfoy, a wall-rider who repeatedly jumped around. Latrix and Barty Jr., two die-hards, were as loyal to Voldemort as he was.

It is precisely because of this that Regulus was entrusted by Voldemort with the important task of protecting the Horcrux.

But what Voldemort didn’t know was that as the Wizarding War he started continued, Regulus, who had always followed him loyally, had gradually become aware of his crazy nature.

It turns out that Regulus had received brainwashing education from those stubborn people in the Black family since he was a child. He passionately believed in pure-blood supremacy and regarded Voldemort as the religious being that he wanted to follow in his life.

But when he gradually realized that Voldemort’s approach was not actually advocating the pure blood theory he longed for, but simply using violent and cruel methods to oppress and rule other people.

Regulus, who had a strong sense of justice in his heart, after he realized that he was actually with the wrong master, he did not hesitate to choose to stand on the opposite side of his former master.

In other words, he rebelled without hesitation. Of course, a more accurate statement would be that he abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side.

Kreacher was borrowed by Voldemort, actually taken away by Voldemort to help him hide the locket that had been made into a Horcrux. This was originally a certain death for Kreacher.

In order to complete the trap arrangement, Voldemort, who regarded the lives of house elves as trivial, made Kreacher drink poison. It was a vicious look that even a powerful wizard like Dumbledore could not resist.

But Voldemort missed one point. Kreacher, who drank the poison, did not die in endless pain as he thought. This house elf who was loyal to his master finally returned to his master in the end. With the support of Nian, he activated magic, and finally successfully escaped from the hiding place of the Horcrux and returned to Regulus.

It was precisely because of this accident that Regulus learned that the secret of Voldemort’s immortality was actually relying on those Horcruxes that were extremely evil in the eyes of ordinary dark wizards.

Therefore, Regulus immediately came up with the idea of destroying the Horcrux, even risking his own life.

It’s a pity that Regulus didn’t know that Voldemort didn’t just create the locket, a Horcrux. He didn’t know that just destroying this Horcrux wouldn’t break Voldemort’s immortality..

Moreover, every Horcrux is protected by extremely powerful and evil black magic, which cannot be destroyed by just a house elf.

Regulus eventually succumbed to Voldemort’s heavy protection against his Horcrux, and Kreacher failed to fulfill its master’s dying instructions.

This is a very regrettable ending.

Not being able to fulfill his master’s instructions, this incident became a sharp thorn in Kreacher’s heart, and it was firmly engraved in his heart and would never go away.

And now, when Kreacher saw with his own eyes such an outsider who did not belong to the Black family, wearing a relic left by its owner Regulus around his neck…

Kreacher almost seemed to be crazy, bearing in mind the importance of raising a child at home. The prohibition in the elf’s heart not to harm the wizard was completely thrown away at this moment.

“Return the locket to Kreacher!”

The house elf’s voice was already shrill, and Kreacher, who was in a state of emotion, shouted directly. The roar coming from its thin body sounded particularly frightening, and it was no less terrifying than scratching it with fingernails. Blackboard.

He waved his hands repeatedly, and one after another magical radiance bloomed on Kreacher’s fingers.

Although the servility of house elves has long become an indelible mark rooted in their bone marrow, even in the face of no magical ability Even the squibs dare not make mistakes.

But this does not mean that their magic ability is weak.

On the contrary, if the house elves dare to break the shackles in their hearts and deal with some scumbags who are not very talented in magic, they will attack them brazenly. If so, even ten normal adult wizards are likely to be beaten by a house elf.

Not to mention that their innate talent for space teleportation is even comparable to legendary creatures like the Phoenix. The elusive means that can lurk in the daily lives of wizards with almost zero presence, coupled with some painless and low-level curses, are enough for wizards with average magical abilities to drink a pot.

As a An old house elf, Kreacher’s mastery of his own magical abilities has not weakened with the passage of time. Instead, he has become extremely proficient in casting spells over many years. Each of his fingers can be regarded as It is not difficult for Kreacher to cast seventeen spells in two seconds with an independent wand.

But these spells suddenly shot out like a violent storm, and the man wearing the magic wand around his neck was not a difficult task. The mysterious young man holding the locket made no defensive movements at all.

But when the dense magic light bullets were still one meter away from his body, they seemed to be frozen in the air by some invisible invisible force. He couldn’t move.

He turned his head and glanced at Kreacher. On the young man’s calm face, there was a trace of imperceptible disgust in the pair of dark yellow vertical pupils.

“When did a lowly creature like you dare to attack a wizard?”

With just one glance, it was as if a petrifying curse had hit Kreacher’s body. A sense of fear bursting out from the depths of his heart completely frightened all of his mind. The fear was so intense that it didn’t dare to do anything. There was no movement.

Even breathing seemed to have stopped for a moment.

Even the heart rate slowed down to the extreme at this moment, for fear that making any slightest movement would annoy the people in front of me. This terrifying existence.

He seemed to be in a good mood. While looking at his new body with great interest, the black-haired young man also patiently explained something to Kreacher.

“And, this is my thing.”

As he looked at his new body, the interested smile at the corner of the black-haired young man’s mouth quickly turned into a lack of interest.

“The soul power accumulated for so long is only enough to create such a pitiful body, what a waste.”

Shaking his head in a self-deprecating manner, the young man had no intention of talking to Kreacher, a low-level elf. He just turned his attention from himself to the decoration of this old house.

Looking at the dilapidated appearance around him, the young man’s dark eyes The yellow snake-like vertical pupils reveal a look of disgust that is not even concealed at all.

“To be defeated at the hands of a newborn baby and to survive as a wandering spirit. How on earth did the huge Slytherin family fall into such a situation that it would be passed down to such a garbage man?.”

Salazar Slytherin made no secret of his disdain for his last descendant in the world. He felt that staying in such a place for one more second was an insult to himself, Slater. Lin turned around and planned to leave the old house of the Black family.

But just as he was about to step out of the living room door, Kreacher’s voice sounded behind him again.

“Hang…the locket!”

It’s just a few simple words, but it seems to have drained all the courage in Kreacher’s heart.

It almost roared out with an attitude of looking at death in the trembling caused by endless fear,”Leave Master Regulus alone. The locket below! Give it back to Kreacher!!!”

“Your courage is commendable.”

He turned around unhurriedly. Although he said words of praise, there was no unnecessary emotion in Slytherin’s snake eyes.

Slytherin slowly bent one of his fingers. ,”But your behavior……”

“But it is too stupid.”

Without any magic fluctuations, just such a gentle flick of the finger, Kreacher’s body was like a head-on collision with Noah’s Day Tiger, and flew backwards like a shell with extremely high muzzle velocity..

With a deafening shattering sound, Kreacher’s body actually crashed through five walls one after another. It was not until his fragile back hit the sixth thick brick wall that it was weakened layer by layer due to the impact. It stopped until it completely disappeared.

Even so, its body knocked out a fine crack in the wall that spread like a spider web. Its entire body was deeply embedded in the wall, and it was deeply unconscious. Past.

Dark red blood slowly gushes out from the back, gurgling along the cracks in the wall to form a long, dark trace, and finally gathers into huge droplets under the action of gravity and falls down. On the ground.

The blood droplets that collided with the ground burst out, forming small dark red flowers one after another. He lowered his hand indifferently, and the calm expression on Slytherin’s face was just like what he had just done. It was just like accidentally trampling an insignificant ant to death.

With the sound of the door opening and closing, Salazar’s figure disappeared into the old Black family house in Grimmauld Place.


In the mysterious underground space, once Noah mentioned the past, the hive brain seemed to have entered a shutdown state again.

That look looked like someone had used a Forgetting Curse to erase some key memories. At least based on Noah’s understanding, the hive’s current look of being a noble and forgetful person really seemed like someone had roughly cast a Forgetting Curse. The sequelae left behind.

Although Noah didn’t know how the Forgetting Curse took effect on such a living body that was made up of countless tiny beings, he wanted to get some valuable information from the mouth of the hive. Obviously, this was already a big deal. It’s such a realistic thing.

Losing the value of use, Noah just sighed, and then set his sights on the huge altar standing not far away.

Of course, before figuring out the significance of the existence of this huge altar, Noah has to do another very important thing first, which is… to make sure that he will not be like this one who has been hungry for who knows how many years. They have starved themselves into the idiot-looking hive they are now. They have been trapped in such a ghost place where not even a big Cantonese cockroach can be seen for life after life, and they will never be able to get out.���

When I think about the fact that I have merged with Fox’s bloodline, and if I have also inherited the unique Nirvana ability of the Phoenix clan, then if I can’t get out of this ghost place, won’t I have to never see the light of day again?

Due to the talent of Nirvana, the lifespan of the Phoenix can be said to be almost unlimited.

Feeling the space marks he had left in the London Temple of Karma Taj and the Hogwarts Castle, Noah’s face suddenly turned a little green.

Fortunately, the situation is not the worst.

Although the space he is currently in seems to be very far away from the space markers he left behind, it seems that this mysterious underground palace is not on the earth, or it is not in the same real world that Noah is familiar with. in dimension.

But Noah can still perceive the existence of those space markers

“Still a bit troublesome, ugh……”

But with such a long distance, not to mention ordinary phantoms, not even the Phoenix’s talent for space teleportation could bring him back to Hogwarts.

Nuoyuan sighed helplessly.

Don’t you just want to go deep into the underground of Hogwarts Castle to find the key magic node, and then build a super large magic circle based on that magic hub that can support a magic temple?

Why did you cause such a big thing for yourself?

Now it seems that the only way is to let his spirit body temporarily return to the living world with the help of the trance and mirror space.

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