“I, Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the League Against Dark Arts, and have won the”Wizard Weekly” Most Charming Smile Award five times.”

In the huge dueling arena, the consumable product of Hogwarts this academic year, sorry, is the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

At this time, our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Gilderoy Lockhart is holding a book of his of his masterpiece, pointing to the photo of himself winking on the cover, and said to the students

“But I never talk about that. I don’t drive away all the female ghosts by smiling!”

Lockhart thought that this well-designed opening statement would attract cheers from the students, or other reactions such as applause.

But what he didn’t expect was that most of the students were like The response was mediocre.

Only a few students who were stunned by his big boasts about themselves in the novel showed the effect he originally envisioned. It’s a pity that there were too few people, and they couldn’t support it at all. He couldn’t get up to the large-scale fan meeting scene he had expected.

Fortunately, Lockhart’s mentality was very optimistic. Even if he had such a huge embarrassment at the Merlin Medal Award Ceremony, he was able to get up quickly and face the prophet. The reporter from the daily newspaper was talking freely.

Compared with the strong winds and waves he had encountered before, this sudden situation was not worth mentioning at all.

“I see you all bought my complete set……”

As Lockhart spoke, his eyes swept over the group of Slytherin and Ravenclaw students in front of him, but he never expected to see an embarrassing scene for him.

The group of students standing in front of him basically came to class empty-handed. Even if there were a few who didn’t come to class empty-handed, the things they held in their hands were their wands instead of textbooks.

Blinking in confusion, Lockhart couldn’t help but ask,”Where are your textbooks?”


Wolong and Fengxiao from Slytherin College, that is, Goyle and Crabbe, the two great talents, looked at each other.

They both saw a trace of confusion in each other’s eyes.

Goyle couldn’t help but ask,”Professor, isn’t Defense Against the Dark Arts a practical class? Why do we still need to bring textbooks?”

“and……”Crabbe scratched his head,”There is no Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook in the list of textbooks the school sent us before school started?”

Lockhart’s mouth twitched slightly,”The book I wrote is for this class. Textbook!”

Goyle and Crabbe looked even more confused.

I don’t know which little eagle from Ravenclaw House gave the two of them a divine assist.

“I thought those books were just dramas and novels to entertain us when we were bored. They were not helpful at all for practical application, so we didn’t buy them.”

The little eagle, who did not want to be named, immediately received a series of echoes of approval as soon as he spoke.

Even for a person as thick-skinned as Lockhart, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot for a while.

Different from the College of Fools and the College of Candide, the extremely intelligent eaglets have already sensed something unusual in Dumbledore’s arrangements for the two courses of Dark Magic Defense and Magic Defense last year.

They can all Guess, due to the curse set by Voldemort on the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, the school’s leadership has basically given up on this crappy course taught by an annual throwaway professor.

Just because of the curse, this course not only It cannot be shut down completely. It is necessary to recruit a scapegoat every year to replace the teaching professor of the Demon Defense and Defense course to bear Voldemort’s curse.

This is the only meaning of the existence of the Defense Against the Dark Arts course.

This also means that, No matter how pretentious they were about the Defense Against the Dark Arts course, as long as it didn’t go too far, Principal McGonagall would basically turn a blind eye to their behavior.

Lockhart didn’t know his fate yet, he was still naive He thought that Professor McGonagall invited him to take up the position of Professor of Defense Against Darkness because of his brilliant resume and ability.

And he really came to teach in the school.

He also wanted to rely on him to gain a reputation in Huo Gwartz’s experience of teaching Dark Magic Defense added a layer of radiant gold to his resume, and he even thought of the title of his next book.

For example——

《Years as a welder at Hogwarts》

《Making out at Hogwarts》



It always feels like there’s something important mixed in, but that’s not important.

The important thing is that this damn guy Lockhart directly regards the position of Hogwarts professor as an opportunity for him to make a lot of money!

He directly listed seven of his books on the students’ reading list for the new school year as the teaching materials required for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and he also sold his works for five gold galleons each!

Five galleons! That’s a whole five gold galleons!

All the savings of the five Weasleys combined, this money and a carriage… well, it seems that if you copy it casually, you can fit it in the palm of your hand.

In short, these are not important. Although most of the little snakes in Slytherin are very rich, none of them want to spend dozens of gold galleons on this useless course for no reason.

Not to mention the little eagles.

Looking at the group of second-year students in front of him who had become unruly under the subtle influence of a certain spiritual leader at the same level for a long time, Lockhart took a deep breath and secretly warned himself not to be angry. , I can’t be like this bunch of idiots who don’t understand anything.

Wait, as long as they realize how powerful they are as a recipient of the Order of Merlin, they will worship themselves crazily.

“Well, you are right, Defense Against the Dark Arts is indeed a practical course that pays attention to actual combat, otherwise I would not have deliberately changed the teaching location from the classroom to this place.”

His words immediately aroused the interest of many students.

After experiencing Quirrell’s torture, Noah, the temporary substitute professor of Defense Against Dark Arts, showed what a qualified professor should have. All the good qualities.

All the students had the slightest expectation to meet another Dark Arts Defense professor as good as Noah.

Although Lockhart’s first impression on them was not that good, But one of the members of Sir Merlin, although he only had a third-level medal, but… shouldn’t be too bad, right?

However, Lockhart’s words in the next second directly shattered the unrealistic illusion in their hearts.

“Before the class officially starts, I think we need to take a short test. Don’t be nervous. This is just to test your level of defense against dark arts. Lockhart snapped his fingers, and the house elves who had been prepared immediately sent sets of desks and chairs into the empty duel classroom.

Pieces of parchment were handed out.

“As you all know, before I took over this course, your professors changed one after another, so I think you must have not received systematic teaching on Defense Against Dark Arts, and the knowledge you have mastered may be different from the original expected teaching objectives. There is a big discrepancy.”

There are a lot of truths he talks about, but when Draco got the parchment handed out by Lockhart, he just casually glanced at the content on it and immediately changed it to the expression of an old man on the subway on his cell phone..

1. What is Gilderoy Lockhart’s favorite color?

2. Gilderoy Lockhart’s…

Uh, what kind of nonsense are these?

He threw away the parchment in his hand with a flick of his hand. On the ground, looking at the desks and chairs next to him, Draco had no intention of sitting down. He just looked at Lockhart in front of him with a provocative look.

He unhurriedly took out his The wand, in the manner of an elegant aristocrat, bowed slightly towards Lockhart.

“Professor, if you want to test our defense against the dark arts, a teaching wizard duel is the best way to test it, don’t you think?”


Faced with Draco’s invitation to fight, Lockhart quickly reacted,”This is indeed a very clever idea.”

“However, there is a huge gap in strength between students and professors. Don’t mind what I say. Even if I just use the disarming spell, I may cause great harm to you.……”

“So I personally think that for your safety, it would be better to replace the wizard duel between professors and students with a completely safe quiz.”

Standing up little by little, Draco took out a pair of white gloves from the inner pocket of his clothes. He stared at Lockhart seriously in front of him, and a provocative arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Isn’t that what Defense Against the Dark Arts is all about? Let students see dangers and learn how to protect themselves in dangers……”

Draco said as he threw the white gloves in his hand towards Lockhart.

Lockhart, who had not expected Draco to act like this at all, was unprepared for a moment and was directly slapped in the face by the glove thrown by Draco.


Lockhart looked murderous,”You must respect the professor in class, five points will be deducted from Slytherin!””

“As you wish.”Draco responded without fear, and threw the other glove in his hand hard towards Lockhart’s face.

With a slight”pop”, the second glove was thrown with greater force. Two white gloves came into close contact with Lockhart’s face.

This kind of provocative behavior over and over again, even the most civilized person can’t stand it, let alone Lockhart’s actual lack of cultivation. , all the characters were disguised by himself.

Lockhart pulled out his wand with an angry expression. Although he looked furious, he still firmly remembered his identity as a professor and did not lose his professorial demeanor. He took action directly.

Instead, he stood there, trying hard to calm down the anger in his heart, pretending to be calm and tolerant,”Since you insist,……”

“First of all, I want to make it clear that if I wanted to knock you down, it would be easy.”

“But since Mr. Malfoy has so strongly requested a duel with me, I don’t mind letting you gain some knowledge. I will try my best to control the strength of my attacks and ensure that Mr. Malfoy is sent off the duel safely.”

As Lockhart took the initiative to walk towards a venue similar to a boxing ring that stood in the center of the duel classroom, many students showed a smile of gloating.

This smile was not directed at Draco, but at Lockhart. Hart’s.

Poor Lockhart, until now, has not realized that he is facing an opponent whose strength cannot be judged by the appearance of an ordinary second-year student.

Although he is good and loves to show off, Draco is the most loyal among the five giants of Kama Taj, but this kind of loyalty also depends on who he is compared with.

Who are the first generation of Kama Taj’s five giants

? They are all great gods!

Even if Draco is the weakest among them, he is an existence that is difficult for mortal wizards like them to match.

So, there is going to be a good show.

Standing in the duel ring, Lockhart holds the wand. He made many flashy and flashy hand flips,”Okay, as you can see now, we hold the wand in a normal dueling posture.……”

However, Draco, who was standing opposite him, just casually hung the wand by his leg. He didn’t even hold the wand in any of the standard wand-holding gestures that Professor Flitwick gave them during Charms Learning..

He showed his classic eight-toothed smile to the students,”When we count to three, we will cast the first spell.”

“Of course, before that, one thing we need to do first is……”

Facing Draco, Lockhart bowed and said,”Bow to your opponent. This is the etiquette of a wizard duel.”

Draco, who still had an elegant smile on his face, also slowly tilted his body and re- Draco stood up straight and tilted his head, his eyes showing a hint of disdain for the vase professor.

“Who do you think will win between the two of them?”

Patting Shirley’s arm gently, Hermione looked at the two people on the ring with curiosity.

In response, Shirley just yawned widely,”I don’t know, and I’m not interested in knowing either.”

“That’s Lockhart!”Hermione shook her best friend’s arm with some dissatisfaction,”Lockhart is a well-known master of defense against the dark arts, and Draco’s strength can only be considered okay.”

“Shh!”Shirley raised a finger and put it in front of Little Beaver’s lips,”The show is about to begin.”

As the countdown ended, Lockhart suddenly raised the wand in his hand over his shoulder on the ring, but the moment he raised his hand, a dazzling red light was already shining between him and Draco. The relationship between the two of them blossomed.

He didn’t even see Draco make any move to raise his staff, but he was already knocked into the air by a repel spell cast by Draco silently and without a staff.

His body was in a state of stagnation. Lockhart looked completely confused.

Before his slow brain could make any reaction, Draco’s next move perfectly explained what is meant by the dueling field rankings, ranking first in the second-year rankings The value of Big Brother.

The dueling arena of Hogwarts was only opened to students below the third grade in the last month of the last school year.

Apart from the military training month of this school year, Draco can perform well in the dueling arena. The time for boxing and kicking actually only lasted a little over a month.

But in this short period of one month, he actually had an astonishing more than 600 duels, and the duels were not open every day.

This also means that Every time the duel field is open, he has to go through more than thirty or forty duels.

What is the king of duel fields?

This is it.

Of course, this is what the other four giants of Kama Taj disdain. In order to participate in the duel, otherwise it would not be Draco’s turn to sit at the top of the ranking list.

Draco, who hates Gryffindor deeply, in order to be able to give the Gryffindors a greater honor in the duel. Injury, his study of the rules of the duel field has reached a point where he can be called obsessive.

Falling to the ground to protect?

Intersperse a floating spell between three or four low-level curses. When the floating opponent is about to fall out of the ring, When the opponent is in the air, use the Flying Curse to pull the opponent’s clothes back to the battlefield.

As long as the opponent is floating in the air, he is not protected by the falling rules!

In order to prevent the opponent from randomly launching magic spells while floating in the air, find With a chance to counterattack, Draco even created a duel technique called Shadow Step without any instruction.

Simply put, he hides in the blind corner of the opponent’s field of vision to launch an attack, making it impossible for the opponent to capture his precise moves. Position and unable to make an effective counterattack.

This kind of high-level dueling skills can basically only be used when torturing vegetables. Unexpectedly, she saw it today in a discussion between professors and students.

Hermione was quite speechless. He glanced at the one-sided massacre in the duel field, and then glanced at the”Wandering with Ghouls” in his hand with disgust.

I originally wanted to throw away this piece of shit, but my instinct to cherish books made me stop it. Beaver couldn’t do it, and after struggling for a while, Hermione just silently threw this crappy thing into her schoolbag.

This thing is usually just a piece of white text to read, and it is regarded as a pastime when she is bored.

He Min comforts herself like this

“Let’s go, there’s nothing to see.”

Under the influence of a certain Sandaime reserve, Little Beaver, who no longer cares so much about school rules, took his best friend’s hand and walked out of the duel classroom. Instead of obeying school rules and wasting his precious time watching the results of a game It’s already destined to be a boring duel between noobs.

It’s better to spend your precious time learning more new knowledge.

The ocean of magic is so vast, and in my limited life, I can’t learn all about the world. With all the magic, every second becomes even more precious.

Five minutes later, when Hermione was contentedly holding a thick tome, she sat down in the study room of the library. At this moment, poor Lockhart was lowered from the air by Draco, who still had more to say.

From the ring in the dueling classroom to the bed in the school doctor’s room next door, Lockhart’s body could not even touch the ground for even a second. One-stop service from combat to hospitalization.

It must be said that although Slytherin’s little snake sometimes looks bad, he is actually kind at heart.

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