Perhaps because it was school time at Hogwarts, the Ravenclaw common room was empty except for a few students.

Thanks to an evil being whose real name no one dares to mention directly, the struggling students of Hogwarts will now feel the pain of having four full classes five days a week starting in the third grade.

The only day left that was not full of classes, there were also half-day classes that were fully booked.

When I reach the fifth grade, I have to be O.W.When preparing for the LS exam, these poor students had to deeply feel the pain of having to continue taking self-study classes on weekends.

Of course, if students think they are talented, they can choose not to attend self-study.

The professors at Hogwarts are not that strict yet.

They will silently record every student who did not come to the self-study class in a small notebook. If they can hand in a test paper that satisfies the professor during the monthly exam, then the matter of skipping the self-study class can naturally be easily revealed. Pass. professors���Those gifted students are always tolerant.

Just like a top student like Hermione, not to mention just not coming to self-study classes, even if she didn’t even attend the main class, she would not have a professor with her excellent results of ranking first in all theoretical subjects. say what


“The appearance of”Fawkes” caused the few students still in the Ravenclaw common room to cast curious glances at her.

I don’t know why, although I knew in my heart that no one in Hogwarts could see through him. This kind of remote login method, but when these students’ eyes stayed on him, Noah still felt something strange.

“”Fox” can naturally read that the eyes of those girls are full of not-so-good negative emotions such as jealousy.

As for those boys……

“The murderous intent revealed in”Noah’s” pair of narrow phoenix eyes immediately silenced all the eaglets in the entire lounge, and they all withdrew their sights like lightning, regardless of gender. They walked towards the door leading to the girls’ dormitory. As he was about to cross the stairs, Noah’s footsteps suddenly slowed down as he was about to cross the dividing line between the women’s dormitory area and the common room.

Ravenclaw, who founded this college, had already understood this thousands of years ago. In order to protect the girls, she cast a protective magic on the girls’ dormitory.

This magic can detect the gender of each person who passes through, so girls can naturally pass through unimpeded. Boys…

Considering that there are house elves in Hogwarts Castle, the boys in the school naturally do not have the task of helping the newly enrolled elementary school girls carry their luggage every year at the beginning of school, so they should not have any access to the girls. A legitimate reason for the dormitory.

Therefore, boys will naturally be blocked from the girls’ dormitory area by Ravenclaw’s magic and not allowed to enter the area.

But like Noah’s situation, even if Ravenclaw’s magic , you shouldn’t be able to notice it, right?

Lift your legs, and then slowly step over until the soles of your feet touch the ground…

Until finally, Noah stood at the door of the single room specially reserved for Gwen by Professor McGonagall, raised his hand and knocked When the door rang, the magic specially set up by Ravenclaw didn’t even have the slightest sense of existence.

As for why the little spider is obviously from Gryffindor House, but her dormitory is in the common room of Ravenclaw House. , we have to talk about it from last year when Gwen was still an auditor who had not officially enrolled in school.

As the door panel rotated, Gwen’s figure also appeared from behind the door.

When Noah touched Gwen for the first time, he immediately Just like an electric shock, he moved his sight from directly in front to another place.

After entering October, because Hogwarts Castle is located in Scotland at a higher latitude, even in broad daylight when the weather is clear and sunny, The highest temperature outside the castle can only reach 12 or 13 degrees Celsius. The relatively closed public room inside the castle may be a little warmer, but not much warmer.

But even so, Gwen just wore it casually. She was wearing a silk nightgown that looked extremely thin.

Perhaps because the girls’ dormitory was protected by powerful magic, and it was impossible for anyone of the opposite sex to enter here, this little spider with a manly personality opened the door. Before, she had no intention of worrying about her image.

Even though it was late afternoon, Gwen looked as if she had just woken up.

Her end was still very soft in the morning. The golden hair hanging down on her shoulders was now like a huge bird’s nest, messy on her head.

The swollen eye bags, dark eye sockets, and the oily face because she hadn’t had time to wash her face, At first glance, it looks like something only a senior cultivator can possess.

Of course, these are not the most important things.

The main reason that makes Noah look away in embarrassment is that Gwen’s current clothes are too cool. It doesn’t match the current temperature outside the castle at all.

As we all know, thin and close-fitting clothes usually have an unavoidable problem, that is…

Although the definition of a plain in geography is a large area with a relatively flat ground area, but even a flat plain will inevitably have some ups and downs.

Not to mention, even a flat airport will have a prominent building like a tower.

After rubbing her sleepy eyes and realizing that there was something wrong with her appearance, Gwen greeted Fox into the room and summoned a ball of water with quick movements.

“Sorry, sorry, I was too late doing research last night, so I came back to catch up on my sleep after breakfast in the morning.……”

After smearing the water ball summoned by the clear water spring on his face, Gwen summoned a towel and rubbed his face vigorously.”You can just find a place to sit.” He glanced at it and only washed himself, but he was still wearing his clothes. That little spider in a cool nightgown, Noah’s heart was completely calm

“Well, Gwen, would you like to wear an extra coat? Aren’t you cold?”

The little spider slightly wet the comb in his hand, brushed his teeth quickly, and tried hard to smooth his messy hair with the comb.

“Fortunately, there is a fireplace in the bedroom……”

She obviously didn’t realize that”Fox” was not concerned about whether she was cold or not, but was talking about something else.

Noah, who was worried about being settled by Gwen, silently raised his hand, used the flying spell to randomly summon a coat from the closet in the room and threw it to Gwen.


Because she was not that familiar with Fox, Gwen’s behavior was a little strange. At the same time, she was also a little curious about the fact that Miss Phoenix, who she had no contact with at ordinary times, suddenly came to visit her in her dormitory.

After washing up at a very fast speed, Gwen put on her coat and sat down in the armchair opposite Noah. The room suddenly fell into an embarrassing silence. She glanced silently Gwen realized that she just draped the coat she had thrown on her back casually, but the two most critical points were still not covered by the coat. Noah once again removed his coat without leaving a trace. Sight.

Cough, look no evil, look no evil

“Well, don’t be afraid of what I’m going to say next.”

Gwen blinked in confusion at this somewhat incomprehensible statement, but the little spider who didn’t understand this famous phrase miraculously got half of the lines right in the end.

“Uh, is there something important? I won’t be afraid, please tell me.”

Originally Noah planned to mention it directly to Gwen. In fact, he was not Fox, but he briefly projected his consciousness onto Fox and controlled Fox’s actions.

But the reason that existed in Noah’s mind still succeeded. He gave up the idea and just made up another excuse.

“Noah is in trouble.”

Unexpectedly, the reason why Fox suddenly came to look for her was because Noah had missed lunch. Little Spider, who was now very hungry, her hand that was about to reach out to get refreshments suddenly stopped in the air.

“Noah? What trouble is he in?”

“The situation is very complicated. To sum it up, he is now trapped in another dimension different from the world we live in, and he has not yet found a way to escape.”

The expression on Gwen’s face gradually changed from confusion to dullness,”But wasn’t he still in the auditorium this morning?……”

“Wait, how did he pass the news to you?”

“Bloodline, half of the bloodline flowing in Noah’s body comes from me. We can carry out limited information transmission through induction at the bloodline level.……”

Gwen’s tone sounded a little inexplicable,”Bloodline……”

This made Noah a little confused, but he still quickly conveyed to Gwen the words that”Noah asked Fox to help convey”,”You should still have Noah’s blood and other body tissues preserved, right?”

Gwen Nodding,”Yes, he plans to……”

“We need to create a clone of Noah. Before he finds a way out, he can project his consciousness onto the cloned body through a spell called [Dreamwalk]”


Before Gwen could ask more questions, Noah, who felt that the time of this dreamwalk was approaching the limit, quickly stood up.

“There are not so many requirements for a clone. There is no need to consider physical strength and lifespan. It only needs to be a high enough match with Noah’s bloodline. As he spoke ,

Noah stood up and said,”Time is urgent. I have other things to deal with. Just���gone.”

Perhaps because the news brought by”Fox” was so surprising, Gwen didn’t notice that Fox today was a little different from the usual fat turkey in terms of speech and behavior. It was so the same.

Until Fox disappeared into the common room, Gwen didn’t notice anything unusual.

Almost ten minutes later, Gwen appeared in the sixth-grade Transfiguration class and explained to Professor McGonagall After Noah’s situation, Gwen hurried back to the eighth floor of the castle and went straight to Fox’s office.

With the help of the floo network system opened in the vice principal’s office, in just a short moment, Gwen crossed several A hundred kilometers away, he appeared in the tri-curved wing building of SHIELD’s headquarters in Birmingham.


At the same time, in the mysterious underground space of another dimension, the candles burning around Noah also happened to burn out at this moment.

After losing the illumination of the candlelight, everything around him once again returned to darkness and silence. Noah’s eyes quietly opened in the darkness.

Everything around him still maintains its original appearance.

The phoenix flame lingering around Noah is still burning blazingly. The ultra-high temperature of thousands of degrees, while preventing any parasite harboring the hive consciousness from entering, has also melted the surrounding soil and rocks. Baked until it was charred and cracked.

The invisible barrier formed by the super armor protection spell has not been touched even once.

Obviously, the hive is not as stupid as it looks, but is actually quite smart.

After discovering that he couldn’t devour Noah who had mastered the Phoenix Flame, Hive didn’t even hesitate and gave up taking any action against Noah.

Of course, this cannot be ruled out that it is just dormant for a short time. In this mysterious underground palace where there is no third party and is like a duel field, it is like a poisonous snake waiting for opportunities in the dark, looking for anyone who can kill the opponent. The timing of a strike.

But Noah would never give the other party such a chance.

Hive temporarily lost interest in Noah.

But the current situation is that as the magical side of the Hydra, how could Noah react to such an ancient Hydra series represented by Gideon Malik? Not interested in the Hydra god you believe in?

The hive can take other people’s bodies. Don’t their wizards have the magic to take other people’s bodies?

The answer is not only that, but it is also more sophisticated and efficient than the hive method.

After holding his breath, even the speed of blood rushing in the blood vessels slowed down at this moment, and the heartbeat gradually slowed down from the original seventy or eighty beats per minute to half of its original speed.

Thanks to his insistence on practicing Karma Taj’s physical skills for many years, Noah, who has super body control, can even subconsciously control the sound made by the friction of muscles and bones during action.

He did not use magic to cover his tracks, because even if the purpose of magic was to hide all the movements he made, the ripples of magic would leave extremely small traces.

He restrained his magic power to the extreme, and even the magic power that was originally spread out for perception was taken back by Noah.

Although this will make Noah a blind man with a perception range of less than two meters, this is not a big problem for Noah who is used to being in the dark.

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